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Gregory Eliot: more detail | ||||||
61. Wayne County, Kentucky Genealogy Florence WARDEN (18541915) Dau. of James Vance Elizabeth LANKFORD WARDEN Gregory, RUSSELL, BELL, RAWLINS of Wayne and McCreary County http://www.rootsweb.com/~kywayne/queriesoct-dec96.html | |
62. List Of Biologists -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article a pioneer in the study of immunology (18541915)) Paul Ehrlich, (1854-1915), (Click link for more info and facts about Eliot Howard) Eliot Howard http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_biologists.htm | |
63. 20th Century -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article to cure syphilis and was a pioneer in the study of immunology (18541915))Paul Ehrlich (Click link for more info and facts about TS Eliot) TS Eliot http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/2/20/20th_century.htm | |
64. List Of Biologists Information and microscopist; Paul Ehrlich, (18541915), German Nobel Daniel Giraud ElliotJohannFriedrich von Eschscholtz Gregory Goodwin Pincus, biologist; Thomas Littleton http://www.searchspaniel.com/index.php/List_of_biologists |
65. D & E Lake Ltd. of the five books of Decretals promulgated in 1234 by Gregory IX. Eliot,George ie. EVANS, Mary Ann 18191880. Felix Holt The Radical. http://www.delake.com/oc_catalogues4565.html?id=504 |
66. Vitanet - Biblioteca Virtual Y Centro Tecnológico Translate this page Título The Ways of Men. Autor Gregory, Eliot, 1854 - 1915. Recursos Archivo texto.Archivo comprimido Requiere programa WinZip (1.23 MB), bájelo aquí. http://www.vitanet.cl/busqueda/ficha.php?ref=1933 |
67. Table Of Contents For Antisemitism 00 Eichmann Trial, 00 1848, 00 Einsatzgruppen, 00 Eliot, TS (18881965), 00 Henrici, Ernst (1854-1915), 00 Hentschel, Willibald (1858-1947), http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0510/2005009480.html |
68. Gaslight Contents By Author LT Meade (Elisabeth Lillie Thomasina Meade Smith) (18541915) William ButlerYeats (1865-1939) Three poems about Robert Gregory http://gaslight.mtroyal.ab.ca/gaslight/contents.htm | |
69. Biography Base Letter E Ehrlich, Paul R. (1854-1915), entomologist Eliot, Charles William - (March20, 1834 - August 22, 1926), President of Harvard University http://www.biographybase.com/bio/e.html | |
70. H DATA068 BERRY Gregory Richard page 361 BERRY Harold Reginald 19171983 page 361 HUFF Bertha 1854-1915 pages 136157 HUFF Peter page 157a http://www.ogs.on.ca/ogspi/160/e160h068.htm | |
71. E - Information About Everything And Everybody Barbara Ehrenreich author; Paul R. Ehrlich - (1854-1915), entomologist Sir John Eliot, statesman - (April 11, 1592 - November 27, 1632), http://e.qardinalinfo.com/ | |
72. P SA Name LAT LONG DIR DIAM CT ET QUAD MAP AS AD REF FT Origin A E m Catena Gregory 0.6 129.9 E 152.0 EU SC LOC 3 5 1976 0 CA Named from V V Eliot Patera 39.1 79.0 E 116.0 EU GB V-10 I-2467 5 1991 46 PE George; http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/jsp/AllDataPlainText.jsp |
73. P SA Name LAT LONG DIAM CT ET QUAD MAP AS AD REF FT Origin A Ma E m Catena Gregory 0.6S 129.9E 152.0 EU SC LOC 3 5 1976 0 CA Named from nearby V V Eliot Patera 39.1N 79.0E 116.0 EU GB V10 I-2467 5 1991 46 PE George; http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/jsp/AdvanceSearchPlainText.jsp |
74. THE AMERICANIST BOOKS - LITERARY & HISTORICAL AMERICANA Eliot Morison; a bibliographical afterword by LF Sipe. Mary Garrett (18541915)was a Baltimore-born philanthropist, and promoter of woman s education http://www.kanebooks.com/booklist.html | |
75. Northern US ESTES Family Tree - This +Mary Frances MARTIN (18541915); d.Oswayo, Potter Co, PA 39 . +Mary REMICKof Eliot, ME; 1852 6 . Mary Eveyln ESTES (1854) of Newburyport, http://xenon.triode.net.au/~dragon/ft/estes-us.txt | |
76. Slovník Pro Pole Autor - èást K - Krajská Knihovna Vysoèiny Havlíèkùv Br Keyes,J. Gregory,1963(3) Keyes,Marian,1963-(2) Keyes,Marian,1970-(1) Kucera,Karel,1854-1915(1) Kucera,Karel,1947-(1) Kucera,L.(2) http://www.kkvysociny.cz/clavius/clslak.htm | |
77. Surnames D-H William Samuel (1854 1915) William Stephen, Judge (1818 - 1883). GOOLSBY,Eudora Henry J. Gregory, Adrienne Evelina Lina (1871 - 1956) Frances L. http://www.anniebees.com/Drewry/List D.htm | |
78. American Paintings: American Impressionism, Hudson River School And Connecticut Enneking, J(oseph) Eliot, (1881 1942) Enneking, John J(oseph), (1841 - 1916) Hoeber, Arthur (1854 - 1915) Hoffman, Harry L(eslie), (1874-1966) http://www.cooleygallery.com/inventory.htm | |
79. I12845: Maria BOONE (4 MAR 1815 - ____) Gregory Mitchell PRIVETTE. 1934) m 1882 _Samira Jane WHITLEY _ (1886 1963) m1909 _Elizabeth Elmira MEDLIN _+ (1854 - 1915) m 1882 William Elliot TUCKER. http://www.culpepper.net/starnes/d0001/g0000084.html | |
80. List Of Biologists: Information From Answers.com Paul Ehrlich, (18541915), German Nobel Prize-winning immunologist German zoologist; Daniel Giraud Elliot, (1835-1915), American zoologist http://www.answers.com/topic/list-of-biologists | |
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