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         Livingstone David:     more books (47)
  1. David Livingstone and the Rovuma; a notebook, edited with introduction and related documents by George Shepperson by David (1813-1873) - Related name Shepperson, George Livingstone, 1965-01-01
  2. Livingstone's Travels and Researches in South Africa by David (1813-1873). LIVINGSTONE, 1858-01-01
  3. Livingstone's missionary correspondence, 1841-1856. Edited with an introduction by I. Schapera by David (1813-1873) Livingstone, 1961
  4. Livingstones private journals 1851-1853 / edited with an introduction by I. Schapera by David (1813-1873). I. Schapera Livingstone, 1960-01-01
  6. LivingstoneÃ?¯Ã'¿Ã'½s Missionary Correspondence, 1841-1856. Edited with an introduction by I. Schapera by David (1813-1873) Livingstone, 1961
  7. LivingstoneÃ?¯Ã'¿Ã'½s missionary correspondence, 1841-1856. Edited with an introduction by I. Schapera by David (1813-1873) Livingstone, 1961
  8. Arsenic as a remedy for the tsetse bite. In: British Medical Journal, No. LXX, New Series, May 1, 1858. by David (1813-1873). LIVINGSTONE, 1858-01-01
  9. Livingstone 's Africa perilous adventures and extensive discover by Livingstone. David. 1813-1873., 1872-01-01
  10. Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi by David, 1813-1873 Livingstone, 1865
  11. Missionary travels and researches in South Africa including a sk by Livingstone. David. 1813-1873., 1859-01-01
  12. David Livingstone: The Missionary Who "Discovered" Africa 1813-1873 (Heroes of Faith and Courage) by Ben Alex, 1995-10
  13. From Blantyre to Chitambo: A Brief Life of David Livingston (1813-1873) by Peter Snelson Snelson, 2001-12-01
  14. David Livingstone (Heroes of the Faith) by Sam Wellman, 2004-07-01

101. Livingstone, David /1813 - 1873/WWW.MLP.CZ
Mestská knihovna v Prazeoficiální internetové strány.
Mìstská knihovna v Praze / Municipal library of Prague Seznam autorit / A list of personages
Livingstone, David /1813 - 1873
(angl.badatel a cestovatel)
Záhlaví: Název OCH Rok Signatura Druh dokumentu Svazky ATLAS: Atlas objevù E 12531 kniha svazky BURTON, Rosemary: Cesty velkých objevitelù E 11671 kniha svazky ÈERNÝ, Jiøí: Obrázky z dejín zemepisných objavov E 11318 kniha svazky ÈERNÝ, Jiøí: Obrázky z dìjin zemìpisných objevù E 11215 kniha svazky ÈERNÝ, Jiøí: Obrázky z dìjin zemìpisných objevù E 11947 kniha svazky ÈERNÝ, Jiøí: Obrázky z dìjin zemìpisných objevù E 14422 kniha svazky HIBBERT, Christopher: Africa explored E 12971 kniha svazky KRATOCHVÍL, Miloš Václav: Objevitelé a dobyvatelé E+ E 5024 kniha svazky LIVINGSTONE, David: Erforschungsreisen in Innern Afrikas I E 1896 kniha svazky MACHÁÈEK, Jan: Cesty D. Livingstona po jižní Africe 67 E 1863 kniha svazky NOVARESIO, Paolo: Cesty do neznáma E+ E 12072 kniha svazky NOVARESIO, Paolo: Moøeplavci a objevitelé E 13264 kniha svazky STANLEY, Henry M.: Wie ich Livingstone fand 5 E 2326 kniha svazky STANLEY, Henry Morton: Jak jsem našel Livingstona E 7119 kniha svazky STANLEY, Henry Morton: Jak jsem našel Livingstona

102. David Livingstone - Wikipédia
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David Livingstone
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David Livingstone M©decin et missionnaire David Livingstone ) est aussi un explorateur de premier plan. On se souvient surtout de la phrase c©l¨bre de Stanley quand il le retrouva malade dans une r©gion recul©e de l' Afrique N© le 19 mars dans une famille pauvre   Blantyre en ‰cosse , il doit travailler d¨s l'¢ge de dix ans dans une usine de coton. Ses qualit©s intellectuelles le font remarquer et lui permettent de mener des ©tudes de th©ologie et de m©decine   l' universit© de Glasgow En il est envoy© au Cap puis au Bechuanaland Botswana ) par la Soci©t© missionnaire de Londres A partir de il commence   explorer le centre-sud du continent africain. Il traverse le d©sert du Kalahari jusqu'au lac Ngami . Les ann©es suivantes, il remonte le Zamb¨ze , puis rejoint la c´te atlantique   Luanda en Angola . Il d©couvre les Chutes Victoria et est probablement le premier europ©en   avoir travers© l'Afrique d'ouest en est. Il part ensuite   la recherche de la source du Nil . En , quand Henry Morton Stanley le retrouve il est malade et   court de vivres, il d©cide cependant de rester sur place. Il d©c¨de le

103. HTML Translation Of SGML/EAD Document By Tim Green
British Library of Political and Economic Science
Schapera, Isaac, 1905 - 2003, Social Anthropologist
Extent: 22 boxes
Biographical History
Over the years, Schapera made many trips to Botswana and had a deep interest in the history of the Tswana people. As part of his historical research, he made a study of missionary records, and undertook the editing of Robert Moffat's journals and letters and the unpublished writings of David Livingstone. His publications include: "A handbook of Tswana law and custom" (1938) "Married life in an African tribe" (1940) "Native land tenure in the Bechuanaland Protectorate" (1943) "Migrant labour and tribal life" (1947)
Scope and Content
Schapera's field notebooks from his work in Botswana (then Bechuanaland), recording work on the Kgatla, Kwena, Ngwato and Ngwaketse tribes; working papers and notes, including genealogies of royal families, correspondence, drafts of an unpublished book on David Livingstone; various printed documents on the subject of Botswana; and books from Schapera's library on the subject of David Livingstone. Schapera refers to the tribes by abbreviated code names in the papers as follows: BMN: Ngwato BTW: Tawana BRL: Tshidi-Rolong BNK: Ngwaketse BKW: Kwena BKH: Khurutshe BK: Kgatla BTK: Tlokwa BML: Malete BRL: Seleka-Rolong
This collection is arranged in 3 sections: 1. Field note books

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