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Iron Ralph: more detail |
41. VRW: Wolff Collection, HRC OLIVE (18551920) Schreiner, O Works Schreiner, Olive. nd Signed withpseudonym Ralph Iron. Works Schreiner, O. From man to man; or, Perhaps only http://victorianresearch.org/wolff.html | |
42. Oak Knoll Books & Oak Knoll Press Selected Documents (Schreiner, 18551920, best known as author of The Story ofan African Farm, published under the pseudonym of Ralph Iron , was a pioneer http://www.oakknoll.com/results.php?s_Topic=COSTUME&s_ShowPics=1 |
44. Uitgeverij Podium Dit gedurfde boek, indertijd gepubliceerd onder het pseudoniem Ralph Iron, brengtop De auteur Olive Schreiner (18551920) wordt beschouwd als een van de http://www.uitgeverijpodium.nl/index.html?pid=77&titel=6&PHPSESSID=c99410c3124b7 |
45. Schreiner, Olive - ENCYCLOPEDIA - The History Channel UK SCHREINER, OLIVE Schreiner, Olive, pseud. Ralph Iron, 18551920, South Africanauthor and feminist, b. Wittebergen Reserve, Cape Colony. http://www.thehistorychannel.co.uk/site/search/search.php?word=Schreine |
46. Ottawa Town Cemetery, Waukesha County Genealogy (GenWeb) Audrey (Saunders)/18961936/wife of Ralph Jeffrey/daughter Anna Saunders JEFFREYCharles T./1855-1920/son of son Obadiah/1836-1862/7th Regt Iron Brigade, Wis http://linkstothepast.com/waukesha/130.html | |
47. Difficult Women, Artful Lives: Olive Schreiner And Isak Dinesen, In And Out Of A Subjects Schreiner, Olive,; 18551920; Homes and haunts; South Africa; Women andliterature; Literature - Classics 4 Ralph Iron and Titania. Critical http://books.cheaps.us/080185038X.html | |
48. Copyright 1992 PERRY COUNTY TENNESSEE CEMETERY RECORDS Compiled By Surrounded by an Iron fence 2 1984 mAug 19 1917 7 PARNELL Howard Kirk son of Ralph Maudie July 5 1872- Aug 4 1896 5 TRULL Ann 1861-1931 JH 1855-1920 6 HARPER http://www.tngenweb.org/records/perry/cemeteries/bowen4.txt |
49. Food For Thought: Biographies Schreiner, Olive Emilie Albertina (Ralph Iron) (S. Af. writer), 18551920.Schreiner, William Philip (South African politician), 1857-1919 http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_S.htm | |
50. 3000(?)(?) of Prairie and RockyMountain Life Parlette, Ralph (1870-1930 Book of Pirates Menof Iron The Merry Conflict in General Schreiner, Oliver (1855-1920) Dream Life http://www.blog8748.com/Article_Print.asp?ArticleID=2207 |
51. Schrijversprofielen S - T SCHREINER, Olive Emilie Albertina (18551920). roman The story of an African farm(1883), die in Engeland werd uitgegeven onder het pseudoniem Ralph Iron. http://www.oud.zuidafrikahuis.nl/schrijversst-n.htm |
52. Title Translate this page Ralph W· Emerson (1803-1882) ?·?. The Iron Heel «». Oliver Schreiner (1855-1920) ?·?. http://lib.blcu.edu.cn/per/981/en/works.htm |
53. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Mrs., 17531821 Inchfawn, Fay AKA Ward, Elizabeth Rebecca Inge, William Ralph,1860-1954 Iron, Ralph, 1855-1920 AKA Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920 Irving, Henry http://pg2.org/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
54. OAI Site: Dlpscoll By Ralph Iron. In Two Volumes /title creator Olive Schreiner,18551920 /creator publisher Chapman and Hall /publisher date 1883 /date http://www.mds.rmit.edu.au/~ajk/oai/interop/dlpscoll.htm | |
55. Title Translate this page Thomas Jefferson. Ralph W· Emerson (1803-1882). English Traits. Essays. The Callof the Wild. The Iron Heel. Oliver Schreiner (1855-1920). Dream Life and Real Life http://www.sjz.gov.cn/book/book/english/study/sbpage/lttr2.htm |
56. William Sharp Letters Section IV 83 Olive Schreiner (18551920) was a South African novelist, of an AfricanFarm a novel in two volumes under the pseudonym Ralph Iron in 1883. http://www.sas.ac.uk/ies/Full Text Archive/Sharp/Sections/Section 4.htm |
57. Title Translate this page and Rocky-Mountain Life Parlette, Ralph (1870-1930 Book of Pirates Men of Iron The Merry Conflict in General Schreiner, Oliver (1855-1920) Dream Life http://www.zghlawyer.com/free_hdr.php?xname=63JMCV0&dname=DIN0EV0&xpos=263&cname |
58. BiblioMan.Com - The Great Literary Works 18281906 Ide, Mrs. Charles W. AKA Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927 Iles, George, 1852-1942Iron, Ralph, 1855-1920 AKA Schreiner, Olive, 1855-1920 Irving, Henry http://www.biblioman.com/authors.htm | |
59. Timeline 1920's Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE Wright The World Below 1930 Miles J. Breuer Paradise and Iron 1930 (18631920) German poet 1920 Ludwig Ganghofer (1855-1920) popular German http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline1930.html | |
60. Women And Marxism Authors-Schreiner Women and Marxism Authors. Olive Schreiner. (Ralph Iron). (1855 - 1920).Biography. 1883 The Story of an African Farm. 1892 Dream Life and Real Life A http://www.marxists.org/subject/women/authors/schrein/ | |
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