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Houdini Harry: more books (51) | |||||||||
41. Anecdote - Harry Ehrich Weiss Houdini - Houdini`s Death Houdini, Harry Ehrich Weiss (18741926) American escape artist and magician notedfor his daring feats and penchant for showmanship http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=13355 |
42. Houdini Harry Houdini (18741926). Harry Houdini From his breakthrough in 1899 to hisdeath in 1926, Houdini was one of the world s most popular entertainers, http://www.houdiniclubofwisconsin.com/Houdini.htm | |
43. Harry Houdini Harry Houdini. Life 18741926. Titles. The Miracle Mongers and their Methods -A Complete Exposè of the Modus Operandi of Fire Eaters, Heat Resisters, http://manybooks.net/authors/houdinih.html | |
44. Gizeh Shriners Of British Columbia And The Yukon Harry Houdini. Harry Houdini (18741926) Dubbed the most famous magician ofall time, Harry Houdini s actual name was Ehrich Weiss. http://www.shriners.bc.ca/shriners/houdini.shtml | |
45. Skeptical Inquirer: The Davenport Brothers: Religious Practitioners, Entertainer Years later when Harry Houdini (18741926) was in Australia he visited William sgrave and, finding it in poor condition, had the stone work repaired and http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2843/is_4_23/ai_55208044 | |
46. Skeptical Inquirer: Houdini Reappears - News And Comment - On U.S. Postage Stamp Harry Houdini (18741926)-world-famous magician, escape artist, and paranormalinvestigatorhas received a long-overdue accolade his portrait is featured http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2843/is_6_26/ai_94044224 | |
47. Houdini.html Harry Houdini (Erich Weiss). 18741926. His Start In Dime Museums Houdini TheGreatest Freak? His Collection Miracle Mongers Their Methods 1920 http://www.showhistory.com/houdini.html | |
48. Meta Subject Index To Government Information, Historic - Hyperborean Houdini, Harry, 18741926 (1), Infomine Scholarly Internet Resource Collections.HOURS OF LABOR CALIFORNIA STATISTICS (1), Infomine Scholarly http://www.isu.edu/library/docs/subjects/h1.htm | |
49. Selected Twentieth Century Works: H Houdini, Harry, 18741926. A magician among the spirits, by Harry Houdini. p.315-365. 23.5 cm. (In Murchison, Carl. The case for and against psychical http://www.thebakken.org/library/books/20h.htm | |
50. Diving At Steve's Collectibles Some History on Harry Houdini from the Net Houdini, Harry (18741926) To escapea life of poverty, a young Hungarian-born magician became Harry Houdini, http://pages.tias.com/7760/InventoryPage/1439276/1.html |
51. Rotten Tomatoes Forums - **NEW** Land Of The Dead FAQ ******* Eric WEISS (18741926), Harry Houdini HUMBUG! , Penn and Teller BULLS HIT! I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than http://www.rottentomatoes.com/vine/printthread.php?t=410891&page=2&pp=30 |
52. John Edward: Hustling The Bereaved; Investigative Files (Skeptical Inquirer Nove The great magician Harry Houdini (18741926) crusaded against phony spiritualists,seeking out elderly mediums who taught him the tricks of the trade. http://www.csicop.org/si/2001-11/i-files.html | |
53. Ohio Chautauqua 2004 In Warren - The Characters Harry Houdini (18741926). The world s most famous magician, Harry Houdini wasborn as Ehrich Weisz in Budapest, Hungary on March 24, 1874. http://www.wtcpl.lib.oh.us/Chautauqua/characters.htm | |
54. Artifact: Full Record For American Variety Stage : Vaudeville And Popular Entert People Houdini, Harry, 18741926 Performing artist, magician. OrganisationsLibrary of Congress. Places United States http://www.artifact.ac.uk/displayoai.php?id=791 |
55. Houdini, Tarzan, And The Perfect Man (in MARION) Houdini, Harry, 18741926. Tarzan (Fictitious character). Material. viii, 256 p. ill. Note. Includes bibliographical references and index. LC Card no http://catalog.evanston.lib.il.us/MARION/ACP-9144 |
56. UW Libraries - Database Search Houdini, Harry, 18741926 Playbills United States Theater programs UnitedStates Vaudeville United States History 19th century http://www.lib.washington.edu/Resource/Search/ResFull.asp?Field=record&ID=20022 |
57. 002 1933 Houdini, Harry, 18741926 author Houdini, Beatrice, 1876-1943 authorBook of magic fascinating puzzles, tricks and mysterious stunts / selected by http://www.broward.org/library/bienes/002.htm | |
58. Masonic Forum Magazine No.8-9 June-September 6001 A.L. While Houdini (18741926) died three quarters of a century ago, In truth,there were two Houdinis, Harry Houdini, the performer as the world saw him, http://www.masonicforum.ro/en/nr89/houdini.html | |
59. Revista Forum Masonic Nr.8-9 Iunie Septembrie 6001 Chiar daca Houdini (18741926) a murit acum 75 de ani, oamenii îsi mai amintesc Harry Houdini era un romantic ce dorea sa îsi cosmetizeze începuturile. http://www.masonicforum.ro/ro/nr89/houdini.html | |
60. Houdini's Escape -- Calculus Project Harry Houdini (18741926) was a famous escape artist. In this project we relivea trick of his that challenged his mathematical prowess, as well as his http://barzilai.org/cr/houdini.html |
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