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81. WebGED: My Tree Too Data Page 1848 in Sumner Co, TN d. in Perry Co, IL father Keen, Alexander A (1817 1906)mother Hodges, Juliann 1848 father Kirby, Wesley William (1822 - 1878 http://mytree_too.tripod.com/gedcom/wga16.html | |
82. All Articles - Slider Kirby, William, Still searching the hard way? Try the Free Slider Search Toolbarand spend less time searching!! www.trellian.com, Sponsored Link. 18171906, http://www.slider.com/Enc/K/Ki/Kirby-Wi.htm | |
83. Ealaín - MavicaNET Translate this page Kustodiev, Boris 5. Kiprenski, Orest 5. Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich (18721936)10. Kirby, William (18171906) 7. Kvaran, Einar H. (18591938) 2. http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/gle/8.html?LetterNum=K |
84. Arte - MavicaNET Translate this page Kiprenski, Orest 5. Kushner, Alexandr (1936- ) 9. Kirby, William (18171906)7. Kustodiev, Boris 5. Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (1880-1938) 5. http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/ita/8.html?LetterNum=K |
85. - Grand River Branch - United Empire Loyalists' Association Of Canada William Kirby. 1817 1906. The UE Loyalists. by William Kirby. The war was over,seven red years of blood. Had scourged the land from mountain top to sea ; http://www.grandriveruel.ca/Grand_River_Loyal_Heritage.htm | |
86. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors 1819 1875) KINGSLEY, Henry (1830 - 1876) KINGSLEY, Mary Henrietta (1862 - 1900)KIPLING, Rudyard (1865 - 1936) Kirby, William (1817 - 1906) KIRK, Robert (1641 http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
87. Historical Plaques Index Fort Drummond 47Niagara 713. William Kirby 1817 - 1906 48-Niagara 714. NiagaraDistrict Court House 49-Niagara 715. Niagara Apothecary 50-Niagara 716. http://waynecook.com/list.html | |
88. Co-op Online - About The Co-op - Who Was Who? A friend of Dr William King, who was tutor to her daughter at a salary of £300 a Holyoake, George Jacob, 18171906 - Co-operator and Secularist Born at http://www.cooponline.coop/about_facts_whowas.html | |
89. Arts - MavicaNET Translate this page Kustodiev, Boris 5. Kiprenski, Orest 4. Kuzmin, Mikhail Alekseevich (1872?1936)9. Kirby, William (1817?1906) 7. Kvaran, Einar H. (1859?1938) 2. http://ns.nnt.ru/directory/eng/8.html?LetterNum=K |
90. Index James (18171906). . . Narrative James (1830-1865). . . Narrative James (1836- ).. . Narrative James William Cronley (1869-1874). . . Narrative http://www.jesshistorical.org/Jessamine County Kentucky Families/names6.htm | |
91. Names Index Page Translate this page KENNEDY, William (WFT Est. 1683-1729-WFT Est. 1722-1809) 1816-1817-1906)KNIGHT, Columbus Albinus (8 Sep 1844-24 Sep 1848) http://www.usgennet.org/family/baicon/data/names23.htm | |
92. RootsWeb: ONTARIO-L [Ont] Historic Plaques Update William Kirby 1817 1906 48-Niagara. 714. Niagara District Court House 49-Niagara.715. Niagara Apothecary 50-Niagara. http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/ONTARIO/2001-03/0983946950 | |
93. Historical Plaques Of Niagara Region William Kirby. 1817 1906. Born in England, Kirby emigrated to the United In this house, built in 1818, William Kirby, FRSC, historian, novelist, http://www.waynecook.com/aniagara.html | |
94. Washington County, OH Cemetery Index KIDDER - KNOWLTON Kirby, Marium R, d. 1880, Waterford, Waterford Twp. Kirby, Mildred, Beverly,Waterford Twp. KNOWLTON, William Earl, 18881970, Matamoras, Grandview Twp. http://www.wchs-ohio.org/cem_kidderknowlton.htm | |
95. REMAINING TOPICS ARE SORTED ALPHABETICALLY BY CONCEPTS, 600 words, Colman, Lucy Newhall (18171906) 600 words, Sessarakoo, WilliamAnsah. 600 words, Shaykh Jamal. 600 words, Sheridan, Richard http://www.eureka.edu/emp/jrodrig/sharpe/remain.htm | |
96. WSTVWr ROSSIGNOL, SUSAN, 1817, 1906, OLD AGE / MARKED ONLY MOTHER , ROUNDTREE, WILLIAMF.(INF OF), 1896, CONVULSIONS, RUSSELL, KATHERINE Kirby, 1802, 1882, *, STONE. http://www.co.putnam.fl.us/Palatka/Cemeteries/Westview/WSTVWr.html | |
97. Pleasant View Cemetery, Williamson, Wayne County NY Mary E. wife of William J. Dec. 25, 1850July 21, 1891 Phebe wife 1817-1906Samuel E. 1841-1864 John 1845-1864 RIDGWAY Samuel 1792-1845 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nywayne/cemeteries/pleasantview.html | |
98. LETTRES - LITTÉRATURE CANADIENNE - DE LANGUE ANGLAISE Leacock, Stephen Butler Hum (1869-1944). Montgomery, Lucy Maud R http://www.quid.fr/2005/17_27.htm | |
99. Bienvenue Dans Adobe GoLive 5 http://biblionet.mss.qc.ca/an&voirediteur_2598_0 |
100. CCNQ | Se Souvenir | Les Fresques of this continent, to which thousands of strangers will annually flock to http://www.capitale.gouv.qc.ca/souvenir/fresques/fresque_GR_Phrases.html | |
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