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Nakashima Tadashi: more detail |
81. Historynovember 2000 Nankai Hawks pitcher Tadashi Sugiura dies at age 66. 1920 Eagles, Yamato and Kyuei outfielder Yoshio Tani is born. http://www.japanbaseballdaily.com/historynovember.html | |
82. Am J Pathol -- Table Of Contents (December 1 2004, 165 [6]) Am J Pathol 2004 165 19071920. Abstract Full Text Jung-Eun Kim, Kazuhisa Nakashima, and Benoit de Crombrugghe Transgenic Mice Expressing a http://ajp.amjpathol.org/content/vol165/issue6/ | |
83. Studies In Aesthetics And Art History Tadashi KANAI On the Model Drawings for the Ober St. Veit AltarPiece Some AsPects the Transition from Technique to SimPle, Kanjiro KAWAI in the 1920s http://www.bun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/aesthetics/e/e_saah.html | |
84. Reading Latest Additions July 2004 | San Diego Public Library 2, Expressing emotions 741.58/OZAWA Ozawa, Tadashi, How to draw anime game The 1920s 973.917/SICKELS Sickels, Robert. The 1940s 973.921/YOUNG Young, http://www.sandiego.gov/public-library/news-events/jul04ad.shtml | |
85. N He is survived by wife Alice T.; daughters Colleen N. Nakashima and Geri L. Nako 20, 1920 in Tay Mo , Ha Dong, Vietnam . He is survived by wife Doan Thi http://w3.byuh.edu/library/obituaries/1996/N.htm | |
86. Honolulu Advertiser & Star-Bulletin Obituaries Survived by wife, Margaret; sons, Jerel and Bert; brothers, Tadashi, Kazuo Lefty, Fred and Noriyuki He was born July 4, 1920 in Honolulu , Hawaii . http://w3.byuh.edu/library/obituaries/2004/Y.htm | |
87. Art In America: Galleries Museums & Artists - Colorado-Georgia - Directory European and American paintings of the 1920s through 1940s. G Artists exhibited Aizpiri, Peter Layne Arguimbau, Tadashi Asoma, Sam Barber, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1248/is_8_90/ai_90251609 | |
88. Slide Collection - 21st Century Artists N-Z Nakashima, Tom, 1941, USA. NAMES PROJECT AIDS MEMORIAL QUILT, USA WONNER, Paul, 1920-, USA. WOO, John, USA. WOOD, Julia, 1953-, KENYA http://www.calarts.edu/library/slides/21nz.html | |
89. Www.mancha.demon.co.uk/books.html Modernism and Tradition Danish Furniture 1920 1970. This concise, well-illustrated book considers Nakashima s work in the wider context of http://www.mancha.demon.co.uk/books.html | |
90. THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES TRIATHLON September 7, 2003 Www MALE 3034, 12, 62, 1920, GARY, MISSAKIAN, 33, 15, CHINO, 131, 01121, 00321, 54, 10410 MALE 50-54, 9, 282, 1928, Tadashi, NAKAMURA, 52, 15, DOWNEY http://www.latriathlon.com/Results/03Results/latrisprint.htm | |
91. Olympic Weightlifting - QWA - 2000 16th IWF-World Masters Weightlifting Champi Yutaka Nakashima. JPN. 1931. 61.40. 50.0. 55.0. 60.0. 70.0. 75.0. 80.0. 130.0. 347.954. Men s 6569 age group / 69kg class http://www.qwa.org/liftstats/natintstats/00worldmastersmen.asp | |
92. Ca. 2800 Englischsprachige Werke http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/barock/198/5742.htm | |
93. Slavic Studies Back Numbers 1920) http://src-home.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/publictn/slavic-studies/pastnumbers-e.html | |
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