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61. Imitation Of Christ Author A Kempis, Thomas. Subject Thomas a Kempis, 13801471. Publisher Moody,1984. Condition PB. ID A975. $ 1.00. http://tsbc.edu/imitation_of_christ_1.html | |
62. PPE - Working Class Encyclopedia K1 Kempis, Thomas à (13801471) German mystic Thomas Hammerken who was born in Kempen.A monk of the Augustinian order, he spent most of life in a monastry http://www.embassy.org.nz/encycl/k1encyc.htm |
63. Medieval Sourcebook: High Medieval Church Life Thomas à Kempis (c.13801471) The Imitation of Christ, excerpts, available soon.See full textAt CCEL; Thomas à Kempis (c.1380-1471) The Imitation of http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/sbook1s.html | |
64. A Kempis - Definition Of A Kempis In General Noun 1. a Kempis German ecclesiastic (1380-1471) Synonyms Thomas a Kempis . a hundred times a cappella singing a Kempis a posteriori http://dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/a_Kempis | |
65. A Kempis - Definition Of A Kempis In General Noun 1. a Kempis German ecclesiastic (1380-1471) Synonyms Thomas a Kempis . A 92 a Kempis AE 9th 91 A man aka 99 90th A-bomb am http://dictionary.laborlawtalk.com/a Kempis | |
66. History Of Philosophy 46 among whom was Thomas Hemerken or à Kempis (13801471),{1} the author of the A recent work on Thomas à Kempis is Scully s Life of Venerable Thomas à http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/hop46.htm | |
67. Köln Cologne And World Youth Day 2005 - A Sample From The Christian Travelers G Thomas Á Kempis 13801471 medieval German Christian writer whose real namewas Thomas Hamerken, ie the hammer, from the small town of Kempen close to http://www.christian-travelers-guides.com/guides/germany/germany.html | |
68. Untitled Document Thomas á Kempis, The Imitation of Christ Luther (14831546); c) Thomas áKempis (1380-1471); d) Anglican Bishop JC Ryle s (1816-1900) Holiness (18? http://www.christian-travelers-guides.com/readings/daily/day-5.html | |
69. ATLA Cooperative Digital Resources Initiative Jesus ChristMeditations. Creators/Contributors, Thomas, a Kempis, 13801471.Avalon Operating Corporation, New York (bookseller) http://www.atla.com/CDRICollection/IMITCHRI.html | |
70. GutenMark, A Project Gutenberg Markup Program Thomas à Kempis (Thomas Hemerken of Kempen, 13801471). The Imitation ofChrist (1427; 595K; 437 pages), translated by Aloysius Croft and Harold Bolton . http://www.sandroid.org/GutenMark/MarkedTexts.html | |
71. BR-BX - Christianity Thomas, a Kempis, 13801471 The Christian s pattern, or, A treatise of theimitation of Jesus Christ / written originally in Latin by Thomas a Kempis http://diglib.dartmouth.edu/newbooks/br-bx.shtml |
72. Gallery III, La Peinture De Ceballos Thomas à Kempis (13801471) German monk and religious writer. Thomas à Kempis,De imitatione Christi, Thus passes away the glory of the world. http://www.ceballos.ws/en/gallery/03gv/ | |
73. Books In His Steps How To Become An Apprentice Of Jesus So begins The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis (ca. 13801471). Throughout thehistory of the church, there have been voices like Thomas s, http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/9t1/9t1086.html |
74. Thomas A Kempis - BlueRider.com platelet Other Services Word Index Contact Us About Links. Thomas akempis listen domain availability 1), German ecclesiastic (1380-1471) http://thomas_a_kempis.bluerider.com/wordsearch/thomas_a_kempis | |
75. Guide To Medieval Christian Spirituality Thomas à Kempis (13801471). Imitation of Christ. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556).Spiritual Exercises. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) http://www.geocities.com/~jarrow/spiritual.html | |
76. Reli 006 Coursepack Thomas à Kempis, c. 13801471. The Imitation of Christ, trans. LeoSherley-Price (London Penguin, 1952), pp. 67-125 (Book 2 and part of 3). http://www.unc.edu/courses/2002fall/reli/006/001/coursepack.html | |
77. Reli 006 Course Schedule Thurs. Nov. 14 How to imitate Christ. Thomas à Kempis, c. 13801471. from CPThe Imitation of Christ, pp. 67-125 (Book 2 and part of 3). http://www.unc.edu/courses/2002fall/reli/006/001/schedule.html | |
78. Catalogus Romantic Agony Nürnberg Kempis, Thomas a - Opera ed. Petrus Danhusius. Important editionof the collected works of Thomas a Kempis (1379/1380-1471), http://www.romanticagony.com/html/catalogus.asp?rub=inc |
79. Medieval Philosophy Bridget of Sweden (13041373). Julian of Norwich (1342-c.1429). Catherine ofSiena (1347-1380). Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471). The Cloud of Unknowing http://www.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/medieval/philosophy.html | |
80. The Romantic Agony - Auction - Bookseller - Brussells - BELGIUM Nürnberg Kempis, Thomas a Opera ed. Petrus Danhusius. Important editionof the collected works of Thomas a Kempis (1379/1380-1471), including his http://www.franceantiq.fr/books/romanticagony/Cat11.asp?classe=19 |
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