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Grimm Jacob: more books (33) | |||
41. Grimm Brothers Biography Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm, second son, was born on January 4, 1785. Jacob LudwigKarl Grimm 17851863, Wilhlem Karl Grimm 1786-1859. http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~ajc5656/biography.html | |
42. Grimm Brothers Their names were Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (17851863) and Wilhelm KarlGrimm (1786-1859). Both brothers were born in HanauJacob on January 4, 1785, http://www.angelfire.com/realm/shades/fairytales/grimmbrothers.htm | |
43. Jacob Grimm Translate this page Grimm, Jacob (1785-1863), writer, linguist, Germany. Mehrere Märchen von dieGebrüder Grimm können Sie auf Deutsch lesen bei deutsches Projekt http://runeberg.org/authors/grimmjac.html | |
44. Additional Info For Grimms Fairy Tales (Penguin) Doi10.1221 Jacob W. Grimm (17851863) and his brother Wilhelm K. Grimm (1786-1859) pioneeredthe study of German philosophy, law, mythology and folklore, http://doi.contentdirections.com/mr/penguin_bowker_addl_info.jsp/10.1221/0140366 |
45. Los Hermanos Grimm Translate this page Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (1785-1863) y Wilhelm Karl Grimm (1786-1859) eran doshermanos nacidos en Alemania, que tenían como profesión el estudio de la http://www.bibliotecasvirtuales.com/biblioteca/literaturainfantil/cuentosclasico | |
46. MSN Encarta - Grimm Brothers Grimm Brothers, two 19thcentury German scholars and brothers, Jacob Ludwig KarlGrimm (1785-1863) and Wilhelm Karl Grimm (1786-1859), who were leaders http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761570550/Grimm_Brothers.html | |
47. LitWeb.net Jacob (Ludwig Carl) Grimm see also Wilhelm Grimm 17851863 Jacob Grimm wasborn in Hanau. His father, who was educated in law and served as a town clerk http://www.biblion.com/litweb/biogs/grimm_jacob.html | |
48. Jacob Y Wilhelm Grimm Translate this page Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (1785-1863) y Wilhelm Karl Grimm (1786-1859) eran El trabajo científico más importante de Jacob Grimm es la Gramática alemana http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/9980/biografias/sc-grimmbio.htm | |
49. Jacob Grimm - Deutsche Mythologie Jacob Grimm auteur van Deutsche Mythologie schreef met Wilhelm Grimm vele genialepublicaties. Jacob Grimm (17851863) http://heidenfrl.tripod.com/ | |
50. Anglo-Saxonists - 19th Century Grimm, Jacob (17851863); Antonsen, Elmer H., ed. The Grimm Brothers and theGermanic Past. Studies in the History of Language Sciences, 54. http://www.u.arizona.edu/~ctb/19ghi.html | |
51. Rauner Special Collections Library Grimm, Jacob, 17851863 German fairy tales and popular stories / as told by GammerGrethel. Translated from the collection of mm. Grimm, by Edgar Taylor. http://diglib.dartmouth.edu/newbooks/spec.shtml |
52. Hermanos Grimm. Biografia, Libros, Citas Y Guia De Cine - Viaje Literario Translate this page Jacob Grimm (1785-1863) WILHELM CARL Grimm (1786-1859). Jacob Ludwig CarlGrimm (nacido el 4 de enero de 1785 en Hanau) y Wilhelm Carl Grimm (nacido el 24 http://www.alohacriticon.com/viajeliterario/article90.html | |
53. Fairy Tales - About The Brothers Grimm (By The Grimm Brothers) The Brothers Grimm, Jacob (17851863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859), were born in Hanau,near Frankfurt, in the German state of Hesse. Throughout their lives they http://www.authorama.com/grimms-fairy-tales-64.html | |
54. Book Of Words: Random Reading Jacob Grimm (17851863). and Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859). 1838 -1961 AÐZypressenzweig.1965 - approx. 2005 AF. First edition (completed 1961) http://www.buchderwoerter.de/text.html | |
55. Chapterfive.html Though we consider Jacob Grimm (17851863) one 48of the greatest contributorsto linguistics, his name is a household word for other achievements as well. http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/lrc/iedocctr/ie-docs/lehmann/reader/Chapter5.ht | |
56. Het Grimm Project - Sprookjes - Startpagina Omstreeks 1806 begonnen Jacob Grimm (17851863) en zijn broer Wilhelm (1786-1859)sprookjes te verzamelen. Inmiddels is hun verzameling het op één na http://www.beleven.org/verhalen/themapagina/grimm.html | |
57. [Jacob Et Wilhelm Grimm] Grimm (1785-1863) (1786-1859). Contes de Grimm.Deux frères allemands, écrivains et érudits. Ils naquirent tous deux à Hanau, http://www.ygora.net/nav/page_index/contes/presentation_auteurs/grimmpres.htm |
58. Basic Printed Texts Jacob Grimm (17851863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859) published the first editionof their collection in two volumes, in 1812 and 1814. http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~wbarker/fairies/texts.html | |
59. Grimm Translate this page Les frères Grimm. Jacob Grimm (1785-1863) Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859). Jacob Grimmconnut une carrière brillante bibliothécaire du roi de Westphalie, http://users.skynet.be/sky42184/grimm.htm | |
60. German Children's Books At Mt. Holyoke Grimm, Jacob, 1785-1863. Grimm, Wilhelm, 1786-1859. Hansel Gretel / gez. von Rich. Scholz. Mainz Jos. Scholz, 190-? http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/arch/col/rare/rarebooks/biblio/Germanjuv.s | |
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