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21. Brendan P Kehoe Author :: Books From Books.co.uk You searched for Brendan p Kehoe. Under Author fields. Browse Results Alphabeticallyby Title. REFINE RESULTS. Art Biography Business and Finance http://www.books.co.uk/author_brendan-p--kehoe.html | |
22. P Brendan Kehoe Author :: Books From Books.co.uk You searched for p Brendan Kehoe. Under Author fields. Browse Results Alphabeticallyby Title. REFINE RESULTS. Art Biography Business and Finance http://www.books.co.uk/author_p-brendan--kehoe.html | |
23. Issue #24 - Spring 1994 - UDT Newsletter Kehoe, Brendan P. (1993) ZEN AND THE ART OF THE INTERNET. (2nd edition) EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey Prentice Hall. 3. Krol, Ed. (1992) THE WHOLE INTERNET http://www.ifla.org/VI/5/nd1/udtnw24.htm | |
24. The Internet: Volume II Zen and the Art of the Internet The archie Server by Brendan P. Kehoe Mirrorsites 1 archie - An Electronic Directory Service for the Internet by Peter http://www.e-tradexchange.net/MainLinks/INTERNET/internt2.htm | |
25. Fyi/fyi19 Introductory Papers * Kehoe, Brendan P. (1992) Zen and the Art of the Introductory Books Basic User Guides Kehoe, Brendan P. (1993) Zen and the Art of http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/fyi/fyi19.html | |
26. Kehoe Aidan Kehoe Brendan Elizabeth Clongeen Foulksmills 051565696 Kehoe Brendan Jayne Kehoe Wm P BA AgrB MAgrSc 4 Beechlawn Wexford 053-22752 http://www.geocities.com/drk4779/phonebook.htm | |
27. RFC1463 Kehoe, Brendan P. (1993) Zen and the Art of the Internet A Beginner s Guide, (secondedition) 112 p. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/rfc/rfc14xx/RFC1463.html | |
28. RFC1983 Computer Networks; 2nd ed. , Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.ZEN Kehoe, Brendan P., Zen and the Art of the Internet , February 1992. http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/rfc/rfc19xx/RFC1983.html | |
29. The Bralyn Archives Everincreasing archive of etexts and reference information. http://www.bralyn.net/etext/literature/brendan.p.kehoe/ | |
30. Dunbrody-Sponsors Kehoe , Peter Kehoe , Paddy Kehoe , Nicholas Kehoe , Emma Kehoe , James Kennedy , Ita Kennedy , Michael Kennedy , Brendan P. Kennedy , Patrick http://www.dunbrody.com/tree_sponsors/sponsors_k.htm | |
31. Brendan Kehoe Hospitalized :(, And Update (fwd) mech For those of you who know Brendan Kehoe , the author of the Zen ORG O P E N P L A T F O R M O N L I N E R I G H T S V I R T U A L C U L T http://lists.webjunction.org/wjlists/publib/1994-January/064087.html | |
32. Brendan P. Kehoe, "LO ZEN E L'ARTE DI INTERNET - Guida Pratica Per Navigare In R Brendan Kehoe è un esperto di informatica e uno dei pionieri di Internet. http://www.maecla.it/BibliografiaDidattica/pagine_biblio/kehoe.htm | |
33. + Page 57 + Kehoe, Brendan P. Zen and the Art of the Internet A Beginner s Guide to theInternet. My message to Brendan Kehoe is Keep up the good work! http://info.lib.uh.edu/pr/v3/n1/barron.3n1 |
34. RFC1983: Internet Users' Glossary - Annex A Computer Networks; 2nd ed. , Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989. ZEN,Kehoe, Brendan P., Zen and the Art of the Internet , February 1992. http://www.y-adagio.com/public/standards/tr_interm_1983/rfc1983-annexa.htm | |
35. Is The Internet Right For Your Business? Kehoe, Brendan P. Zen and the Art of the Internet a Beginner s Guide (UpperSaddle River, NJ Prentice Hall PTR, 1996) 4th ed. 255 p. MaranGraphics. http://www.iti.northwestern.edu/policy/presentations/mchenry/97Pipe/fema.html | |
36. Zen And The Art Of The Internet-Preface Copyright (c) 1992 Brendan P. Kehoe. Permission is granted to make and distributeverbatim copies of this guide provided the copyright notice and this http://www.ou.edu/research/electron/internet/zen-i.htm | |
37. Bibliography Kehoe, Brendan P. Zen and the art of the Internet a beginner s guide. Prentice HallSeries in innovative technology. 2. Electronic mail http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/Information/Course2/electronic mail biblio.ht | |
38. Bibliography Kehoe, Brendan P. Zen and the art of the Internet a beginner s guide. Prentice HallSeries in innovative technology. 3. Anonymous FTP. 3.1 FTP etiquette http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/Information/Course2/remote login biblio.htm | |
39. Hjp: Doc: RFC 1463: FYI On Introducing The Internet-- A Short Bibliography Of In Kehoe, Brendan P. (1992) Zen and the Art of the Internet A Beginner s Guide tothe Internet, (first edition) 95 p. * Krol, E. and E. Hoffman. http://www.hjp.at/doc/rfc/rfc1463.html | |
40. INQUA Sub-Commission On Data-Handling Methods Brendan P. Kehoe s address is Brendan@cs.widener.edu. Kehoe, Brendan P. 1992.Zen and the art of the Internet; A beginner s guide to the Internet, http://www.kv.geo.uu.se/inqua/news8/nl8-sj.htm | |
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