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         Lyall Edna:     more detail

41. - Research Centre
Lodge David (1935) Novelist and critic born in London and educated at LondonUniversity . Lyall Edna (18571903) pseudonym of novelist Ada Allen Bayly .

42. - Research Centre
Lyall Edna (18571903) pseudonym of novelist Ada Allen Bayly . Lytton Edward GeorgeEarle Lytton Bulwer-1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873) Novelist .

43. Project Gutenberg Titles
The, by Mitchell, S. Weir (Silar Weir), 18291914 Autobiography of a Slander,The, by Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Autocrat of the Breakfast Table,
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The Case of George Dedlow, The, by Mitchell, S. Weir (Silar Weir), 18291914Autobiography of a Slander, The, by Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Autocrat of
TITLES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER (use your browser search function to find a title....i.e. Ctrl F)

$30,000 Bequest And Other Stories, The, by Twain, Mark, 1835-1910
1492, by Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936
1990 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1991 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1992 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1993 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1994 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1995 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1997 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 1998 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas, by Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 32nd Mersenne Prime, Predicted by Mersenne, The, by Slowinski, David A. V. Laider, by Beerbohm, Max, Sir, 1872-1956

45. The Lost Continent Of - Are We Going To Explore It?
Case Of George Dedlow, The, by Mitchell, S. Weir (Silar Weir), 18291914 AutobiographyOf A Slander, The, by Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Autobiography Of

46. VRW: Wolff Collection, HRC
Lyall, Edna under BAYLY, ADA ELLEN (18571903) Bayly, AE Letters Bayly, nd Signed with pseudonym Ralph Iron. Works Schreiner, O. From man to man; or,
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Manuscript Holdings of Selected Nineteenth-Century Women Writers
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
The University of Texas at Austin

47. Virtual_Library
Joseph Crosby, 18701944 Deputy Of Arcis, The, by Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850 DerrickVaughan, Novelist, by Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903 pseudonym Derues, by Dumas
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48. Carolina Bookshop At
Lyall, ALFRED (SIR ALFRED Lyall) The Rise of the British Dominion in IndiaBOOKS2027594 Lyall, Edna (pseudonym OF ADA ELLEN BAYLY, 1857-1903) - Donovan.
Carolina Bookshop
612 West Main Street, Locust, N.C. 28097, USA.
Telephone: 704-537-7243, Fax: None Email: Search our books Search Antiqbook Search on this page Click on booknumber for full information : LOFARO, MICHAEL A. - The Life and Adventures of Daniel Boone
: LOFTS, NORAH - Pargeters. [a Historical Novel of Seventeenth-Century England]
: LOFTS, NORAH - Anne Boleyn
: LOGAN, CHUCK - Vapor Trail
: LOGAN, MRS. JOHN A., EDITOR - Thirty Years in Washington Or Life and Scenes in Our National Capital
: LOGASA, HANNAH, COMPILER - Historical Fiction. Guide for Junior and Senior High Schools, and Colleges, Also for General Reader. Seventh Revised and
: LOGGINS, KENNY AND JULIA LOGGINS - The Unimaginable Life: Lessons Learned on the Path of Love
: LOGSDON, GENE - Wyeth People: A Portrait of Andrew Wyeth As He Is Seen By His Friends and Neighbors : LOGUE, LYNNSY LEE -

49. 3000(?)(?)
Memoirs of US Grant Grayson, David (18701946, pseudonym) The Friendly Road InstructionBook) A Treatise on Good Works Lyall, Edna (1857-1903) The Autobiography

50. Literature Autographs, Letters, Documents, Manuscripts
BAYLY, Ada Ellen (Edna Lyall) (18571903). Novelist. Autograph Letter Signedto Gavarni (pseudonym of Sulpice Guillaume Chevalier, 1804-1866,
Literature This is our less expensive material and the descriptions are necessarily rather brief. Longer descriptions and illustrations are not usually provided for this category. There is very little material beyond the letter "L", but cataloguing is continuing, albeit rather slowly. Please ask if you have specific interests which are not found.
You may also search for any word in the entire stock. Z Divert to more significant selection for this category ABBOTT, Jacob (1803-1879). American writer for the young.
Final six lines and signature of an Autograph Letter Signed.
A'BECKETT, Arthur William (1844-1909). Humorous writer.
Autograph Letter Signed to a Doctor sending Punch and promising his 'Scotch book', 1 page 8vo, 17 Feb 1877.
ADAMS, William Davenport (1851-1904). Journalist.
Letter Signed to Forman thanking him for new of the new play, 1 page 8vo (traces of old mounting), Globe Office, no date.
ADCOCK, Arthur St John (1864-1930). Journalist and novelist.
Autograph Letter Signed to Cooper thanking him for a subscription, 1 page 8vo, Rickmansworth, 3 Nov 1909.
ADOLPHUS, John Leycester

