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         Habberton John:     more detail
  1. Helen's Babies - Habberton, John, 1842-1921 by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-07-01
  2. All He Knew A Story - Habberton, John, 1842-1921 by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-07-01
  3. Romance of California Life - Habberton, John, 1842-1921 by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-07-01
  4. HelenÃ?¯Ã'¿Ã'½s babies by John (1842-1921). Tod Dwiggins (ill.) Habberton, 1908
  5. Helen's babies : with some account of their ways innocent, crafty, angelic, impish, witching, and repulsive ; also, a partial record of their actions during ten days of their existence / by their latest victim by John (1842-1921) Habberton, 1876
  6. HELEN'S BABIES. With Some Account of Their Ways Innocent, Crafty, Angelic, Impish, Witching, and Replusive. Also, A Partial Record of Their Actions During Ten Days of Their Existence. By Their Latest Victim. by John. 1842 - 1921]. [Habberton, 1876-01-01
  7. Poor boys' chances by John Habberton 1842-1921, 1900-12-31
  8. Budge & Toddie; or, Helen's babies at play; being an account of the further doings of these marvelously precocious children by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-10-26
  9. Little Guzzy and other stories by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-10-26
  10. The annals of a baby : how it was named; how it was nursed; how it was a tyrant; and how its nose got out of joint : also, a few words about its aunties, its grandfathers, grandmothers, and other important relations by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-10-26
  11. My country, 'tis of thee; or, Great national questions. America's marvelous developement, and boundless possibilities by Habberton John 1842-1921, 1895-01-01
  12. The worst boy in town by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-10-26
  13. Who was Paul Grayson? by John, 1842-1921 Habberton, 2009-10-26

81. Mìstská Knihovna Ledeè N.Sázavou - Katalog LANius
Haager,Jirí R. Haager,Jirí,1943 Haas,Felix,1925- Haas,Charles A. Hába,Zdenek,1929-Habaj,Ivan,1943- Habberton,John,1842-1921 Habe,Hans,1911-1977 Habeck
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82. Severoèeská Vìdecká Knihovna Ústí N. L. - Katalog Clavius
Haager,Jirí,1943(2) Haas,Felix,1925-(2) Haasová-Necasová,Jarmila,..(2) Haasse,HellaSerafia,1918-(1) Habaj,Ivan,1943-(2) Habberton,John,1842-1921(1) Habe
Severoèeská vìdecká knihovna Ústí n. L. katalog Clavius
Slovník pro pole Autor - èást Ha-He
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83. MeK Velké Mezirící - Katalog LANius
Haagensen,Erling Haager,Jirí R. Haager,Jirí,1943 Haas,Felix,1925- Haasse,HellaS. Hába,Zdenek,1929- Habaj,Ivan,1943- Habberton,John,1842-1921 Habe,Hans

84. KZMB - Knihovna Boskovice - Katalog LANius
Haager,Jirí Haager,Jirí,1943 Haas,Felix,1925- Haas,Charles A. Haas,IrmgardHabaj,Ivan,1943- Habberton,John,1842-1921 Habe,Hans,1911-1977 Habeck,Reinhard

85. Knihovna Petra Bezruèe V Opavì - Katalog Clavius
Alois,18931973(3) Hába,František,1926-(2) Hába,Veroslav,1948-(26) Hába,Zdenek,1929-(2) Habart,Filip(2) Habart,Jan(1) Habberton,John,1842-1921(3) Habe
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86. Mestská Knihovna V Trebíci - Katalog LANius
Robert,1948 Haase,Michael Haasis,Hellmut G.,1942- Haasse,Hella Serafia,1918-Hába,Milan,1978- Habaj,Ivan,1943- Habart,Pavel Habberton,John,1842-1921 Habe,Hans

87. Mestská Knihovna Rokycany - Katalog LANius
1943 Haas,Elson M. Haas,Felix,1925- Haas,František Haas,Irmgard Haasse,HellaS.,1918- Hába,Zdenek,1929- Habaj,Ivan,1943- Habberton,John,1842-1921 Habe,Hans

