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41. MSU Vincent Voice Library Main Speaker, King, Martin Luther, Jr., 19291968 April 4, 1968 ) MartinLuther King Jr. Chet Huntley anchors an NBC-TV Special on 29.5 min http://vvl.lib.msu.edu/showfindingaid.cfm?findaidid=KingMLJr |
42. New Georgia Encyclopedia Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) Martin Luther King Jr., Baptist minister and president of the Southern The first Martin Luther King Jr. holiday was observed on January 20, 1986. http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-1009&pid=s-58 |
43. Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968 / Put Martin Luther King Jr. On The $20 Bill Martin Luther King Jr. 19291968 BR Put Martin Luther King Jr. on the $20 bill. http://news.gilbert.org/clickthru/redir/4904/ws/ha | |
44. Library Exhibit - Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. 19291968. Images on display from the McCain Let thetrumpet sound the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Stephen B. Oates. http://library.agnesscott.edu/about/exhibits/mlk.htm | |
45. Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site--Atlanta: A National Register Of Martin Luther King, Jr. 19291968, Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty,I m free at last. This National Historic Landmark historic district is http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/atlanta/kin.htm | |
46. We Shall Overcome -- Martin Luther King National Historic Site Martin Luther King, Jr., (19291968), minister, civil rights leader. Martin LutherKing, Jr. s birth home, church, and grave site comprise this National http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/civilrights/g1.htm | |
47. Martin Luther King Minister, speaker, and civil rights activist, King (19291968) founded the Southern Clyde W. Ford, Martin Luther King, King Martin Luther Jr / Paperback http://authors.aalbc.com/martin.htm | |
48. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Life (1929-1968) Martin Luther King Jr. s Life (19291968). I still have a dream. Martin LutherKing Jr. wrote these words. An African-American Baptist minister, http://www.cyberlearning-world.com/nhhs/project/tonking.htm | |
49. MotivationalQuotes.Com Presents Martin Luthur King, Jr., American Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (19291968), was the leading civil rights activistin the US from the mid-fifties through 1968, when he was assassinated at the http://www.motivationalquotes.com/People/mlking.shtml | |
50. Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project: Site Map A Call to Conscience The Landmark Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. About King Major King Events Chronology 19291968 http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/sitemap.htm | |
51. Martin Luther King, Jr. In The Reader's Companion To American History Martin Luther King, Jr. (19291968), civil rights leader. One of the world sbest-known advocates of nonviolent social change, King was born in Atlanta. http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/additional_resources/articles/readers.htm | |
52. Civilrights.org Honors Martin Luther King And His Legacy Of Civil Rights Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (19291968). civilrights.org salutes Dr. Martin LutherKing Jr., a civil rights pioneer who made a career of humanity. http://www.civilrights.org/campaigns/mlk/ | |
53. Project Gutenberg Titles By King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 Project Gutenberg Titles by. King, Martin Luther, Jr., 19291968. I Have a Dream.You can also look up this author on The Online Books Page, which may list http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=King, Martin Lut |
54. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) - CBP.gov Customs Officers to March in Martin Luther King Parade Martin Luther King Holiday.Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (19291968) http://www.customs.gov/xp/cgov/newsroom/commissioner/messages/archives/jan122001 | |
55. Racism. No Way.: Fact Sheets: Martin Luther King Jnr (1929-1968) Martin Luther King Jnr (19291968) Martin Luther King Jr was born in Atlanta,Georgia, USA in 1929 into a close-knit African-American Baptist family who http://www.racismnoway.com.au/classroom/factsheets/39.html | |
56. Bibliography For Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Martin Luther King, Jr. (19291968). Adler, David A. Martin Luther King, Jr. Freeat Last. Illustrated by Robert Casilla. Holiday, 1986. http://teacher.scholastic.com/researchtools/articlearchives/honormlk/mlkbib.htm | |
57. Issues: Peace & War: Peace Patriots: Martin Luther King Martin Luther King 19291968. MaKing Martin Luther King, Jr. s birthday a nationalholiday recognized the importance of his life and writings in an http://www.wagingpeace.org/menu/issues/peace-&-war/start/peace-portraits/king-ma | |
58. Martin Luther King Jr. Poster At Art.com Martin Luther King Jr. Poster Find the Martin Luther King Jr. Wall Poster oranother poster, I HAVE A DREAM BY Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968). http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/pd--10031758/Martin_Luther_King_Jr.htm | |
59. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bibliography King, Martin Luther, Jr., 19291968. The papers of Martin Luther King, Jr./ senior editor, Clayborne Carson ; volume editors, Ralph E. Luker, http://www.mtsu.edu/~vvesper/king2.html | |
60. EDUCATION PLANET - 1204 Web Sites For King, Martin Luther Jr Martin Luther King, Jr. (19291968) led millions of people in a non-violentmovement to bring an end Grades K-12+ Cache Report Link Problem Add Comment http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Social_Studies/Famous_People/Social_Leader | |
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