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81. Thomson's Mercantile And Professional Directory - Maryland - 1851-1852 Hartman George, Joppa X Roads. Henry Miskimon, Sandy Hook, PO Harkins WilliamHickory PO Hanway Brothers, Mount Pleasant. Jackson Richard J., Darlington http://www.ls.net/~newriver/md/mdthom1851.htm | |
82. Holy Family WPA Records Ireland; Dav Dem 4 Apr 1926 Cunningham Mary 1852 11Apr-1927 Curry Helena Germany; Sons Severin, Alban, Alphonse; Dav Dem 30 Sep 1920 Hartmann Alma 5 http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/holyfamily.htm | |
83. Beachcombers, Traders & Castaways In Micronesia John Brown Chuuk, Kosrae, Ngatik, Mokil, Pohnpei (1852) In 1874 Hartmann leftKosrae for Chuuk, probably by way of Pohnpei. He visited the Mortlocks in http://www.micsem.org/pubs/articles/historical/bcomber/chuuk.htm | |
84. Sennett 1852. Married 2ndly? Sarah Williams (died August 10th 1908). Died September 23rdl906. Married Leslie Hartmann. Issue,. Diana Hartmann. http://www.avendano.org/genealogy/sennett.html | |
86. Alle Bekannten Auswanderer - All Known Emigrants - Sterkelshausen Heusner, Philipp 9 Aug 1852 to St Louis b 30 Oct 1829 Son of the farmer JohannPaulus Müller, Hartmann Jun 1856 Ackermann (farmer) b 31 Aug 1828 wife http://www.sterkelshausen.de/geschichte/ahnen_alle.php | |
87. Alle Bekannten Auswanderer - All Known Emigrants - Sterkelshausen Gundlach, Elisabeth 1852 b 15 Mar 1804 daughter of Johann Wilhelm Gundlach, Müller, Hartmann Jun 1856 Ackermann (farmer) b 31 Aug 1828 wife Catharina http://www.sterkelshausen.de/geschichte/ahnen_alle.php?id=1051552021 |
88. Selected Twentieth Century Works: H Harnack, Erich, 1852. Studien über Hautelektrizität und Hautmagnetismus des La radiographie en ophtalmologie; atlas clinique, par Edward Hartmann . http://www.thebakken.org/library/books/20h.htm | |
89. Gareth S Help Page [Emigration From Wales] The passenger lists are not indexed from 1852 to 1896. Edward George Hartmannwas a Professor of History at Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusettes http://home.clara.net/tirbach/HelpPageemigration.html | |
90. The Royal College Of Surgeons Of England Manuscripts - C Caroline of Brunswick, later Queen of George IV (17681821) Coleridge,Sara (18021852) writer daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge http://www.rcseng.ac.uk/services/library/collections/manuscripts/manuscripts_c_h |
91. Salt Lake Tribune - Utah Frederick Petersen came to Utah as a master potter s apprentice in 1852. Earlier,the LDS Church had tried Photos by Al Hartmann/The Salt Lake Tribune http://www.sltrib.com/utah/ci_2886593 | |
92. WebGED: Dauphin County Names Data Page Hartman, George Earl (1922 ) - male b. 20 Feb 1922 in ,Dauphin,Pa d.29 Feb 1852 in Lebanon,Lebanon,Pa father Hartman, Joseph (*1797 - ) http://www.genealogy.lv/howard/wga26.html | |
93. Greenwood Cemetery (K Of P Cemetery) - Surnames H-J - Philadelphia County, Penns 1/8/1868, d/o Henry Y. Helena F. Hartman Hallowell, Ann E., no dates, mother Hughes, Ella C., age 17 months, children of George Elizabeth Hughes http://www.interment.net/data/us/pa/philadelphia/greenwood_pythias/green_hj.htm | |
94. WeWh He died October 24, 1852 in Marshfield, Massachusetts Canal Zone 8 Cuba 226; WELLES, George Orson (1915-1985) American film actor, director, http://www.philately.com/philately/biowewh.htm | |
95. Classical Net - Composer Data - Anniversaries Composers 1800 1852 ) BEERHALTER, Alois ( 7/06/1800 - 11/28/1878 ) ZANI DE FERRANTI, 5/14/1805 - 3/10/1900 ) Hartmann, Johann Peter Emilius ( 10/15/1844 http://www.classical.net/music/composer/dates/comp8.html | |
96. ST. LUKE S CEMETERY NAME SEC/ROW BORN DIED INFORMATION Gerlach Gerlach, Addalhait, 14 Feb 1852, 14 Dec 1934, Spouse of August. Gerlach, August R . SpouseGeorge A. With Elsa, Minnie and Herbert. Knop, Marie http://www.iltrails.org/jackson/stg-k.htm | |
97. St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Millvale, PA Tombstone Inscriptions, May 2000 BRAUN CONRAD 18521890 FATHER BRAUN ELLA A. 1885-1965 MOTHER MEHRINGER JOHNGEORGE 1881-1924 FATHER, BURIED SECTION 6, LOT 1 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~njm1/stjohnml.htm | |
98. Genealogy Data Hartmann, Louise Philippine, Gender Female Birth 1770 in Braunfels Marriage about 1852 in Beaufort, South Carolina. DELOACH, James, Gender Male http://www.worldroots.com/ged/max/dat23.htm | |
99. SURNAME Translate this page HARTMAN, 3 Apr 1892, Heinrich Hartman, son of Georg Hartmann and Ernestine Lerke, HOFFMAN, 14 Jan 1882, John Hoffman born 28 December 1852. http://www.internetni.com/~ahaliotis/funerals.htm | |
100. Oldenburg Translate this page Altenburg 10 Feb 1852 Elisabeth Pss of Saxe-Altenburg (Hildburghausen 26 Mar1826-Oldenburg 2 2j) Cornelius Stephan Henning Hartmann Frhr v.Erffa, b. http://pages.prodigy.net/ptheroff/gotha/oldenburg.html | |
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