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21. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Hémon, Louis, 18801913 AKA Hemon, Louis, 1880-1913 Ian, Janis, Performer Ibsen,Henrik, 1828-1906 Ide, Mrs. Charles W. AKA Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927 http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
22. Art/Books By/about Louis HEMON - McLean Arts & Books Authors Louis Hemon 18801913 (French). http://www.mcleanbooks.com/gallery/artistinfo.php?artist=1589&retlist=writerlist |
23. Hémon, Louis - ENCYCLOPEDIA - The History Channel UK HÉMON, Louis Hémon, Louis, 18801913, French Canadian novelist, b. France.After working as a journalist for French publications http://www.thehistorychannel.co.uk/site/search/search.php?word=Hemon-Lo |
24. L4U On The Web Currently Displaying Hits 1 to 1 of 1 Hits Returned by Your Search. Author. Items.Hèmon, Louis, 18801913. 3. First 15 Hits, Last 15 Hits, Home., Louis, 1880-1913./to | |
25. L4U On The Web Translate this page bösqueda. Autor. Todos los records. Hèmon, Louis, 1880-1913. 3. Primero 15Correspondencias, Último 15 Correspondencias, Página de inicio., Louis, 1880-1913./to | |
26. St. Gabriel Gift & Book Nook - Maria Chapdelaine About the Author Louis Hemon (18801913) was born in France and began his writingcareer there, but emigrated first to London, and then to Quebec, the land http://www.stgabriel.com/pages/LEMCHAP.html | |
27. Litterature Enfantine - Auteurs Translate this page la mer 1952. Hemon Louis, 1880-1913 canadien, Maria Chapdelaine 1916. JANSSONTove, 1914- suédoise, Moumine le troll 1946. JEROME K. JEROME, http://perso.club-internet.fr/jpgour/enfant/auteurs.html | |
28. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER HÈmon, Louis, 18801913 AKA Hemon, Louis, 1880-1913 Ian, Janis, Performer Ibsen,Henrik, 1828-1906 Ide, Mrs. Charles W. AKA Ogden, Ruth, 1853-1927 http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
29. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING 1875 Friends In Council First Series. Hemingway, Percy Gregorio. Hemon, Louis,18801913 AKA Hémon, Louis, 1880-1913 Maria Chapdelaine. http://globusz.com/authors_h.html | |
30. Mieszko I Hemon Louis (Francja, 18801913) Maria Chapdelaine , powiesc (1916). Córkadrwala, która stracila narzeczonego w lesie, poslubila http://www.lo.swinoujscie.com.pl/biblioteka/lit/h.html | |
31. Browse By Author: H - Project Gutenberg Hémon, Louis (18801913). fr.wikipedia Maria Chapdelaine (English); MariaChapdelaine (French). Hemphill, Scott. Pi (English). Hemphill, Vivia (1889-1934) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/h | |
32. Maria Chapdelaine By Louis Hémon - Project Gutenberg Creator, Hémon, Louis (18801913). Title, Maria Chapdelaine. Language, French.LoC Class, PQ Language and Literatures Romance literatures French, http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/13525 | |
33. Our Roots Nos Racines: Search Results Translate this page A. , Bourgeois, JM Publisher Alma Éditions du Royaume, 1980 SubjectsHémon, Louis, 1880-1913. Page (10 records per page) 1. http://www.ourroots.ca/e/results.asp?field=subject&page=1&type=1&key=Hémon, Lou |
34. Le Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Célèbre Louis Hémon : Introduction à L'écrivain Translate this page Related Subjects Hémon, Louis, 1880-1913. Alternate Titles CopyrightInformation. Search This Volume For Le Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean http://www.ourroots.ca/e/toc.asp?id=2044 |
36. Service Des Nouveaux Livres - Service Des Nouveaux Livres Hémon, Louis, 18801913Étude et enseignement (Collégial) 3. 1. Hémon, Louis,1880-1913. Maria Chapdelaine 2. Hémon, Louis, 1880-1913Critique et http://www.collectionscanada.ca/nouveauxlivres/04/g4-800-f.html | |
37. Writing In Canada: Authors: Louis Hémon Louis Hemon resources online, including bibliographical material and annotated publications publishers resources forum about us. Louis Hémon http://www.track0.com/ogwc/authors/hemon_l.html | |
38. Archives De L'Université De Montréal HÉMON, LOUIS P 109 Translate this page P 109. HÉMON, Louis 1880-1913. Fonds Louis Hémon. 1890-1975. 3 m. de documentstextuels. Notice biographique Louis Hémon est né le 12 octobre 1880 à http://www.archiv.umontreal.ca/P0000/P0109.html | |
39. Louis Hémon 1880 - 1913< Translate this page UMc_pp.jpg (16204 octets). Louis Hémon 1880 - 1913. http://www.archiv.umontreal.ca/Galeries/Groupe/Hemon.htm | |
40. Bibliographie Du Québec Translate this page Hémon, Louis, 1880-1913 Critique et interprétation 4. Hémon, Louis, 1880-1913 Problèmes et exercices I. Lessard, Jean-Louis, 1951- II. Titre. III. http://www.bnquebec.ca/portal/dt/ressources_en_ligne/bibliographie_quebec/2005-0 | |
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