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Jameson J Franklin: more detail | |||||
41. Autorzy - Biblioteka Wirtualna Kolegium Karkonoskiego - Project 17641838 James, William, 1842-1910 Jameson, J. Franklin (John Franklin),1859-1937, Editor Japan Japp, Alexander H. (Alexander Hay), 1839-1905 Jardine, http://www.kk.jgora.pl/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
42. Abbott, David Phelps, 1863-1934 Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 17641838 James, William, 1842-1910 Jameson, J. Franklin (John Franklin),1859-1937 Jameson, J. Franklin (John Franklin), 1859-1937 _ Editor Japan Japp, http://www.olympus.edu.pl/Instytut NW/wirtualna biblioteka/autorzy.htm |
43. Documenting The American South: North American Slave Narratives With a Supplement by the Editor. To Which Is Added, the Narrative of AsaAsa, 1770?, and ed. by J. Franklin Jameson (John Franklin), 1859-1937 http://faculty.washington.edu/stcamp/texts.html | |
44. This Is Project Gutenberg. This List Has Been Downloaded From 1895 Narratives Of New Netherland, 16091664, by Jameson, J. Franklin (JohnFranklin), 1859-1937, Editor Nathan The Wise; a dramatic poem in five acts, http://www.lafourche.lib.la.us/TITLES.TXT |
45. LISTA DE TITULOS Narratives Of New Netherland, 16091664, by Jameson, J. Franklin (John Franklin),1859-1937, Editor Nathan The Wise; a dramatic poem in five acts, http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/titulos.htm | |
46. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library. A6, Jameson, J. Franklin (John Franklin), 18591937, Guide to the items relatingto American history in the reports of the English Historical Manuscripts http://dl.lib.brown.edu/newtitles/lcsearch.php?subject=E |
47. Tomfolio.com: Americana & U.S. States, Rhode Island Jameson, J. (John) Franklin, 18591937. Providence in Colonial Times. With anintroduction by J. Franklin Jameson, LL.D. Publisher Houghton Mifflin, http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?subid=2282 |
48. Little Bibliography In 8 Categories A Little Annotated Jameson, John Franklin (18591937). The American Revolution Considered as a SocialMovement. Papers of J. Franklin Jameson, 1604-1994 (bulk 1900-1930). http://www.preciousheart.net/freemasonry/FMbib_Historical.htm | |
49. RG5: Records Of Quaker Families And Individuals Contains the papers of Carlisle G. Davidson, Quaker Editor. J. Franklin Jameson,George W. Kirchwey, Henry Goddard Leach, Frederick J. MacFarland, http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/friends/rg5.htm | |
50. Mitchell's West Indian Bibliography Jameson, John Franklin, ed US historian (1859-1937). Jameson, Kenneth P,and Frank J BONELLO - A Macroeconomic Assessment of the Economy of Guyana. http://www.books.ai/8th/Jame-Jog.htm | |
51. LIBRARY PERIODICAL TITLES LIST E151 A52 Society v.15 (1973-May/June 1977) AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW/Jameson,J. Franklin (John LATEST issues on display case 89 Franklin), 1859-1937 http://www.lib.csufresno.edu/lists/periodicals/alis/per.a.html | |
52. Historical And Miscellaneous Autographs, Letters, Documents Autograph Letter Signed to Franklin Phelps, dithering as to whether to turn up in Autograph Letter Signed to the Editor of Men and Women of the Time, http://www.manuscripts.co.uk/stock/2HIS.HTM | |
53. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics Four color problem is found in Ph. Franklin, The four color problem, American J.(1922). Otto Hölder (18591937) coined the term factorgruppe. http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/luigigobbi/some_of_the_words/of_Mathematics | |
54. John Lane Company Records, Index Of Correspondents Du Pontet, Clement14.2 Durston, J.14.2 Dyall, Franklin14.2 Dyson, CC14.4 Hadow, WH (William Henry), 18591937 (The University, Sheffield)19.1 http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fa/lane.john.corr.html | |
55. Historical And Miscellaneous Autographs, Letters, Documents Autograph Letter Signed to J. Wright, asking for his help in obtaining Finders Autograph Letter Signed to the Editor of Men and Women of the Time, http://manuscripts.co.uk/2HIS.HTM | |
56. AUTHORS "K" Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE With Anthony J. Weiner and the Hudson Institute, he wrote the definitive Futorology Erin E. Kelly, White Wolf RPG novelization Editor * The World of http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/authorsK.html | |
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