51. Food For Thought: Biographies
Edna Lyall) (English novelist), 18571903. Bayly, Thomas Haynes (English author, Byrne, John Keyes (pseudonym Hugh Leonard) (Irish playwright), b.1926
Ba, Mariama (Senegalese writer, activist) Ba, Oumar (Mauritanian historian, poet) b.1914 Baade, Wilhelm Heinrich Walter (German-born Am. astronomer) Baader, Franz Xaver von (German Roman Catholic philosopher) Baasha (or Baasa) (King of Israel c.900-877 BC) 9th cent. BC Babalola, Solomon Adeboye (Nigerian poet, scholar) b.1926 Baba Taher "'Oryan" (Persian poet) c.1000-1055? Babbage, Charles (English mathematician, inventor) Babbitt, Bruce Edward (American politician) b.1938 Babbitt, Irving (American scholar, educator) Babbitt, Isaac (American inventor) Babcock, Harold Delos (American astronomer) Babcock, Orville E. (American army officer) Babcock, Stephen Moulton (American agricultural chemist) Babel, Isaac Emmanuilovich (Russian writer) Babell, William (English organist, composer) c.1690-1723 Baber, Asa James (American writer, educator) Babes, Victor (Romanian physician, bacteriologist) Babeuf, Francois-Noel (pseud. Gracchus Babeuf) (Fr. agitator) Babic, Ljubomir (pen name Ksaver Sandor Djalski)(Croatian poet) Babinet, Jacques (French physicist) Babington, Anthony (English conspirator)

52. Projecto Gutenberg
Lyall, Edna, 18571903, pseudonym. We Two, a novel Derrick Vaughan, Novelist Autobiography Of A Slander, The. Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
Projecto Gutenberg Procura por Autor: L Autores: A B C D ... other Idiomas: Bulgarian Chinese Danish Dutch ... Yiddish L.C.
La Fontaine, Jean de

Fables of La Fontaine A New Edition, With Notes

Tales And Novels Of J. de La Fontaine Complete

Tales And Novels Of J. de La Fontaine Volume 25

Tales And Novels Of J. de La Fontaine Volume 24

Labiche, Eugene and Edouard Martin
Ladue, Joseph

Memoirs, Correspondence and Manuscripts of General Lafayette
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de Memoirs Of General Lafayette : With An Account Of His Visit To America and His Reception By The People Of The United State Lafayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne comtesse de Princess De Montpensier, The Princess of Cleves, The Treasure, The Lamb, Charles The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, Volume 2 The Best Letters of Charles Lamb Adventures Of Ulysses, The Tales Of Shakespeare ... Tales Of Shakespeare Lamothe-Langon, Etienne Leon, baron de Memoirs Of The Comtesse Du Barry, with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. Written by herself Memoirs Of The Comtesse Du Barry; with intimate details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV Lamprey, L. Masters of the Guild Landers, J.

53. Proyecto Gutenberg ÍNDICE DE AUTORES
Translate this page Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym AKA Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903 Lydgate, John,1370?-1451? Lyell, Charles, Sir, 1797-1875 Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton,

54. Forfatterleksikon 1850-1900. Skønlitteratur 1500-1908. Udenlandske Og Uidentifi
Bayly, Ada Ellen (18571903). Lyall, E. Frithiof Falck, (1892, roman) EMP 218Lyall, E. Doreen, (1899, Lyall, Edna (pseudonym), se Bayly, Ada Ellen
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55. Inventory Of The Mortlake Collection Of English Life And Letters
and the use of the pseudonym Florian; AMsS, Into the Middle of Next Week Lyall, Edna, 18571903 ALS, 23 August 1895, to William Morris Colles,

56. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS
18251892 Baudelaire, Charles, 1821-1867 Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903 AKA Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Bazin, Rene
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57. English-USH Web Directory / Communication Skills / Computer Literacy/ICT / EBook
Ernest (18351897) Gissing, George (1857-1903) Green, Anna Pinocchio, The, by C.Collodi pseudonym of Carlo of a Slander, The, by Edna Lyall Autobiography of

58. HL
15751632 Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919 Bayly, Ada Ellen, 1857-1903AKA Lyall, Edna, 1857-1903, pseudonym Beaumont, Mary Beck, L. Adams (Lily

Autobiography Of A Slander, The, by Lyall, Edna, 18571903, pseudonym AutobiographyOf Andrew Dickson White Volume 2, by White, Andrew Dickson, 1832-1918
LISTA DE TITULOS Home Lista Autores Utilice el buscador para localizar título que busca. Esta lista es orientativa, la lista completa la encontrará en la página oficial del Proyecto Gutenberg Descárgate la lista en este archivo 1492, by Johnston, Mary, 1870-1936
1601, by Twain, Mark, 1835-1910
1990 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1991 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1992 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1993 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1994 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1995 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1997 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
1998 CIA World Factbook, The, by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, by Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 20,000 Leagues Under The Seas, by Verne, Jules, 1828-1905 32nd Mersenne Prime, The; predicted by Mersenne, by Slowinski, David

60. English Classics 3000 Table Of Contents ( Listed By Author ) A
pseudonym) The Friendly Road; New Adventures in Contentment Green, Book)A Treatise on Good Works Lyall, Edna (18571903) The Autobiography of a

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