John Habberton (18421921). 1876. 206p. Loring, Publisher. Little story about abachelor whose sister invites him to spend his vacation “relaxing” while he
Canadian Adoption Guide, The: A Family at Last
. Judith Wine. 1995. 215p. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. (Canada). The Canadian Adoption Guide is a thorough and practical handbook for those considering adoption as a way to create their family. It is the first book to focus on the Canadian adoption process. Adopting a newborn through the government requires an average wait of more than six years. By actively pursuing a private adoption, the author was holding her son within nine months. This book shares the knowledge gathered during her journey. Celebration Family, The . Diane Nason, with Birdie Etchison. 1983. 196p. Thomas Nelson. From the rice paddies of Viernam to the slums of Calcutta, from the majestic Oregon coast to the depths of Harlem, from sunny Florida to the guerilla war of El Salvador, they have come to be our children and to form The Celebration Family. [ The Nugget Newspaper in 1995 ( and , e.g.);

89. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS
1124 Gunn, Jeannie, 18701961 Guthrie, William, 1835-1908 Haaren, John H. (JohnHenry), 1855-1916 Habberton, John, 1842-1921 Hackers, the Hadden, J. Cuthbert
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90. Mìstská Knihovna Pelhøimov - Katalog Clavius
Habberton,John,18421921(1) Habe,Hans,1911-1977(2) Habeck,Reinhard,1962-(2)Habera,Pavol,1962-(1) Haberer,Martin(2) Häberle,Gregor,1957-(1)
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91. Mìstská Knihovna Prostìjov - Katalog Clavius
Habberton,John,18421921(1) Habe,Hans(1) Habeck,Reinhard(3) Haber,Ludek(1)Habera(1) Habera Pavol(1) habera Pavol(1) Habera Povol(1) Habera,Pavol,1962-(3)
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Slovník pro pole Autor - èást H
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Pro pomalé spojení : H.-Ha Hb-He Hi-Hn Ho ...
Hýzrle z Chodù,Jindøich,1..

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92. Mìstská Knihovna Prostìjov - Katalog Clavius, John, 1842-1921

93. Guide To The Augustin Daly (1838-1899) Letters And Papers, 1849-1916
Yc4229 (1) Habberton, John, 18421921. Letter to Augustin Daly. 1 aut. let. sig.Yc4230 (1-8) Hackett, Clara Cynthia (Morgan), 1834-1909.
Guide to the Augustin Daly (1838-1899) Letters and Papers, 1849-1916
MS Y.c.2602-3099, 4000-5378
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Curator of Manuscripts Folger Shakespeare Library 201 East Capitol Street, SE Washington, DC 20003-1094 USA Phone: 202/675-0325 Fax: 202/675-0328 Email: Website:
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Collection Title: Daly, Augustin, 1838-1899. Collection of letters and papers, n.d., 1849-1916 Preferred Citation: Y.c.2602-3099, Y.c.4000-5378 Extent: 33 boxes Repository: Folger Shakespeare Library Abstract: Guide to Letters and Papers by German Authors.

94. Carolina Bookshop At
Presidents. A Traveller s Guide BOOKS2023311 Habberton, John (18421921) -Budge and Toddie Or Helen s Babies at Play. Being an
Carolina Bookshop
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95. Mìstská Knihovna Mariánské Láznì - Katalog LANius
R. Haager,Jirí,1943 Haas,Felix,1925- Haas,Pavel,1899-1944 Haas,Rudolf Haase,MichaelHaasse,Hella S. Habaj,Ivan,1943- Habberton,John,1842-1921 Habe,Hans,1911
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Heyward,Du Bose

