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Lorenzini Carlo: more detail | ||||
41. Transformed Through His Grace Carlo Collodi (pseudonym of Carlo Lorenzini, 18261890) was a creative writerwho produced a kind of fairy tale for children entitled Pinocchio s http://news.adventist.org/specials/2005/gcsession/2005-07-04/devotional-badenas. | |
42. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Collodi, Carlo, 18261890 AKA Lorenzini, Carlo, 1826-1890. Colum, Padraic,1881-1972. Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972. Confucius. Congreve, William, 1670-1729 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
43. Candlewick Press - Catalog subjects Art; Chapter books; Classics; authors comments Carlo Collodi was thepen name of Italian journalist and author Carlo Lorenzini (18261890). http://www.candlewick.com/cat.asp?mode=book&isbn=0763622613&browse=title |
44. System Unavailable Collodi, Carlo . Carlo Collodi (18261890) was the pen name of Carlo Lorenzini,an Italian journalist born in Florence. Collodi s life and writings were http://highschool.studytactics.com/cgi-vb/stBookPage.mac/top?CSID=220MDT02D0OOOU |
45. TV ACRES: Puppets & Puppetry - Marionettes Section The Pinocchio tale was created by Italian author Carlo Lorenzini, (aka CarloCollodi 18261890) who wrote the famous children s story The Adventures of http://www.tvacres.com/puppets_marionettes.htm | |
46. MSN Encarta - Collodi, Carlo Translate this page Collodi, Carlo Pseudonimo di Carlo Lorenzini (Firenze 1826-1890), giornalista enarratore italiano, autore di Pinocchio, capolavoro della http://it.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_981525030/Collodi_Carlo.html | |
47. Terra Di Toscana :: Visiting Tuscany - Towns Of The Area - Firenze the 1800s writers Pietro Thouar (18091861), Carlo Lorenzini aliasCollodi (1826-1890) and Augusto Novelli (1867-1927); Giovanni Papini (1881-1956); http://www.terraditoscana.com/default.aspx?lpg=visitare_province_comuni&obj=fire |
48. A Pinocchio Estimation Game - Detecting Implausible Approximations Here is The Adventures of Pinocchio, a translation of the Italian children s bookby Carlo Collodi/Lorenzini (18261890). Here are other Project Guetenberg http://www.vendian.org/envelope/dir2/pinocchio_game.html | |
49. IMCPL Online Catalog Collodi, Carlo, 18261890. by title. The adventures of Pi The adventuresof Pinocchio / by C. Collodi (Carlo Lorenzini) ; with text illustrations by http://catalog.imcpl.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=tcm&index=BIB&term=175356 |
50. LitWeb.net Carlo Collodi 18261890 pseudonym for Carlo Lorenzini search biblion. Italian authorand journalist, best-known as the creator of Pinocchio, the wooden boy http://www.biblion.com/litweb/biogs/collodi_carlo.html | |
51. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : LOR Translate this page Lorenzini (Carlo, dit Carlo COLLODI)(1826-1890). Dessin 1/2. LORENZO (Anselmo).Photo 1. LORETZ (Oswald). Photo 1. LORIGA CHAVEZ (MArtin). Photo 1 http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/lor.htm | |
52. Collodi, C. Translate this page Collodi, C. 1826-1890. pseudónimo de Carlo Lorenzini (n. 24 de Nov., 1826,Florencia, Italiam. 26 de Oct. 26, 1890, Florencia), Autor y periodista http://www.guiascostarica.com/pinocho/collodi.htm | |
53. Paghat's Garden: Tulipa Greigii 'Pinocchio' introduced in 1980, is named for the titular character in the children sclassic novel by Carlo Collodi (pseudonym for Carlo Lorenzini, 18261890). http://www.paghat.com/tulippinocchio.html | |
54. T-Portal Autor Pinokija, Carlo Lorenzini (18261890) roden je u Firenci. Zapocinje karijerukao novinar, a 1875. godine prevodi bajke Charlesa Perraulta i to ga http://www.tportal.hr/klinci/pricaonica/page/2005/02/23/0092006.html | |
55. Adventist Review : Devotional Created by Carlo Collodi (pseudonym of Carlo Lorenzini, 18261890), it is actuallya parable for adults about the ultimate goal of education. http://www.adventistreview.org/2005bulletin/bulletin4-3.html | |
56. Carlo Collodi - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin Egentligen Carlo Lorenzini, italiensk sagoberättare, 18261890. Se Pinocchio.Den här artikeln är hämtad från http//sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlo_Collodi http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlo_Collodi | |
57. Crescent Blues YA Perspective| Carlo Collodi: Pinocchio Since its publication in 1875 as a magazine installment series for children, TheAdventures of Pinocchio by Carlo (Lorenzini) Collodi (18261890) achieved http://www.crescentblues.com/6_2issue/bk_collodi_pinochio.shtml | |
58. Carlo Lorenzini Translate this page Carlo Collodi è lo pseudonimo più noto di Carlo Lorenzini, fiorentino (1826-1890),giornalista e scrittore. Formatosi in scuole religiose, iniziò ventenne http://www.pinocchio.it/Pages/lorenz.htm | |
59. Nacimientos Celebres Nov Translate this page Collodi, Carlo (1826-1890), seudónimo de Carlo Lorenzini, periodista italianoautor del famosísimo libro de literatura infantil, Pinocho. http://webs.sinectis.com.ar/mcagliani/nacimnov.htm |
60. Buecherdatenbank .:. Comenius-Antiquariat .:. Buchantiquariat.com Translate this page Collodi, Carlo / eig. Carlo Lorenzini, 1826-1890 Kloetzlis lustige Abenteuer.Collodi, Carlo / eig. Carlo Lorenzini, 1826-1890 Kloetzlis lustige Abenteuer http://buchantiquariat.com/buecher/linxuche.php?suchstr=Collodi Carlo |
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