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81. RG 103.000 - Secretary Of State Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Jasper Jefferson Kane Kankakee Kendall Stark,18391882 St. Clair, 1763-1905 Tazewell, 1827-1851 Union, 1818-1880 http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/di/103__002.htm | |
82. «1000?»? ? VeryCD ? Translate this page Henry Kendall (1839-1882) Leaves from Australian Forests Songs from the MountainsPoems and Songs Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918) Main Street and Other Poems http://lib.verycd.com/2005/05/16/0000050749.html |
83. Descendants Of Amos James, Revolutionary War Veteran Of Census 1840 Kendall, Orleans County, NY (where his wife s family lived) Henry Ripley James (18391882) was a newspaper publisher in St. Lawrence County http://www.stephentowngenealogy.com/amosjames.html | |
84. Title Translate this page Joyce (1882-1941) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Dubliners Ulysses JohnKeats (1795-1821) Poems of John Keats Henry Kendall (1839-1882) Leaves from http://epizza.nease.net/sbpage/lttr2.htm |
85. JAMES LIONEL MICHAEL By Henry Kendall (1839 - 1882) JAMES LIONEL MICHAEL by Henry Kendall. Be his rest the rest he sought Calm anddeep. Let no wayward word or thought Vex his sleep. http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/kendallh/poetry/jlmichael.html | |
86. Sonnets Of Australia And New Zealand Charles Harpur (18131868); Henry Parkes (1815-1896); Henry ClarenceKendall (1839-1882); Patrick Moloney (1843-1904); Ada Cambridge (1844-1926) http://www.sonnets.org/aust.htm | |
87. Kendall, Henry - Bright Sparcs Biographical Entry Kendall, Henry Bright Sparcs Biographical entry, Bright Sparcs is a biographical,bibliographical and archival database Kendall, Henry (1839 - 1882) http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/biogs/P003682b.htm | |
88. Kendall, Henry - Published Sources Kendall, Henry Published Sources, Bright Sparcs is a biographical, bibliographicaland archival database of Australian Kendall, Henry (1839 - 1882) http://www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/bsparcs/bib/P003682p.htm | |
89. Henry Kendall - Australian Poet And Photos, Art, Pictures, Music Poets Australia, Henry Kendall, Dorothea Mackellar, Henry Lawson, Adam LindsayGordon, with Photos, Art, BellBirds by Henry Kendall (1839 - 1882) http://www.imagesaustralia.com/henrykendall.htm | |
90. Henry Kendall Festivalat The Tabula Rasa Contemporary Arts Festival Milton CWA Hall Wason St Milton Henry Kendall Festival Henry Kendall 1839 1882Download a copy of Bellbirds Copyright © Cathy Dunn 2004 http://www.ulladulla.info/tabularasa/kendall.html | |
92. Henry Kendall Henry Kendall The Man and the Myths (Miegunyah Press Series, 2nd Ser., No. 1) Are You interested in Henry Kendall? suscribe our RSS channel for this http://henry-kendall.idoneos.com/ | |
93. HOME Henry Kendall (1839 1882) He crouches, and buries his face on his knees, Andhides in the dark of his hair; For he cannot look up to the storm-smitten http://www.angelfire.com/poetry/henrykendall/home_poem.htm | |
94. A Selection Of My Henry Kendall. G Essex Evans Dorothea MacKellar by Henry Lawson. He oughtto be home, said the old man, without theres something amiss. http://home.iprimus.com.au/crothwell/poetry.html | |
95. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors Marian (1874? 1961) KELLER, Gottfried (1819 - 1890) KELLER, Helen (Adams)(1880 - 1968) Kendall, Henry (1839? - 1882) KENNAN, George http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/pgaus/birthdeath.html | |
96. LORAIN COUNTY OHIO - Ridgelawn Cemetery (Surnames FAY To FULL) Ida Field R571 1855 1937 see Henry BLAINE FILLER John Lee 1836-1917 / Guert GANSEVOORT1839-1882 / Mary (Alethia 27 X Co D. 8 US Calvery FITCH Jay Kendall X-R8b http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/oh/lorain/cemeteries/ridgelawn/part11.txt |
97. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With K Translate this page Kaswieter, Oscar Henry Arthur (25 Jan 1890-23 Apr 1966) Kaub, Mary (-) Kemper, John Henry (BEF 1931-) Kendall, David Richard (-) http://www.spanglers.info/idxk.html | |
98. 3000(?)(?) Translate this page Keats, John (1795-1821) Poems of John Keats Keim, Albert (1876-1947) Honore de BalzacKendall, Henry (1839-1882) Leaves from Australian Forests Poems and Songs http://www.blog8748.com/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=2205 |
99. Technology In Australia 1788-1988, Bright Sparcs Index K Kendall, Henry (1839 1882), Poet Chapter 4 - Forestry and Forest Products, 206 Kent, Thomas (? - 1832), Merchant and Sailor Chapter 12 - Manufacturing http://www.austehc.unimelb.edu.au/tia/bsindex_k.html | |
100. System Requirements Windows 95 / NT Or Higher , 8MB Memory, 20MB Young Man Dubliners Ulysses John Keats (17951821) Poems of John Keats HenryKendall (1839-1882) Leaves from Australian Forests Songs from the Mountains http://ftp.cdut.edu.cn/pub/english/Readme.txt |
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