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41. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln 18091865. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in ruralHardin (now Larue) County, Kentucky, the son of an illiterate carpenter and http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h837.html | |
42. IDA Records Beginning With The Letter N Creator/Author(s), Lincoln, Abraham, 18091865. Publication Date,2002-06-09 cataloged, 1845-09-09 created. Illinois State Archives. Detailed Record http://www.eliillinois.org/cgi-bin/ida/browserecords.pl?code=50246_00&letter=n |
43. IDA Records Beginning With The Letter O Creator/Author(s), Lincoln, Abraham, 18091865. Publication Date,2002-06-14 cataloged, 1855-09-15 filed, 1866-09-03 created http://www.eliillinois.org/cgi-bin/ida/browserecords.pl?code=50246_00&letter=o |
44. African American Journey: Lincoln, Abraham Abraham Lincoln (18091865), 16th President of the United States, was one of thetruly great men of all time. He led the United States during the Civil War http://www2.worldbook.com/wc/features/aajourney_new/html/aa_2_lincoln.shtml | |
45. Malaspina Great Books - Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Name, Abraham Lincoln. Birth Year, 1809. Death Year, 1865 Books, Music, Art,Books from Alibris Abraham Lincoln Books from Amazon Abraham http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_505.asp | |
46. MSN Encarta - Abraham Lincoln Lincoln, Abraham (18091865), 16th president of the United States (1861-1865)and one of the great leaders in American history. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761577113/Abraham_Lincoln.html | |
47. PAL: Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Chapter 4 Early Nineteenth Century Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). Outside Links AL Presidential Library and Museum Library of Congress AL Papaers http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap4/lincoln.html | |
48. IMA Hero: Abraham Lincoln HH Abraham Lincoln (18091865) Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the UnitedStates. He was one of the greatest leaders in the world. http://www.imahero.com/herohistory/abe_herohistory.htm | |
49. Genealogy Of The Presidents Of The USA 16th President Abraham Lincoln Produced B 16th President Abraham Lincoln (18091865) 16th President Abraham Lincoln.Birth 12 Feb 1809, Sinking Spring, Hodgenville, Hardin Co., KY http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/USPresidents/6432.htm | |
50. Zaadz Quotes By Author - Abraham Lincoln Quotes Abraham Lincoln (18091865) American statesman (16th President 1861-65),assassinated following Civil War. More quotes about Laughter http://www.zaadz.com/quotes/authors/abraham_lincoln/ | |
51. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 - Lincoln, Abraham, 18091865 L Index Main Index Abraham Lincoln s FirstInaugural Address Abraham Lincoln s Second Inaugural Address http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_lincoln_abraham_.html | |
52. Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) Father DeSmet Bicentennial, Page 249 Lincoln, Abraham (18091865). +1. http://users.skynet.be/pater.de.smet/pj-e/pagina249.htm | |
53. Lincoln/Net: About Lincoln/Net In 1861 Abraham Lincoln (18091865) became the United States sixteenth president.But before Lincoln became the nation s chief executive, http://lincoln.lib.niu.edu/aboutinfo.html | |
54. Abraham Lincoln Biography Page Abraham Lincoln (18091865) Lincoln.jpg (15230 bytes). Born near Hodgenville, Ky.on February 12, 1809, Lincoln was the central figure of the Civil War, http://www.civilwarhome.com/lincolnbio.htm | |
55. Modern History Sourcebook: Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865): Special Session Message, Abraham Lincoln (18091865) Special Session Message, July 4, 1861. Lincoln hadto get special Congressional permission to pay for the war against the http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1861lincoln-special.html | |
56. UW Libraries - Database Search Lincoln, Abraham, 18091865 (2) Presidents United States Archives UnitedStates Politics and government 1861-1865 (2) http://www.lib.washington.edu/resource/search/ResFull.asp?Field=subject&ID=57759 |
57. Lincoln, Abraham Abraham Lincoln (18091865). Source James D. Richardson, A Compilation of theMessages and Papers of the Presidents (Bureau of National Literature and Art, http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/lp-2001/lincoln.html | |
58. Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) (USA President, 1861-1865) - Reviews On RateItAll Lincoln, Abraham (18091865) (USA President, 1861-1865) - Reviews on RateItAll. http://www.rateitall.com/i-840366-lincoln-abraham-1809-1865-usa-president-1861-1 | |
59. Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865 Abraham Lincoln, 18091865. *Lincoln, Abraham was born near Hodgenville, Kentucky,on February 12, 1809. In 1816, the Lincoln family moved to Indiana http://www.indianainthecivilwar.com/hoosier/lincoln.htm | |
60. Literary Encyclopedia: Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham (18091865). Statesman, President, Lawyer, Politician, Orator,Letter Writer . Active 1832-1865 in USA, North America http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=2738 |
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