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61. HistoryLink Essay:Captain Ulysses S. Grant Arrives At Columbia (later Vancouver) HistoryLink is a registered US Trademark of History Ink. President Ulysses S.Grant (18221885). Courtesy The White House http://www.historylink.org/essays/printer_friendly/index.cfm?file_id=5255 |
62. Ulysses S. Grant [Main Page] Treating seven aspects of Grant s life (18221885), McFeely gives us both theprivate He lives in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Ulysses S. Grant book jacket http://www.wwnorton.com/catalog/fall03/002032.htm | |
63. Lieutenant General Grant (Memory): American Treasures Of The Library Of Congress Commission for Ulysses S. Grant (18221885) as lieutenant general March 10, 1864Holograph manuscript Manuscript Division (41A). Ulysses S. Grant entered http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trm129.html | |
64. Ulysses S. Grant Papers (Library Of Congress) Finding aid for the Ulysses S. Grant Papers in the Manuscript Division, 1998 *** ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION The papers of Ulysses S. Grant (18221885), http://www.loc.gov/rr/mss/text/grant.html | |
65. Sign Information Ulysses S. Grant Grant Square Gore. This large bronze equestrian statue by William and 18th United States President Ulysses Simpson Grant (18221885). http://www.nycgovparks.org/sub_your_park/historical_signs/hs_historical_sign.php |
66. Ulysses S. Grant, Famous Quotation/Quote Ulysses S. Grant (18221885) 18th US President This Ulysses S. Grant quoteis found in these Categories Military, Peace, Victory, War http://quotes.liberty-tree.ca/quotes.nsf/quotes5/647f988d7728491685256cdb000fb71 | |
67. Ulysses S. Grant Life (18221885). Notes MI Simpson. Titles. Letters of Ulysses S. Grant to HisFather and His Youngest Sister Personal Memoirs of General US Grant http://manybooks.net/authors/grantuly.html | |
68. Military Factory - Generals And Gentlemen - General Grant, Ulysses S. Grant At a Glance. Name Ulysses S. Grant Life Span 18221885 Birthplace PointPleasant, Ohio Nation The United States of America http://www.militaryfactory.com/generals/detail.asp?general_id=4 |
69. Subject Heading Search Result Page 1 image with subject Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 18221885. GENERAL UlyssesS. Grant From Diary of a Refugee. http://docsouth.unc.edu/result.phtml?tgm=Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 18 |
70. Subject Heading Search Result Page 1 image with subject Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 18221885. US Grant.From Frederick Douglass The Orator. Containing an Account of His Life; http://docsouth.unc.edu/result.phtml?tgm=Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 18 |
71. ULYSSES S. GRANT Meaning And Definition - Dictionary - ELook.org Provides a definition of Ulysses s. Grant. 18th President of the UnitedStates; commander of the Union armies in the American Civil War (18221885) http://www.elook.org/dictionary/ulysses-saa--grant.html | |
72. Ulysses S. GRANT (1822-1885) Translate this page Biographie des personnalités ou de figures américaines, des plus célèbres aumoins connues. http://www.medarus.org/NM/NMPersonnages/NM_10_01_Biog_Presidents/nm_10_01_18_gra | |
73. Alibris: Ulysses S Grant Ulysses S. Grant, 18221885; chronology, documents, bibliographical aids.more books like this by Grant, Ulysses S., and Moran, Philip R., and United States http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Grant, Ulysses S | |
74. Ulysses S. Grant Quotes - ThinkExist Quotations of the Union armies during the late years of the American Civil War. 18221885 Ulysses S. Grant quotes. About Superstition quotes. Add to my book http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/ulysses_s._grant/ | |
75. Profiles In History: Item Detail Page Grant, Ulysses S. 18221885. 18th President of the US (1869-1877). Civil War-dateAutograph Letter Signed, One page, Quarto, dated December 23, http://secure.profilesinhistory.com/catalog/itemdetail2.asp?ItemId=10&Title=CIVI |
76. Ulysses S. Grant: New & Used Books Search Result For Ulysses S. Grant Searched in books for Ulysses S. Grant. 59 books matched your search. Search took0.13 seconds. All Categories Other G Grant, Ulysses S. 18221885 http://www.fetchbook.info/search_Ulysses_S._Grant/searchBy_Author.html | |
77. Anecdote - Ulysses Simpson Grant - Ulysses S. Grant: Hack Golfer Ulysses S. Grant Hack Golfer In an attempt to encourage him to take up golfing, Grant, Ulysses Simpson (18221885) American Civil War general, http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=702 |
78. Anecdote - [Hiram] Ulysses Simpson Grant - Ulysses S. Grant: Caught Speeding Early in his first term as president, Ulysses S. Grant was fined $5 (some sources Grant, Hiram Ulysses Simpson (18221885) American Civil War general, http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=7912 |
79. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 1822-1885 SUBJECT Autobiography Grant, Ulysses S., 18221885 PG ENTRY 1067 - POSTINGDATE Oct 1997 ZIP. Personal Memoirs of US Grant, Volume 2 LANGUAGE English http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/grant_ulysses_simpson_.htm | |
80. Grant (Ulysses S.) Papers, 1863-1866 Ulysses S. Grant (18221885) served in the Union Army during the Civil War.Grant earned the nickname Unconditional Surrender Grant after calmly demanding http://www.navarrocollege.edu/library/civilwar/finding_aids/g_l/grant.htm | |
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