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61. John Muir Trail -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article John Muir Trail is a (Click link for more info and facts about long distance who advocated the creation of national parks (18381914)) John Muir and http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/j/jo/john_muir_trail.htm | |
62. Booktalks Quick And Simple SUBJECTS Muir, John, 18381914 Fiction. Naturalists Fiction. Frontier andpioneer life California Fiction. Yosemite Valley (Calif.) Fiction. http://nancykeane.com/booktalks/mccully_squirrel.htm | |
63. Alibris: John Muir Used, new outof-print books by author John Muir. Founder of the SierraClub, Muir (1838-1914) did more than any other individual to shape the http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Muir, John | |
64. John Muir Authors Titles Categories Languages Recommended Help. John Muir.John Muir. Life 18381914. Titles. Steep Trails Travels in Alaska http://manybooks.net/authors/muirjohn.html | |
65. John Muir And Wisconsin John Muir, (18381914), was a American naturalist, explorer, and writer. He wasan influential conservationist, who worked to preserve wilderness areas and http://www.wcwcw.com/feature19.htm | |
66. Daily Celebrations ~ John Muir, Joyous Inseparable Unity ~ April Celebrating the life of John Muir. Celebration includes background legendarynaturalist and conservationist John Muir (18381914) was born on this day http://www.dailycelebrations.com/042102.htm |
67. John Muir - Let Everyone Help To Save The Famous Hetch-Hetchy Valley John Muir (18381914) was the leader of the movement to save the Hetch HetchyValley from despoliation at the hands of the City and County of San Francisco, http://www.sfmuseum.org/john/muir.html | |
68. MBG: An Illustrated History Of The Missouri Botanical Garden - Search Results Image of John Burroughs (left) John Muir (right) in Alaska. Burroughs (1) Muir (2) Alaska, John Burroughs (left) John Muir (right) in Alaska. http://www.mobot.org/mobot/archives/results.asp?pagenum=1&selectby=subject&phras |
69. Muir, John Famous Quotes Famous Quotes By Muir, John. 18381914 Lothian Born American NaturalistConservationist. The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness. http://www.borntomotivate.com/FamousQuote_JohnMuir.html | |
70. Overview Of John Muir Country Park Gazetteer for Scotland The definitive description of John Muir Country Park () John Muir (18381914), the John Muir Country Park extends over 733 ha http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/features/featurefirst253.html | |
71. John Muir, Scottish Conservationist John Muir. John Muir 18381914. John Muir - farmer, inventor, sheepherder,naturalist, explorer, writer, and conservationist - was born on April 21, http://www.fife.50megs.com/john-muir.htm | |
72. The Story Of My Boyhood And Youth By John Muir By John Muir (1913) - John Muir E A part of the John Muir Exhibit, by Harold Wood and Harvey Chinn. 1913, bythe Atlantic Monthly Company; 1913, by John Muir. Muir, John, 18381914. http://www.tipiglen.dircon.co.uk/boyhoodindex.html | |
73. Mount Shasta Annotated Bibliography - Chapter 21 Muir, John 18381914. A Wind Storm in the Forests of the Yuba. Muir, John1838-1914. The Cruise of the Corwin Journal of the Arctic Expedition of 1881 http://www.siskiyous.edu/shasta/bib/B21.htm | |
74. SummitPost.org - Mount Muir Climbing Information John Muir (18381914), born in Scotland, reared in the University of Wisconsin,by final choice a Californian, widely traveled observer of the world we http://www.summitpost.org/show/mountain_link.pl/mountain_id/359 | |
75. Northern Region - Centennial John Muir (18381914) left his native Scotland in 1849 to start a new life onthe Wisconsin frontier. He attended the University of Wisconsin in his http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/centennial/muir.shtml | |
76. Spirituality & Health: John Muir They were written by John Muir (18381914), founder of the Sierra Club and anadvocate of the preservation of wilderness through a national parks system. http://www.spiritualityhealth.com/newsh/items/bookreview/item_6514.html | |
77. America's T-Shirt Catalog - John Muir Picture of John Muir(18381914) Conservationist, Scientist, Naturalist, Writerand InventorMuir is revered as guardian of the North American http://www.historyshirt.com/shirt/cgi/t-shirt.cgi?jmr |
78. America's Wilderness : The Photographs Of Ansel Adams With The Writings Of John John Muir 18381914 Farmer, inventor, sheepherder (later opposing this activitydue to its destruction of mountain meadows and forests), naturalist, http://www.2think.org/adams.shtml | |
79. Other Quotes John Muir, naturalist, explorer, and writer (1838-1914) -The love of one scountry is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border. http://www.duke.edu/~jpc/OtherQuotes.html | |
80. Also Nearby: John Muir National Historic Site @ Nationalgeographic.com Sun.; Adm. fee) Naturalist and writer John Muir (18381914), whose influencehelped create Yosemite National Park, lived in this 17-room Italianate house. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/destinations/San_Francisco/John_Muir_National_ | |
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