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Grossmith Weedon: more detail |
21. Adelman Letters And Documents Collection - G | Special Collections | Bryn Mawr C Grossmith, Weedon, 18521919 (Painter). Letter London, to Bernard Evans, 1843-19221 item (2 p. on double sheet) ; 18 x 23 cm folded to 18 x 12 cm http://www.brynmawr.edu/library/speccoll/guides/adelmang.shtml | |
22. Listing Of Authors 1884, Translator Gordon, Thomas, Translator Greene, Nathaniel, 17971877, TranslatorGrimm, Wilhelm, 1786-1859 _ Grossmith, Weedon, 1852-1919 Gummere, Francis http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/editors_translators.htm | |
23. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Grossmith, George, 1847 Diary of a Nobody ADD. AUTHOR Grossmith, Weedon, 18521919 LANGUAGE English SUBJECTFiction _ Wit and humor PG ENTRY 1026 - POSTING DATE Aug 1997 ZIP. http://www.informika.ru/koi8/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/grossmith_george_.html |
24. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - D AUTHOR Grossmith, Weedon, 18521919 LANGUAGE English SUBJECT Fiction _ Witand humor PG ENTRY 1026 - POSTING DATE Aug 1997 http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_d2.html | |
25. PLAY PICTORIAL 1910-1919 actor Grossmith, Weedon, Mr., 18521919 (author and actor, brother of GeorgeGrossmith, 1847-1912, born Walter Weedon Grossmith) http://library.kent.ac.uk/library/special/icons/playbills/playdat2.htm | |
26. List Of People By Name: Gr scholastic philosopher; Grossmith, George, (18471912), English comic actor;Grossmith, Weedon, (1852-1919), English writer; Gross, Paul http://academickids.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_people_by_name__gr.html | |
27. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - D AUTHOR Grossmith, Weedon, 18521919 LANGUAGE English SUBJECT Fiction _Wit and humor PG ENTRY 1026 - POSTING DATE Aug 1997 ZIP. http://database.delphi.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_d2.html | |
28. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Grossmith, Weedon, 18521919 Growing organic vegetables west of the CascadesGuerney, Bernard Guilbert, 1894- , Translator http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
29. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Grossmith, Weedon, 18521919. Gummere, Francis Barton, 1855-1919, Translator.Haldeman-Julius, Marcet, 1887-1941. Hallard, Alys, Translator http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
30. BiblioMan.Com - The Great Literary Works Garnett, Constance Black, 18621946, Translator Gilbert, Olive Giles, John Allen,1808-1884, Translator Grossmith, Weedon, 1852-1919 Gummere, Francis Barton http://www.biblioman.com/authors.htm | |
32. The Lost Continent Of - That Tower! We Ll Smash Into It! Gilbert, Olive Giles, John Allen, 18081884, Translator Gordon, Thomas, TranslatorGrimm, Wilhelm, 1786-1859 _ Grossmith, Weedon, 1852-1919 Gummere, Francis http://test.lost.co.nz/main/library/gutenauth.html |
33. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De Grossmith, Walter Weedon (18521919) Artist Actor and Author (1). Gwynne, HowellArthur (1865-1950) Journalist (15). Hacking, Douglas Hewitt (1884-1950) 1st http://www.archon.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?LR=206 |
34. HL 18081884, Translator Gordon, Irwin Leslie, 1887- , Editor Grossmith, Weedon,1852-1919 Gummere, Francis Barton, 1855-1919, Translator Haldeman-Julius, http://digilander.libero.it/lazzi/cur.html | |
35. Enquiry Form Grossmith(Weedon, 18521919, Co-Author of A Diary of a Nobody )£15 ref4398. Name Email Phone Country http://www.farahardupre.co.uk/enquiryform.php?id=4398 |
36. Enquiry Form Grossmith(Weedon, 18521919, Co-Author of A Diary of a Nobody )£15 ref4401. Name Email Phone Country http://www.farahardupre.co.uk/enquiryform.php?id=4401 |
37. Maklumat Bibliografi TOPICAL HEADINGS, Men Fiction England. GEOGRAPHIC NAME A, England Fiction.ADDED ENTRY PERSO, Grossmith, Weedon(1852-1919). ADDED ENTRY -PERSO, Glinert http://library.putrajaya.net.my/equip/FullDisplayRetriever.jsp?0000009654 |
38. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu - Uudiskirjandus Grossmith, George, 18471912. Grossmith, Weedon, 1852-1919. DIARY OF A NOBODY /GEORGE Weedon Grossmith. Ware (Hertfordshire) Wordsworth Classics, 1994. http://www.ear.ee/uudiskirjandus/2003/pohi6_2.htm.utf8 | |
39. OAI Site: Dlpscoll With Illustrations by Weedon Grossmith /title creator George Grossmith,18471912 / Weedon Grossmith, 1852-1919 /creator description First published http://www.mds.rmit.edu.au/~ajk/oai/interop/dlpscoll.htm | |
40. }Ú×îñ Translate this page , *Grossmith, George, 1847-1912. Grossmith, Weedon, 1852-1919. Squire, JohnCollings, Sir, 1884-1958. , ID=20662011 NCID=BA06036740. http://www.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?smode=0&key=&code=20662011 |
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