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61. WhatIfSports Discussion Forum: BigBuzz DynastyDraft - Players Taken, Etc C (5) Bob Carpenter, Thomas Gradin, Tim Kerr, Stan Weir, Paul Ysebaert C (5) Mike Bullard, John Cullen, Dennis Maruk, Stan Mikita, Cooney Weiland http://www.whatifsports.com/forums/threads.asp?ForumID=36&TopicID=34410&PagePosi |
62. Track And Field News: Lists: World Junior: All-Time: Men Dill (MiHS) 8/ 3/71 Stanley Kerr (TxAM) .6/29/86 Pat Johnson 80 146.99 Gabe Jennings (Stan) 6/21/98 (end of performances) http://www.trackandfieldnews.com/lists/world_jr_out_at_m.html | |
63. Stan Mitchell Former Foyle College, Donemana and Irish cricketer Stan Mitchell has taken overthe ICU presidency from his predecessor Bob Kerr. http://www.cricketeurope.net/DATABASE/ARTICLES/articles/000007/000740.shtml | |
64. Absolum Stanley "Teaberry" Lantz Sepulture Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerr Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr Mrs. SB Gainer Mr. Mrs.Hubert Samples Betty and Stan Fred and Clara E. UB Church Johnny and Lucy http://www.swcp.com/~dhickman/articles/lantz.html | |
65. Russell Kerr Russell Kerr was born in 1921. Educated in Australia he obtained a degree in Kerr was elected to represent Feltham in the 1966 General Election. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/TUkerrR.htm | |
66. Anne Kerr In 1960 she married fellow political activist, Russell Kerr. Kerr was elected torepresent Rochester in the 1964 General Election. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/TUkeerA.htm | |
67. A Tribute To Deborah Kerr A tribute to Deborah Kerr Part I. Deborah Kerr holds the record for mostBest Actress Oscar nominations without a win (6), which is all the more http://www.classicmovies.org/articles/aa093001a.htm | |
68. A Tribute To Deborah Kerr - Part II Deborah Kerr Phillip Oliver s tribute includes a lengthy biography, Do youknow of any other Deborah Kerr pages? If so, please Email me and I ll add http://www.classicmovies.org/articles/aa093001b.htm | |
69. Stanley Kerr`s Gallery, Original Art From NuMasters.com Kerr trained in drawing and painting at Maidstone College of Art under DavidHockney then moved from fine art into the world of commercial art as a creative http://www.numasters.com/artists/view_artist.asp?sup_id=333 |
70. 1977 NHL Amateur Draft -- Reg Kerr Second cousin of former NHL player Alan Kerr. HOW HE GOT AWAY. TRADE Clevelandtraded Kerr to Chicago in exchange for Randy Holt on November 23, 1977. http://www.hockeydraftcentral.com/1977/77041.html | |
71. Florence Fine Art: Stanley Kerr Trained in Drawing and Painting at Maidstone College of Art, where he studiedwith David Hockney, Stanley Kerr gradually moved through the world of fine art http://www.florencefineart.com/stanley_kerr.html | |
72. Stanley Kerr - Portrait Painter & Artist Stanley Kerr. pdf, Download PDF. shortlist, Shortlist this Artist Stanley Kerr.Introduction, Stanley was trained in Drawing and Painting at Maidstone http://www.commissionaportrait.com/artistsportfolio.asp?id=192 |
73. Thecentralhouse - Stanley Kerr home. Stanley Kerr. Rhea 2 Zeno Blue Line. http://www.thecentralhouse.com/artist29.htm | |
74. 2UE Radio Presenters Stan Zemanek is one of the most successful broadcasters in Australia. The StanZemanek show started on air in the 3rd survey of 1989 with an audience http://www.2ue.com/presenters.php?presenter_id=8 |
75. Silver Line - Stanley & John Thompson - Kerr-Silver Services Silver Line (Stanley John Thompson). United Kingdom. US agents Kerr Steamship Co.KerrSilver Services was a joint venture between the two companies. http://www.timetableimages.com/maritime/images/silver.htm | |
76. Stanley Kerr @ Britart.com Extraordinary in their psychological acuity, Stanley Kerr s portraits evince askilful grasp of colour and texture. They disclose a fleeting truth that is http://www.britart.co.uk/artist/Stanley_Kerr_1.aspx?ret=browse/figurative.aspx |
77. The Volokh Conspiracy - - Orin Kerr asks about the accuracy of electronic markets. Saul Levmore has aninteresting review of the evidence. Efficient Markets and the Role of http://volokh.com/archives/archive_2005_07_17-2005_07_23.shtml | |
78. New York Rangers Official Web Site : Alumni Spotlight Unfortunately, hawkeyed goalie Dave Kerr was the first of the 1939-40 Stanley Cup Kerr was also the first National Hockey League player of any position http://www.newyorkrangers.com/tradition/alumnispotlight.asp?Alumni=Kerr |
79. JBC -- Index By Author (May 1941; Volume 139, Number 1) Kerr, Stanley E. Kerr, Stanley E. Kirk, Paul L. Kirk, Paul L. Kirk, Paul L.Klein, J. Raymond. L. Lavin, George I. Lee, SB Lesuk, Alex Levy, http://www.jbc.org/content/vol139/issue1/aindex.shtml | |
80. JBC -- Index By Author (Nov 1936; Volume 116, Number 1) Kendall, Edward C. Kerr, Stanley E. Kerr, Stanley E. King, CG Kirk, Paul L.Koppenhoefer, Robert Mack Kuizenga, Marvin H. http://www.jbc.org/content/vol116/issue1/aindex.shtml | |
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