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Kountz William J: more detail |
81. 1913 York County NE Old Settlers ~ Biographies Part 3 WH Taylor, who had raised a small crop of oats during the summer of 1867 found the Esther J. Wray, the only daughter of William and Adelaide A. Wray, http://www.memoriallibrary.com/NE/York/1913/bios3.htm | |
82. BioSketches By Township He was married in Perry township, Monroe county, OH, May 23 1867, to Sarah L. STATES, Their children are Elizabeth, Isabella S., Hugh J., William J., http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~harringtonfamilies/BioSket_BentonTwp.htm | |
83. Ghost Towns Of Missouri, C It was erected in 1835 by William Collins for whom it was named. Cornersville was a rural post office from 18671868 and again 1886-1896. http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~gtusa/usa/mo/c.htm | |
84. LDS Church Archives Call Number: MS 2736 Anderson, J. William 319. Allen, Isaac 322. Atkinson, Thomas 510 26 February 1867 28 August 1868. INDEX. Transcribed by Jo Lyn Curtis, http://www.hickmansfamily.homestead.com/BYO.htm | |
85. RootsWeb: SHAMROCK-L Archives (April 2000) SH Re SHAMROCKD Digest V00 189 by William Dean Coffey. RE SHAMROCK-D Digest V00 199 by SH IRELAND to NEW YORK SHIPS 1867 by Jerome J. McDermott http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/index/SHAMROCK/2000-04 | |
86. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY: PREMIER LIBRARY SOURCES A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z William J. 158 Charles F. Lange Company http://www.slpl.lib.mo.us/libsrc/stlfiredept.htm | |
87. I5547: Coonrad Cancellor ALLEN (7 Jul 1820 - 1865) BIRTH 7 Jul 1820, Macon County, North Carolina; DEATH 1865, Kountz, Hardin County _Robert Gordon CANSLER _+ (1827 1890) m 1867 _James Alexander CANSLER _ http://www.wcpetty.net/Genealogy/individuals/d0006/g0000048.html | |
88. S Index Comments, She died June 19, 1867 in Fulton Co., IL. By Rev W .Kountz (Coons) died March 08, 1919 in Darke Co., OH (near New Madison) http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~tga/gons/s.html | |
89. Cochran Family Of Apollo, Pennsylvania Daughters of William M. Cochran and Mary Alcorn Cochran Hattie Mabel Cochran (married J. Paul Allen), b. 1874, d. after 1931 http://home.att.net/~gapehenry/ | |
90. Counts Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Susannah Counts 2nd wife of Wesley Noland married August 5, 1867 Michael DeLorenzo 11/10/04 Countz/Kountz Cincinatti early 1800s - Stan Cowan 3/14/99 http://www.jenforum.net/counts/all.html | |
91. Huerfano County News She was born in Scotland in 1867 and married Adam Young in Walsenburg in 1884. William Saleh was appointed city treasurer to replace Steve J. Glinsky http://kmitch.com/Huerfano/news1940.html | |
92. Frontier Times, Oct, 1933 1867; ret d 4 Oct. 1872. In General William H. Carter s History of the Sixth J. Finger, author and pioneer; J. Frank Dobie, author; Judge Wm. Day, http://www.frontiertimesmagazine.com/FT1033.html | |
93. 1925 Full Year Annie V. Blackburn refers to Judge William Rabb, J. Duty, R. Kuykendall, Oct. 1867 was the date of this terrifying incident wherein 2030 Indians http://www.frontiertimesmagazine.com/1925.html | |
94. RootsWeb: GEN-DE-L Archives (November 1996) Re GENDE-L Digest - 11 Nov 1996 - Special issue by Charles J. Eschman Gesetz ueber die Freizuegigkeit 1867 (Bayern) ? by Paul Glass http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/index/GEN-DE/1996-11 | |
95. Ý. Ñàòòîí. Óîëë-ñòðèò è áîëüøåâèöêàÿ ðåâîëþö The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://rus-sky.org/history/library/sutton/sutton4.htm | |
96. Comments What caught my attention is the section on Adrian J. and Agatha Elings family, who immigrated from It is for a Martha Crainer, born 1867, died 1883. http://www.wtblock.com/wtblockjr/2004.htm | |
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