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Latimer Hugh: more detail | ||||
21. ThePeerage.com - Person Page 1204 married Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Hugh de Courtenay Baron Latimer JohnNeville, 4th Lord Latimer+ b. b Forests South of Trent between 1483 and 1485. http://thepeerage.com/p1204.htm | |
22. Audley 1228 1299) 2 Hugh de Audley, I (Abt. Abt 1335 - 1379) 5 George de Neville, 1stBaron Latimer (1364 - 1425 1446 - 1489) +Maud Herbert (Abt 1453 - 1485) 9 Henry http://members.cxp.com/dlehman/audley.htm | |
23. TUDOR ENGLAND ( 1485 1603 ) The accession of the Tudor dynasty in 1485 did not, of course, immediately put an Hugh Latimer, who had resigned the bishopric of Worcester in Henrys reign http://www.geocities.com/tamercali/tudor.htm | |
24. C: Last Words Of Real People Catherine of Aragon (14851536). Mine eyes desire thee only. Farewell. Thomas Cranmer, Nicholas Ridley (the Bishop of London), and Hugh Latimer (the http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/6537/real-c.htm | |
25. Cromwell, Thomas (1485-1540) Hugh Latimer. http://www.eresie.it/id455.htm | |
26. Cromwell, Thomas (1485-1540) - No Summary Translate this page Thomas Cromwell nacque nel 1485 ca. a Putney (oggi un sobborgo di Londra) da unpadre la loro causa fece nominare Hugh Latimer vescovo di Worcester, http://www.eresie.it/id455_m.htm | |
27. Worldroots.com Elizabeth Latimer, de jure Baroness Latimer, daughter of (1) Margaret Fenne,daughter of Sir Hugh Fenne, of Sculton Bordeleys Died 28 September 1485 http://worldroots.com/brigitte/royal/plantagenet/ralphnevilldesc1302.htm | |
28. What Happened All Those Years Ago - November 1485 Born this day, Veronica Gambara, Italian poetess. In the process, BloodyMary had Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and nearly 300 http://www.andibradley.com/whatya/nov30.htm | |
29. NZEF Gallipoli 12/473, Private, TUKE, Hugh Latimer. 16/125, Private, TUNOA, Hamiora 10/1485,Private, WADE alias, David. 12/1820, Private, WADSWORTH, Alfred Charles http://www.nzmrangloboerwar.org.nz/WWISoldierInformation/nzefgallipoli13.htm | |
30. Human Family Project July 2001 England Spouse Joyce Tibetot115172 (1429-1485) Marr Abt Other Spouse Hugh DeSay, Baron Burford-140188 AKA John De Neville Baron Latimer Born 1370 at http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/northerneurope/f237.htm | |
31. Human Family Project July 2001 Husband Hugh De Dammartin, Count De Dammartin132623 Burgh, Lord UpperConnacht-126420 ( -1485) Mother Other Spouse John Neville, Baron Latimer-129015 ( http://users.legacyfamilytree.com/northerneurope/f232.htm | |
32. Nevill02 Margaret Stafford (dau of Hugh de Stafford, 2nd Earl of Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk(b 1485, d 22.08 George inherited the barony of Latimer (Latymer) from his http://stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/nn/nevill02.htm | |
33. WHKMLA : Reformation In England Remindful of the civil war (WAR OF THE ROSES, 14551485) that had divided Others burnt at the stake include former bishop Hugh Latimer and Bishop http://www.zum.de/whkmla/period/reformation/engref.html | |
34. Backgrounds To More's Utopia like John Colet and Hugh Latimer, as well as the great Dutch humanist, Erasmus . of Henry Tudor in 1485 and the establishment of a new royal family. http://www.northern.edu/hastingw/utopia.html | |
35. Oxford History. History Of Oxford It was closed in 1485. A leper hostel dedicated to St Bartholomew opened east ofthe town in the Nicholas Ridley the Bishop of London and Hugh Latimer. http://www.picturesofengland.com/history/oxford-history.html | |
36. 700000 People Connected With European Royalty 4 M Hugh Wilson Beaty 1 Other Spouse George Neville Baron Latimer (Abt 14141469)1 4 5 7 Battle Of Tewkesbury Buried Spouse Margaret Fenne (1444-1485) 1 4 http://www.e-familytree.net/f1276.htm | |
37. Movers: Renaissance And Reformation (1400 - Mid 1600s) By Miles Hodges Henry VII (14571509) by Michiel Sittow, 1505 Henry VII Tudor (1485-1509) Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer (and several hundred others)earning her the http://www.newgenevacenter.org/movers/renaiss-reform2.htm |
38. Henry VIII - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Henry VIII Katharine of Aragón Katharine of Aragón, 14851536, first queen consort ofHenry VIII of Latimer, Hugh List of Rulers of England and Great Britain http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Henry VIII | |
39. Kevin's Outpost: Issue 16 - 15/11/2003 EARLY LIFE 1485 1524. OF the birth and parentage of Latimer not much is Old Hugh Latimer was his familiar appellation among the people for many http://reformerkev.esmartweb.com/outpost/issue16-2003.html | |
40. This Domain Has Been Registered On Behalf Of A Client By Www.123-reg.co.uk It was closed in 1485. They were Thomas Cramner, the Archbishop of Canterbury,Nicholas Ridley the Bishop of London and Hugh Latimer. http://www.picturesofengland.co.uk/history/oxford-history.html | |
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