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61. N Girardot: Daoist Studies Scholars And Teachers Girardot, Norman J, 1999, The Whole Duty of Man James Legge (18151897) and theVictorian Translation of China. Berkeley University of California Press. http://rels.queensu.ca/dao/scholars.php?cmd=list&userid=168 |
62. China Review International, Volume 11, 2004 - Table Of Contents Girardot, NJ Victorian translation of China James Legge s Oriental pilgrimage.Legge, James, 18151897. Lee, Lily Xiao Hong. Women and Confucian Cultures http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/china_review_international/toc/cri11.1.html | |
63. Buddhist-Christian Studies, Volume 24, 2004 - Table Of Contents Girardot, NJ Victorian translation of China James Legge s Oriental pilgrimage.Legge, James, 18151897. Habito, Maria Reis. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/buddhist-christian_studies/toc/bcs24.1.html | |
64. Project Gutenberg Titles Chinese Classics, The Volume 1 Confucian Analects, by Legge, James,18151897. English) Volume 1, by Legge, James, 1815-1897. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/titles.htm | |
65. Project Gutenberg Lee, Robert Edward, General, 18071870. Legge, James, 1815-1897. Leggett, FrancisAKA Francis Leggett and Company. Legros, Georges Victor, 1862-. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
66. Publications For Jost Zetzsche Internationale Konferenz über James Legge (18151897) International Conferenceon James Legge . China Heute 16 (1997) 37-38. http://www.internationalwriters.com/aboutus/jostpub.htm | |
68. Sale Book Redirect J. Girardot focuses on James Legge (18151897), one of the most importantnineteenth-century figures in the cultural exchange between China and the West. http://ucpress.edu/books/sale/pages/8270.html | |
69. Editors And Translators F-M Legge, James, 18151897, Translator Legge, James, Translator Leonard, WE, TranslatorLewis, MG (Matthew Gregory), 1775-1818, Translator Library of Congress. http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/editors_f-m.htm | |
70. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Legge, James, 18151897. Leggett, Francis AKA Francis Leggett and Company.Legros, Georges Victor, 1862-. Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
71. Apple James Legge (18151897), the renewed I Ching scholar and translator of the ChineseClassics, reported seeing yarrow growing on the grave of Confucius in the http://www.nwe.ufl.edu/~jzeigler/apple.html | |
72. HKBU Arts Faculty Academic Staff List - REL - Pfister, Lauren F. Critical Assessment of James Legges (18151897) Translation of the Spring and Striving for The Whole Duty of Man James Legge (1815-1897) and the http://arts.hkbu.edu.hk/~rel/stafflist/cvs/pfister.htm |
73. Mary Martin Booksellers xii, 165 p.; 22cm. Includes Bibliography. 962290-872-1. 1. Legge, James,1815-1897. 2. Missionaries ? China, Hong Kong ? Biography. http://marymartin.com/marc/CountryCatalog?isFromCountry=false&country=Hongkong&m |
74. Spring 2001 James Legge, The Notions of the Chinese concerning Gods and Spirits with an Reflections of James Legge (18151897) and Lo Chung-fan (d. circa. http://academics.hamilton.edu/history/twilson/Hist363.html | |
75. James Legge James Legge. James Legge (18151897), British sinologist, was born at Huntly,Aberdeenshire, in 1815, and educated at Kings College, Aberdeen. http://www.fact-index.com/j/ja/james_legge.html | |
76. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. NORTH AMERICA - Striving For The James Legge and the Scottish Protestant Encounter with China Assessing Confluences of the early life and missionary career of James Legge (18151897), http://commerce.peterlangusa.com/genBook.asp?CategoryName=Asian Studies&Category |
77. Hyatt And Mayer Collection 9, Legge, James (18151897). 10, Leidy, Joseph (1823-1891). 11, Lillie, FrankRattray (1870-1947). 12, Lillie, Ralph S. 13, Linton, Edwin (b. 1855) http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/hyatt-mayer.html | |
78. East Asian Studies Documents: Confucian Analects,Index Translated by James Legge (18151897). Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 http://www.isop.ucla.edu/eas/documents/lunyu.htm | |
79. East Asian Studies Documents: Dao De Jing, Index The Tao Teh King Daodejing, Or The Tao And Its Characteristics by LaoTse LaoZi Translated by James Legge (1815-1897). Part 1. Chapters 1-15 http://www.isop.ucla.edu/eas/documents/DaoDeJing.htm | |
80. CSWR His book entitled The Whole Duty of Man James Legge (18151897) and the VictorianTranslation of China. 19th-century Transformations of Missionary History, http://www.hds.harvard.edu/cswr/research/ecology/bio_girardot.html | |
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