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61. Science And Society Picture Library - Search Sir Charles Lyell (17971875) became interested in geology at a young age andhad access to the large library owned by his father, Charles Lyell, http://www.scienceandsociety.co.uk/results.asp?image=10401485 |
62. The C. Warren Irvin, Jr., Collection Of Charles Darwin And Darwiniana: Geology Sir Charles Lyell, 17971875. Elements of geology. From the 2nd English ed.2 vols. Boston Hilliard, Gray, 1841. This second edition of Lyell s widely-read http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/nathist/darwin/darwin5.html | |
63. The Voyage Of The Beagle By Charles Darwin: A Searchable Online Version At The L believe that one great authority, Sir Charles Lyell, from further reflexionentertains grave Charles Lyell (17971875) Who was Charles Lyell? http://www.online-literature.com/darwin/voyage_beagle/ | |
64. SummitPost.org - Mount Lyell Climbing Information Mount Lyell, for Sir Charles Lyell (17971875), whose admirable geological workshave been well known to students of this branch of science, http://www.summitpost.org/show/mountain_link.pl/mountain_id/358 | |
65. Lyell, Etna, And The Immensity Of Geological Time, 1830 Lyell, Charles Sir (17971875). Principles of geology. London J. Murray, 1830-1833.Charles Lyell got his first inkling of the scope of geological time http://www.lindahall.org/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/vulcan/64.shtml | |
66. Index And Bibliography Of Exhibition Items Lyell, Charles Sir (17971875). Principles of geology. London J. Murray, 1830-1833.See item 64. MacCulloch, John (1773-1835). On the junction of trap and http://www.lindahall.org/events_exhib/exhibit/exhibits/vulcan/bibliography.shtml | |
67. Groups Lyell, Sir Charles (17971875). Macauley, JH. Mackie, David. Maclear, SirThomas (1794-1879). Macrae, John. Main, Robert (1808-1878). Malcolm, Sir Charles http://home.bt-webworld.com/tides/Early.htm | |
68. The Royal College Of Surgeons Of England Manuscripts - L Letter to Sir Astley Cooper from Dr Bennati on behalf of Larrey Lyell,Charles (17971875) geologist Correspondence with Richard Owen re fossil bones http://www.rcseng.ac.uk/services/library/collections/manuscripts/manuscripts_l_h |
69. GASHE - Project Updates - Minutes - NAHSTE Name Authority Files Lyell Sir Charles 17971875 geologist. Miller Hugh 1802-1856 manof letters and geologist. Monro Alexander 1733-1817 professor of http://www.gashe.ac.uk/updates/nahstnaf.html | |
70. Naturenotes Apuntes De Historia Natural.cuaderno De Biografías.charles Lyell Translate this page Lyell, Sir Charles (1797-1875). Nació el 14 de Noviembre de 1797 en Escocia.Era el hijo mayor de Charles Lyell of Kinnordy (1767-1849) quien fue conocido http://www.naturenotes.org/notes/dbiografias/biografias_lyell.htm | |
71. AIM25: Imperial College Of Science, Technology And Medicine: RAMSAY, Sir Andrew correspondence with Sir Charles Lyell, 18461874, held at Edinburgh Lyell Sir Charles 1797-1875 1st Baronet geologist Murchison Sir http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/frames/fulldesc?inst_id=3&coll_id=1075 |
72. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List (L) - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Lydgate, John, 1370?1451? Disguising At Hertford. Lyell, Charles, Sir, 1797-1875.Antiquity of Man, The; Student s Elements of Geology, The http://www.globusz.com/authors_l.asp | |
73. Scottish Surnames Lyell, Sir Charles (17971875) of Kinnordy, near Kirriemuir. Geologist.His Principals of Geology (1830-33) may be ranked with Darwin s Origin of Species, http://www.fife.50megs.com/scottish-surnames-l.htm | |
74. SIR CHARLES LYELL: E La Geologia Moderna. La Vita Translate this page Sir Charles Lyellla Geologia Moderna. Roberta Raso Monica Ulberti CharlesLyell (1797-1875). Geologo e naturalista scozzese, Charles Lyell è una delle http://www.minerva.unito.it/SIS/Lyell/Lyell1.htm | |
75. Victorian Poetry, Volume 42, 2004 - Table Of Contents In memoriam AHH; Lyell, Charles, Sir, 17971875. Principles of geology. Religion andscience Great Britain. Rigg, Patricia Diane, 1951-; Augusta Webster http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/victorian_poetry/toc/vp42.2.html | |
76. Lecture 2 - Geological Time Principles, evidence, and results brilliantly summarized by Charles Lyell (17971875)in Principles of Sir Charles Lyell (NG McDonald Collection) http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/dees/courses/v1001/geotime2.html | |
77. Did Wallace Forestall Darwin?: Ideas & Identities Of India Pakistan A Short Biography of Charles Lyell (17971875) Charles Lyell was born in He was the younger son of Sir William Jackson Hooker, and was assistant http://www.chowk.com/show_article.cgi?aid=00005065&channel=university ave |
78. Angus Council | Local History | People Of Angus | Sir Charles Lyell (1797 - 1875 Sir Charles Lyell 1797 1875. Sir Robert Watson-Watt Scientists and Inventors Artists, Authors and Musicians Military Provosts http://www.angus.gov.uk/history/features/people/patrickbell.htm | |
79. Sir Charles Lyell A Biography of the Anthropologist Sir Charles Lyell. 1797 1875. Lyell.jpg (25918bytes) Sir Charles Lyell was born in Scotland on November 14, http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/information/biography/klmno/lyell_charles.html | |
80. Scran - Lyell [Sir Charles Lyell (1797 - 1875)] Scran is a UK charity with a learning image service 300000 images, clip art,movies and sounds from museums, galleries, archives and the media; http://www.scran.ac.uk/database/record.php?usi=000-000-000-042-L |
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