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81. LIVINGSTONE, David 1813-1873. http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/l/livingstone.shtml | |
82. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (L) Livingstone, David (Livingstone, David ). 18131873. We hope to complete thisentry soon. Livingstone, Douglas James (Livingstone, Douglas James ) http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=200&golist=true&init=L |
83. Exploring Africa - Island 5 David Livingstone, 18131873 Missionary travels and researches in South Africa;including a sketch of sixteen years residence in the interior of Africa, http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/sccoll/africa/africa5.html | |
84. David Livingstone - Trailblazer | John Waters arrived in the Cape in 1817, David Livingstone (18131873) was not yet fouryears old! Thus when Livingstone first arrived in Southern Africa in 1841, http://www.e-n.org.uk/1997-01/463-David-Livingstone-Trailblazer.htm | |
85. SermonIndex.net - Audio Mp3 Sermons: David Livingstone Dr. David Livingstone (18131873), Scottish doctor and missionary,considered one of the most important European explorers of Africa,...... http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/myalbum/viewcat.php?cid=62 |
86. Anecdote - David Livingstone - Bibliomaniac? Livingstone, David (18131873) Scottish missionary and explorer noted for hisdiscovery of the Zambezi River (1851) and Victoria Falls (1855); http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=8321 |
87. David Livingstone Livingstone, David (18131873), writer, Great Britain. David Livingstones biografheter William Garden Blaikie och en förkortad svensk översättning av http://runeberg.org/authors/livindav.html | |
88. Unlocking The Archives Your search for Livingstone, David (18131873) returned 1 results. Displaying page1 of 1. Content Type. Date. Livingstone, David (1813-1873). Glossary http://www.unlockingthearchives.rgs.org/search.aspx?searchword=Livingstone, Davi |
89. David Livingstone (1813-1873) Builders Of Empire People Gdf Cartophily, Cigarett David Livingstone (18131873) Builders of Empire ~o0o~ Cigarette cards, printsand advertising memorabilia on all your favorite subjects, animals, http://www.gdfcartophily.co.uk/item.php/IID/5647 | |
90. BBC - History - David Livingstone (1813 - 1873) One of seven children, Livingstone was raised in poverty which he escaped tobecome an explorer. His obsession with finding the source of the Nile led http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/livingstone_david.shtml | |
91. Scran - Livingstone [David Livingstone (1813 - 1873)] Scran is a UK charity with a learning image service 300000 images, clip art,movies and sounds from museums, galleries, archives and the media; http://www.scran.ac.uk/000-000-000-038-L | |
92. Scran - Livingstone [Dr. David (1813 - 1873), Explorer And Missionary] Scran is a UK charity with a learning image service 300000 images, clip art,movies and sounds from museums, galleries, archives and the media; http://www.scran.ac.uk/database/record.php?usi=000-000-001-405-L |
93. Faith Bible Baptist Church Stanley summed up his relationship with Dr. David Livingstone with these words Iwas converted by him, although he had not tried to do it. http://www.fbbc.com/messages/Livingstone.htm | |
94. Auszüge Aus Dem Buch ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA Livingstone Livingstone, David (1813 1873). Printing 1969 Volume 14 Page Nr. 154 - 156 Livingstone, David (1813- 1873), was the greatest explorer-missionary in http://members.aol.com/Kitandililo/buch_britannica1969a.htm | |
95. David Livingstone Landmark David Livingstone (1813 1873). Only a few years ago any school boy or girlwould have been able to tell you something about this famous missionary and http://www.ourheritage.net/index_page_stuff/Following_Trails/Blakiston/Blakiston | |
96. Scotsman.com Heritage & Culture - Timeline - David Livingstone: Missionary And E 1813 1873. WHEN David Livingstone was born into a working-class and deeplyreligious family in Blantyres Shuttle Row in 1813, nothing was known in Europe http://heritage.scotsman.com/timelines.cfm?cid=1&id=40822005 |
97. Overview Of David Livingstone David Livingstone. 1813 1873. Statue of David Livingston beside GlasgowCathedral ©1995-2005 Gazetteer for Scotland. Statue of David Livingston beside http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/scotgaz/people/famousfirst220.html | |
98. David Livingstone (1813 - 1873) Has Been Revered As One Of The World's Greatest Review David Livingstone (1813 1873) has been revered as one of the world sgreatest explorers and missionaries, the first European to cross Africa and http://www.anovelidea-africa.com/africatitles/davidlivingstone.htm | |
99. David Livingstone David Livingstone 1813 1873 and he was buried at Westminster Abbey. Linkshttp//home.vicnet.net.au/~neils/africa/Livingstone.htm. http://www.sahistory.org.za/pages/people/livingstone-d.htm | |
100. David Livingstone David Livingstone (1813 1873). Global Christianity In 1840 the LondonMissionary Society sent David Livingstone to Bechuanaland, a region of South http://demo.lutherproductions.com/historytutor/basic/modern/people/livingstone.h | |
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