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96. Chronological Author List "1840 To 1844" Compiled By GIGA
John Habberton, American journalist and miscellanist (1842 1921) - BUY AMAZONBOOK Jesse Hardesty, American writer (1842 - unknown) - BUY AMAZON BOOK
Home Biographical List Reading List Links ... Authors by Date CHRONOLOGICAL AUTHOR LIST 1840 to 1844
John S.C. (Stevens Cabot) Abbott, American writer (1840 - 1916) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, English poet (1840 - 1922) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Mary Lydia Bolles Branch, American poet (1840 - 1922) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Henry Broadhurst, English politician (1840 - 1911) READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Alice Williams Brotherton, American poet (fl. 1880) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Mary Brown, American hymn writer (fl. 1880) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Rev. Henry Burton, English clergyman and writer (1840 - 1930) READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Timothy J. Campbell, American politician (1840 - 1904) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Elizabeth (Lizzy) York Case, American poet (1840? - 1911) READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
John White Chadwick, American clergyman, essayist, writer and poet (1840 - 1904) READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK George Cooper (2), American journalist and verse writer (1840 - 1927) BUY AMAZON BOOK Alphonse Daudet, French novelist (1840 - 1897) READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK Austin Dobson

97. Biographical List Of Names (H - HAK) Compiled By GIGA
John Habberton, American journalist and miscellanist (1842 1921) - BUY AMAZONBOOK William Habington, English poet (1605 - 1654) - READ QUOTES (4) BUY
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Robert Haas, M.D., American physician (1948 - ) CHECK READING LIST (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
John Habberton, American journalist and miscellanist (1842 - 1921) BUY AMAZON BOOK
William Habington, English poet (1605 - 1654) READ QUOTES (4) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Francis Hackett, American (Irish-born) writer (1883 - 1962) CHECK READING LIST (2) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Gen. Sir John Winthrop Hackett, Australian British military officer (1910 - 1997) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Gen. Sir John Hackett, Norman Macrae, et al., Australian / English British military officer / financial journalist (1910 - 1997 / 1923 -) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Ian Hacking, Canadian philosopher (1936 - ) CHECK READING LIST (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK
Sparse Grey Hackle (pseudonym of Alfred W. Miller), American journalist and author of fishing books (1893? - 1983) READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK John Hackwood, no available biographical information BUY AMAZON BOOK Moses Hadas

98. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors
William (1835 1908) GWYNN, Stephen (Lucius) (1864 - 1950) Habberton,John (1842 - 1921) HADDEN, J. Cuthbert (1816 - 1914) HAGGARD, H(enry) Rider (1856
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List of birth and death dates The following list shows the birth and death dates of a number of authors. The dates shown may not be accurate, as the list has been compiled from existing sources on the internet, and dates have not been verified by Project Gutenberg of Australia. A comprehensive list of authors and translators, together with birth and death dates, is available from The New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors at the Kingkong web site. Other sites which may be of interest to Project Gutenberg volunteers are listed on the Links page. SURNAME, Christian Name(s) (Born - Died) Home Updated 30 Mar 05

99. Birth And Death Dates Of Authors
Mrs (1870 1961) GUNNARSSON, Gunnar (1889 - 1975) GUTHIE, William (1835 - 1908)GWYNN, Stephen (Lucius) (1864 - 1950) Habberton, John (1842 - 1921) HADDEN, J
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treasure-trove n treasure found hidden with no evidence of ownership. Home PG Library of Australiana Works in the 'public domain' in Australia Australian Explorers ... Site Map List of birth and death dates The following list shows the birth and death dates of a number of authors. The dates shown may not be accurate, as the list has been compiled from existing sources on the internet, and dates have not been verified by Project Gutenberg of Australia. A comprehensive list of authors and translators, together with birth and death dates, is available from The New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors at the Kingkong web site. Other sites which may be of interest to Project Gutenberg volunteers are listed on the Links page. SURNAME, Christian Name(s) (Born - Died) Home Updated 30 Oct 02

100. Mìstská Knihovna Králíky - Katalog LANius
Haag,Gaby Haage,Walther Haager,Jirí,1943 Haas,Charles A. Haas,Irmgard Haas,RobertHabberton,John,1842-1921 Habe,Hans Habeck,Reinhard Háberová,Izabela
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