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42. Untitled Document a b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u Martorell ( Tirant lo Blanc ), Joanot (1414-1468) Mas Ferrà, Miquel http://www.escriptors.com/autors/ |
43. - TIRANT LE BLANC - Lekti-ecriture.com Translate this page Pour le peu que lon en sache, la vie de Joanot Martorell (1413-1468) constitue, Cest ainsi que Joanot se retrouve, en 1449, à la tête dune bande de http://www.lekti-ecriture.com/editeurs/TIRANT-LE-BLANC.html | |
44. ? La Revue De Presse Des éditeurs - Lekti-ecriture.com Translate this page du chevalier Tirant au belliqueux Espagnol Joanot Martorell (1413-1468), Arraché à la poussière des bibliothèques (où il dormait à côté dAmadis de http://www.lekti-ecriture.com/editeurs/ A-propos-de-TIRANT-LE-BLANC-Revue .html |
45. Read About November 20 At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research November 20 And Le 1468 Joanot Martorell s book Tirant lo Blanc is published for the first time . Births. 1602 - Otto von Guericke, German physicist, inventor (d. http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/November_20 | |
46. PuntBarra - Allò Que T'interessa Translate this page Escrich en vulgar valenciana, per ço que la nacio don yo so natural sen puixaalegrar e molt ajudar Joanot Martorell Joanot Martorell (1413-1468) http://puntbarra.com/comment/reply/2326/6508 | |
47. November 20 - Slider 1468 Joanot Martorell s book Tirant lo Blanc is published for the first time . 1602 Otto von Guericke, German physicist and inventor (d. http://enc.slider.com/Enc/November_20 | |
48. Comprar Tirant Lo Blanc En ELPAIS.es - Tienda: Compara Y Compra Millones De Prod Translate this page Joanot Martorell (c.1414-1468) és autor d¸una de les novel.les més importants-i sens dubte la més famosa- de la literatura catalana. aquest actiu i http://tienda.elpais.es/share-cgi/search.ftcb?k=Tirant Lo Blanc&f=1&id=20 |
49. Article About "November 20" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Apr-2004 1468 Joanot Martorell s book Tirant lo Blanch is published for the first time . 1983); 1914 - Emilio Pucci, fashion designer (d. http://fixedreference.org/en/20040424/wikipedia/November_20 | |
50. Tirant Lo Blanc; Joanot Martorell Joanot Martorell va morir l any 1468 a Gandia. Marc literari Representa elsvalors socials de Joanot Martorell. Al morir Tirant d una malaltia, http://html.rincondelvago.com/tirant-lo-blanc_joanot-martorell_45.html | |
51. Llegir Tirant Lo Blanc Haurem de parlar d ara endavant del Tirant lo Blanc de Joanot Martorell, sensel afegitó de Martí Hem de recordar que els nostre autor morí el 1468. http://parnaseo.uv.es/Tirant/Llegir_Tirant.html | |
52. LeLibraire : Tirant Le Blanc - Joanot Martorell doit les aventuresdu chevalier Tirant au belliqueux Espagnol Joanot Martorell (1413-1468), http://www.lelibraire.com/din/tit.php?Id=18879 |
53. VALENCIANISME.COM so natural sen puixa alegrar e molt ajudar Joanot Martorell 14131468 i només parlen d història que si fórem allò, que si Joanot Martorell i http://www.valencianisme.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1466 |
54. Articles - 1468 November 24 Jean de Dunois, bastard of Louis d Orl©ans (born 1402) Joanot Martorell, Valencian novelist. Gennadius Scholarius, Patriarch of http://www.1-electric.com/articles/1468 | |
55. Articles - November 20 1468 Joanot Martorell s book Tirant lo Blanc is published for the first time . 1921 - Jim Garrison, assassination detective, author, and politician (d. http://www.1-electric.com/articles/November_20 | |
56. CalendarHome.com - November 20 - Calendar Encyclopedia 1468 Joanot Martorell s book Tirant lo Blanch is published for the first time . Births. 1602 - Otto von Guericke, German physicist, inventor (d. http://encyclopedia.calendarhome.com/November_20.htm | |
57. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Marshall, Logan, editor. Martorell, Joanot, d. 1468. Marx, Karl, 18181883.Masefield, John, 1878-1967. Mason, Amelia Ruth Gere. Mason, Mary Murdoch http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
58. Homepage Claus D. Pusch / Ein Paar Worte Zum Katalanischen Joanot Martorell (1414?-1468) mit seinemRoman Tirant lo Blanc und Ausiàs March, der sich als erster katalanischer Poet http://www.romanistik.uni-freiburg.de/pusch/katalan.htm | |
59. Joanot Martorell Biography .ms Joanot Martorell. See also. Quotes. Joanot Martorell (14131468) was the Valencianauthor of the novel Tirant lo caJoanot Martorell eoJoanot Martorell http://joanot-martorell.biography.ms/ | |
60. Indymedia NL (The Netherlands) - Catalan Language In Europe Ausiàs Marc (13971459), Joanot Martorell (1413 o 1414-1468), Isabel de Villena d) Globalization. Perhaps this is the more important phenomenon in http://www.indymedia.nl/en/2004/06/19745.shtml | |
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