Index Timeline Economy People ... Contact Encyclopedia Louisiana Federal Officials in 1803 Most of these federal officials never traveled to Louisiana, but they had a significant role in its purchase and early development. Aaron Burr Henry Dearborn Albert Gallatin Gideon Granger ... Thomas Pinckney Aaron Burr February 6, 1756 - September 14, 1836 Aaron Burr born in Newark in the colony of New Jersey. Both of Burr's parents die before he is 3 years old and he is raised by Timothy Edwards, a maternal uncle.He will enter the College of New Jersey, a university that his father had helped to establish and which later becomes Princeton University. Burr graduates with honors and begins a private study of Theology. Burr changes his career to law. Burr joins the Continental Army in Boston. Burr serves as a Captain on the staff of Benedict Arnold at Quebec. He is cited for valor, promoted to Major and assigned to George Washington's secretarial staff. By June 22 a conflict has developed between Burr and Washington and he is reassigned to the staff of Isreal Putnam, Washington's second in Command in New York City. Twice Burr is cited for directing the rescue of troops trapped in Brooklyn Heights and in the city. Burr meets James Wilkinson while serving with the army in its attempt to conquer Canada. He does not meet him again for many years, perhaps until a few months after the Louisiana purchase. | |