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         Guibert Abbot Of Nogent-sous-coucy:     more detail
  1. Guibert of Nogent: Portrait of a Medieval Mind by Jay Rubenstein, 2002-08-16
  2. Autobiography Guibert Abbot: by Guibert, 1980-01-30
  3. A Monk's Confession: The Memoirs of Guibert of Nogent by Guibert, Paul J. Archambault, 1995-12-01

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Translate this page , *Guibert, Abbot of Nogent-sous-Coucy, 1053-ca. 1124. Archambault, PaulJ., 1937-. ? ?, LCSHGuibert Abbot of Nogent-sous-Coucy 1053-ca. 1124.

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Translate this page , *Guibert, Abbot of Nogent-sous-Coucy, 1053-ca. 1124. Labande, Edmond René,1908-. ? ?, LCSHGuibert Abbot of Nogent-sous-Coucy 1053-ca. 1124.

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Guibert, Abbot of Nogentsous-Coucy, 1053-ca. 1124. Deeds Of God Through TheFranks, The. Guizot, M. (François). World s Best Histories Volume 01 France
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Heap O Livin , A; Just Folks. Guibert, Abbot of Nogentsous-Coucy, 1053-ca. 1124Deeds Of God Through The Franks, The. Guizot, M. (François), 1787-1874 World s
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    Bartoli, Pietro Santi, 1635-1700, (Roma: Nella Stamperia di Antonio de Rossi, 1697). RBC Folio NB1603 .B3 Cameron, Charles, The baths of the Romans explained and illustrated. With the restorations of Palladio corrected and improved. To which is prefixed, an introductory preface, pointing out the nature of the work. And a dissertation upon the state of the arts during the different periods of the Roman empire. (London, 1772).

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