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Marcus Annaeus Lucanus 39-65 Ad: more detail |
61. MEK FÜLSZÖVEG García (18981936) Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus (39-65) Lucretius, Titus 1791-1861) Seneca,Lucius Annaeus (Kr. csupán ízelítot AD (kényszeruségbol), és http://vmek.niif.hu/html/vgi/vkereses/ful.phtml?id=1391 |
62. Oliveto Citra MAGAZINES ReVision 6/22/2002 Niola, Marino Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, Romanpoet, AD 3965) between the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas. http://enciclopedia.ws/Oliveto_Citra | |
63. Reinkarnation Lexikon L Translate this page Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus (39-65), römischer Dichter. Denique conubia AD Venerispartusque ferarum/ esse animas praesto deridiculum esse videtur, http://www.uni-graz.at/~gossler/pers/reinlex/lex/r-lex-l.html | |
64. Iarbas France. See Raymond Berenger. Lucan. Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, AD 3965, theRoman writer, born in Cordova in Spain and educated at Rome. http://www.worldebooklibrary.com/eBooks/TonyKline_Collection/Html/DantindexIJLM. |
65. Greske Og Latinske Navneformer Inntil år 1500 Epistula AD Frontonem -Historia Romana -xRomaïka Prooemium Basilica Italica -Lexicon Vindobonense Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus -Epicus (39-65) Latin http://www.ub.uio.no/uhs/sok/fag/teologi/baser/GreLatWWWv.1.html | |
66. Roman Writers (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis) (47 130 AD); Livy (Titus Livius) (59 BC - 17 AD);Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus) (39 - 65 AD); Lucian (120 - 180 AD) http://www.unrv.com/culture/roman-writers.php | |
67. Malaspina Great Books - Lucan (39) The Roman poet Lucan is named, in Latin, Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, and is one of the Lucan was born in Cordoba in presentday Spain, in the year 39 AD, http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_773.asp | |
68. Malaspina Great Books - Lucan (39) Marcus Annaeus Lucanus, and is one of the outstanding figures of the Silver Latinperiod. Lucan was born in Cordoba in presentday Spain, in the year 39 AD, http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_773.asp?period_id=17&category_id=6 |
69. Chronological Author List "1 AD - 999" Compiled By GIGA Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus Lucan), Roman (Spanishborn) last of Roman epic poets (fl.39 - 65) - READ QUOTES (58) BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/quay0001.htm | |
70. Lucanus Quotes And Quotations Compiled By GIGA Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus LUCAN). Roman (Spanishborn) last of Roman epic poets (fl.39 - 65) Lat., Vana quoque AD veros accessit fama timores. http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/authors/marcus_lucanus_a002.htm | |
71. History Of Philosophy 13 Roman Stoics the best known are L. Annaeus Cornutus (AD 2066), M. AnnaeusLucanus (AD 39-65), Laer., VII, 30; Marcus Aurelius, IX, 16. {25} Diog. http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/hop13.htm | |
72. Philadelphia Rare Books And Manuscripts: 18th Century: Authors A-B Lucan with Plates after Gravelot. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Lucan (AD 3965) was bornat Córdoba, Spain, but raised in Rome; he was the grandson of the elder http://prbm.com/interest/18c-loh-lz.shtml | |
73. Philadelphia Rare Books And Manuscripts: Bindings Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Lucan (AD 3965) was born at Córdoba, Spain, but raisedin Rome; he was the grandson of the elder Seneca, nephew of the younger http://prbm.com/interest/binding-g-l.shtml | |
74. New Acquisitions In Classics On the commonwealth / Marcus Tullius Cicero ; translated, with an Lucan, 3965.Bellum civile, Liber IX / M. Annaeus Lucanus ; Einleitung, Text http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/ARTH/clasaug.html | |
75. Ancient History Sourcebook: Themes In Understanding Ancient Societies Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus) (3965 CE) Pharsalia (aka The Civil War ) AtOMACL; Plutarch (c.46-c.120 CE) Life of Pompey (100-48 BCE)At MIT http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/themes.html | |
76. Epiphanius Physiologus: Auctores Lucanus Marcus Annaeus Lucanus = Lucan (39 65 CE). Roman ecclesiasticalwriter; author of AD nationes, Apologeticus, and Liber de praescriptione http://gateway.uvic.ca/spcoll/physiologum/commentary/txt_authors.htm | |
77. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors AD ) LORCA, Frederico Garcia (1898 - 1936) LORD, John (1810 - 1894) LOTI, Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (39 - 65) LUCILIUS, (c.180bc - 102/1bc) LUCRETIUS, http://gutenberg.net.au/birthdeath.html | |
78. Martialis, The Poet Of Epigrams Marcus Valerius Martialis was born around the year 40 CE in Spain. Senecasnephew, M. Annaeus Lucanus (3965 CE), also from Spain and also a poet, http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Article/597524 | |
79. PHILIP WARD'S A LIFETIME READING: THE WORLD'S 500 GREATEST BOOKS Lucius Annaeus Seneca (c4 BC 65 AD), Letters from a Stoic Marcus AnnaeusLucanus (Lucan) (39-65), De Bello Civili (Concerning the Civil War) http://home.comcast.net/~netaylor1/philipward500.htm | |
80. Bibliotheca Augustana Translate this page Marcus Annaeus Lucanus 39 - 65 p. Chr. n. Bellu m civile siv e Pharsalia Primus liber continet causas belli civilis (67) ADventumque Caesaris AD Italiam http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost01/Lucan/luc_bc00.html | |
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