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21. Browse By Author: M - Project Gutenberg Montaigne, Michel de (15331592). Wikipedia The Essays of Montaigne Complete (English); The Essays of Montaigne Volume 01 (English) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/m | |
22. The Essays Of Montaigne â Complete By Michel De Montaigne - Project Gutenbe Creator, Montaigne, Michel de (15331592). Translator, Cotton, Charles (1630-1687).Title, The Essays of Montaigne Complete. Language, English http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/3600 | |
23. Project Gutenberg Titles By Montaigne, Michel De, 1533-1592 Project Gutenberg Titles by. Montaigne, Michel de, 15331592. Essays of Michelde Montaigne Essays of Michel de Montaigne A Consideration upon Cicero; http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Montaigne, Miche |
24. Michel De Montaigne (1533-1592) Michel de Montaigne (15331592). Montaigne Studies a journal supported by theUniversity of Chicago. The site also contains a list of helpful Renaissance http://www.theology.ie/thinkers/montaigne.htm | |
25. Montaigne (1533-1592). Montaigne (15331592) Que sçais-je?1 Michel Eyquem de Montaigne was born tothe aristocracy; the family estate was located thirty miles west of http://www.blupete.com/Literature/Biographies/Literary/Montaigne.htm | |
26. Michel De Montaigne: Definition And Much More From Answers.com as the originator of the modern essay (15331592) Synonyms Montaigne, MichelMontaigne Michel de Montaigne is mentioned in the following topics http://www.answers.com/topic/michel-de-montaigne | |
27. Michel De Montaigne Montaigne (15331592) came from a rich bourgeois family that acquired nobilityafter his father Le Journal de Voyage en Italie de Michel de Montaigne. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/montaigne/ | |
28. Info About Montaigne, Michel De, 1533-1592. Works. 1997 Montaigne, Michel de, 15331592. Works. 1997. description. Includes all workspublished during the author s lifetime and after his death in various http://hermes.mse.jhu.edu/publicInfoAbout.cfm?BIBID=23953 |
29. Malaspina.com - Michel De Montaigne (1533-1592) Research bibliography, books and links to 1000 other interdisciplinary entriescompiled by Russell McNeil. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/mont1.htm | |
30. Michel De Montaigne Books And Articles - Research Michel De Montaigne, Michel de, 15331592. Essais Essays of Messire Michel Lord ofMontaigne, Knight of the Order deceased friend Etienne de La Boetie http://www.questia.com/library/literature/michel-de-montaigne.jsp |
31. GURTEEN Person: Michel De Montaigne Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (15331592) - French writer, who introduced the essayas a literary form. His essays, which range over a wide variety of topics, http://www.gurteen.com/gurteen/gurteen.nsf/id/michel-de-montaigne | |
32. On Rebuking, Laughing, Buying Selling, Loving ... By Michel De Montaigne sustain in that way duties which are at least as hard and as tense as thoseof other lives. Michel de Montaigne (15331592) French writer philosopher http://www.gurteen.com/gurteen/gurteen.nsf/id/X0018634A/ | |
33. MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE - LoveToKnow Article On MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE Montaigne, Michel de (15331592), French essayist, was born, as he himself tellsus, between eleven -o clock and noon on the 28th of February 1533. http://45.1911encyclopedia.org/M/MO/MONTAIGNE_MICHEL_DE.htm | |
34. RA Forum > Montaigne, Michel Eyguem De (1533-1592) Translate this page Montaigne, Michel Eyguem de (1533-1592) Montaigne a longuement interrogé desIndiens dAmérique quil eut loccasion de rencontrer. http://raforum.apinc.org/mot.php3?id_mot=2394 |
35. Montaigne, Michel De -- Encyclopædia Britannica Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (15331592) Brief biography of this medieval Frenchcourtier and author of Essais. Includes a list of his works. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9108739 | |
36. Full Duke Catalog - Search Results Montaigne, Michel de, 15331592. Le corpus Montaigne electronic resource /,Digital, 1997, Library (Owned/Out) Perkins-Library( 1/ 0) http://library.duke.edu/catalog/search/isbn/2869760256 | |
37. Great Books And Classics - Michel De Montaigne Author Chronological, Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) Hardcover edition ofThe Complete Essays of Montaigne, translated by Donald M. Frame (Stanford http://www.grtbooks.com/montaigne.asp?idx=0&yr=1533 |
38. Alibris: Michel De Montaigne by Montaigne, Michel de, 15331592, and Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 1533-1592,and Dali, Salvador, 1904-, and Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687 http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Montaigne, Michel de | |
39. !DOCTYPE TEI.2 SYSTEM Teixlite.dtd TEI.2 TeiHeader Type title type= parallel The essays of Michel de Montaigne /title author Montaigne,Michel de, 15331592 /author editor Saulnier, Verdun L. /editor http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/ARTFL/projects/montaigne/header.html | |
40. RAFFINIERT.CH - Philosophie - Michel De Montaigne (1533-1592) Translate this page Philosophenporträt Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) http://www.raffiniert.ch/smontaigne.html | |
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