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Kountz William J: more detail |
41. Gary Dielman, Editor | 'May Live And Die A Miner': The 1864 Clarksville Diary Of Kountz, Hank Bill PP. Out $25. Luck is running against? In 1864, Kitchen, William H. Packwood, and others formed the Burnt River Ditch Company, http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/ohq/105.1/dielman.html | |
42. MASSIVE LITERATURE COLLECTION ON DVD Index Of Titles 10,000 Dreams Billy Baxter s Letters , William J. Kountz Jr Billy Duff Catherine Furze , Mark Rutherford (William Hale White Catholic Church, vol 1 , J. MacCaffrey History of http://www.informationcds.co.uk/images/cds/titles_index.txt |
43. YUBA COUNTY 1879 Great Register Kline, Charles William. 34. Bavaria. 2d ward Marysville. May 31, 1867 Kountz, Frank. 23. California. 4th ward Marysville. July 30, 1879 http://www.cagenweb.com/yuba/registers/gr1879-3.htm | |
44. Carnes Family Genealogy Forum (All Messages) Nancy Padelford 7/20/04 Carnes, Karnes, Kearns or Kountz Family Greg Cathie Hudson 9/13/00 Edmund Carnes Mary J Newkirk narrative - William Ling 9 http://genforum.genealogy.com/carnes/all.html | |
45. True - Pafg39.htm - Generated By Personal Ancestral File Laura married Arthur J. Dodd. Trowsdale , John Trowsdale , Edmund Trowsdale Or Truesdale , William ) was born Emily married Rudolph Kountz 1 in New Albany, IN. http://petjr.net/GENE/pafg39.htm |
46. Schools In The River Communities Heading the high school was Principal J. Roy Jackson In 1970, Dr. William T. Zeffiro was elected superintendent of 1901, the contract was let to Kountz Brothers http://www.bchistory.org/beavercounty/BeaverCountyTopical/Schoolsandeducation/20 | |
47. Index To North Dakota Historical Quarterly: Volumes 1-11, 1926 -1944 Carrie V. Kountz, at Fort Berthold, 1014, 16, 41n. 77 J., 1.49; Mat, stage station of, 2204; Lt. William L., 413, 14, 21, 22, 27, 45; Sgt., 435, http://www.state.nd.us/hist/ndhIndex/NDHQCUMINDEX1-11.htm | |
48. Our Johnson Family Of Hamilton County, Illinois - Names Included Braden, Dean (D i. William B.4 JOHNSON, b. January 10, 1814, Kentucky; d. was Charles Coker, second lieutenant, John J. Richey, and third lieutenant Warden Kountz. http://maxpages.com/clayton/Notes_on_Johnson_Genealogy | |
49. Westmoreland County, PA, Posted Queries For William married Mary Jane Snyder and they had they also had 8 children, I would appreciate any info on Jane Kelley or John Kountz they married in 1803. http://www.pa-roots.com/~westmoreland/query/archive/query042.html | |
50. Westmoreland County, PA, Posted Queries For Spelling of name Coonce could be many different ways Kuns, Kountz, Coons, etc. His father was William H. English. His mother was Eva J. Weckerly. http://www.pa-roots.com/~westmoreland/query/archive/query036.html | |
51. BIO Town Of Leon, Cattaraugus Co., NY Submitted June 2000 By 20, 1819, and married Mary Ann Kountz, who was born Aug. 10, 1889; children Albert H., Eva J., William E., and Francis A. The latter was born July 12, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/cattaraugus/bios/adams/leon.txt |
52. THE ARNOLD FAMILY ASSOCIATION OF THE SOUTH Volume V Summer 1975 he was employed two years as overseer for Nicholas Kountz. On May 30, 1867, he was married to Helen Mar of October, 1862, a daughter of William J. and Martha http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/special/afas/volume5/vol5no4.txt |
53. Sorted By Title --> A E01146, Billy Baxter s Letters, William J. Kountz, Jr. E04341, The Book of Snobs, William Makepeace Thackeray, 373475, E01277, Bramblebees and Others, J. Henri Fabre http://www.obrienbooks.com/tb.html | |
54. Reid Descendants Thomas J.3 Reid (John2, Thomas1) was born February 27 William Jefferson Dinsmore, Jr., born November 27, 1920; died January 27 She married Roy Harwood Kountz. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~rjzndjz/reid/reiddes.html | |
55. Public Anthropology SALENA K. Kountz Michigan State University (Susan Applegate Krouse). Gerard, William R. Virginias Indian Contributions to English American Anthropologist http://www.publicanthropology.org/Archive/Aa1907.htm | |
56. Projecto Gutenberg Billy Baxter s Letters, By William J. Kountz Billy Bunny and Uncle Bull Frog Bimbi Biografia del libertador Simon Bolívar, o La independencia _ de la http://mirror.bn.pt/gutenberg/browse/IT_B.HTM | |
57. Kentuckiana Genealogy MARY ALICE DECAMP, children FRED J. mar. the ancestors of her father, William Hardin HAWKINS CLAYCOMB, EDWARDS, HAMILTON, HICKMAN, Kountz, MCDANIEL, PATTERSON http://www.kentuckianagenealogy.org/oqueries/query014.htm | |
58. Roberts & Smith In Texas History Translate this page KOSOVAC KOSTELNIK KOSTER KOTIS KOUCHES Kountz KOVAR KLEVAR, Henry J. ID 6959. KLUTTZ, William Rufus ID 21480. http://www.texasgen.org/common/Default.asp?App_Module=CEM&Stage=1&Alpha=K&LName= |
59. Individual List - PhpGedView Marlow, Mrs. Sarah J. ?(I2610)?Birth 1829 KY; Marner, Billy Marsh, Wilburn Kountz ?(I22601)?Private; Marsh, William Alfred ?(I16924 http://meansweb.com/genealogy/indilist.php?alpha=M&surname_sublist=no&PHPSESSID= |
60. Family List - PhpGedView Marr, Benjamin Franklin + Howell, Louisa J.Marriage 1855; Marsh, Wilburn Kountz + Robertson, Martha EmmaPrivate; Marshall, Eve + Braose, William De; Marshall http://meansweb.com/genealogy/famlist.php?alpha=M&surname_sublist=no&PHPSESSID=4 |
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