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         Grammaticus Saxo:     more books (100)
  1. Danish Historians: Saxo Grammaticus, Nikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig, Peder Hansen Resen, Peter Rochegune Munch, Niels Ditlev Riegels
  2. Scheherazade or the Future of the English Novel Thamyris or Is There a Future for Poetry? Saxo Grammaticus Deucalion or the Future of Literary Criticism: Today and Tomorrow Volume Twenty-One by CarruthersTrevelyanWeekleyWest, 2008-06-03
  3. The History Of The Danes Books I-IX Saxo Grammaticus by Saxo Grammaticus Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1998
  4. La Saga de Hadingus: Du Mythe au Roman (Saxo Grammaticus I, V-VIII) by Georges Dumezil, 1953-01-01
  5. Observations on Hamlet; and on the motives which most probably induced Shakespeare to fix upon the story of Amleth, from the Danish chronicle of Saxo Grammaticus, for the plot of that tragedy by James Plumptre, 2010-06-16
  6. Erläuterungen Zu Den Ersten Neun Büchern Der Dänischen Geschichte Des Saxo Grammaticus: "Übersetzung" (P. 1-443); Sprachliche Zusammenstellungen (Von C. Knabe, P. 444-492) 1901 (German Edition) by Saxo, Carl Knabe, 2010-01-10
  7. Saxo Grammaticus: Tra storiografia e letteratura. (book reviews): An article from: Scandinavian Studies by Hans Kuhn, 1996-03-22
  8. Hamlet, Prinz Von Dänemark: In Wort Und Sinngetreuer Prosa-Übersetzung Von C. Hackh, Mit Einleitenden Kritischen Studien, Der Amleth-Sage Nach Saxo Grammaticus, ... Tragödie Hamlet, Insbesond (German Edition) by William Shakespeare, 2010-04-04
  9. 1150s Births: Stephen Langton, Alexios III Angelos, Saxo Grammaticus, Niketas Choniates, Geoffrey, Archbishop of York, Boniface I
  10. The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus (Volume 2) by Saxo, 2010-03-14
  11. Danish literature : Saxo Grammaticus to Isak Dinesen : an exhibition at the Houghton Library, October 16-November 21 / by Nancy S. Reinhardt by Nancy S. Reinhardt, 1986
  12. The Nine Books of Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus
  13. The nine books of the Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus by Grammaticus Saxo, Oliver Elton, et all 2010-09-11
  14. 1220 Deaths: Saxo Grammaticus, Wolfram Von Eschenbach, Michael Choniates, Isabel de Clare, 4th Countess of Pembroke, Alys

81. Saxo Grammaticus (Litteraturnettet)
Forbund Norsk Forfattarsentrum Norsk Oversetterforening OM VIRUS OG SPAM. Saxo Grammaticus Danmark. Etekst Project Runeberg Tekst. Kort biografi.

Translate this page Saxo Grammaticus, dän. Sakse, altdän. Geschichtsschreiber, * um 1150, + Anfang d. RG Latham, Two dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of
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Band VIII (1994) Spalten 1480-1482 Autor: Stephan Freund SAXO GRAMMATICUS, dän. Sakse , altdän. Geschichtsschreiber, * um 1150, + Anfang d. 13. Jh. - S. genoß seine Ausbildung wohl in Frankreich, möglicherweise in Reims; er war vermutlich Geistlicher und Schreiber des Bischofs Absalon v. Lund, auf dessen Veranlassung S. die bis 1185 reichenden, dem Bischof gewidmeten »Gesta Danorum« verfaßte. Stilistisch besonders beeinflußt von Valerius Maximus, behandeln die ersten 9 Bücher die mythische Vorzeit und schöpfen aus altnordischen Sagen, die zum Teil nur hier überliefert sind, darunter die Behandlung des Hamlet-Stoffes. Vom 10. bis zum 16. und letzten Buch stellen die »Gesta Danorum« eine wichtige Quelle für die dänische Geschichte, vor allem für die Taten Absalons und König Waldemars dar. Werke: Saxo grammaticus, Gesta Danorum, hrsg. von A. Holder, 1886; Saxonis Gesta Danorum, hrsg. von J. Olrik und H. Ræder, 2 Bde., 1931-57.

83. The Danish History Of Saxo Grammaticus, Preface
The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus Preface. Forasmuch as all other nations are wont to vaunt the glory of their achievements, and reap joy from the
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The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus
And I would not have it forgotten that the more ancient of the Danes, when any notable deeds of mettle had been done, were filled with emulation of glory, and imitated the Roman style; not only by relating in a choice kind of composition, which might be called a poetical work, the roll of their lordly deeds; but also by having graven upon rocks and cliffs, in the characters of their own language, the works of their forefathers, which were commonly known in poems in the mother tongue. In the footsteps of these poems, being as it were classic books of antiquity, I have trod; and keeping true step with them as I translated, in the endeavour to preserve their drift, I have taken care to render verses by verses; so that the chronicle of what I shall have to write, being founded upon these, may thus be known, not for a modern fabrication, but for the utterance of antiquity; since this present work promises not a trumpery dazzle of language, but faithful information concerning times past. Moreover, how many histories must we suppose that men of such genius would have written, could they have had skill in Latin and so slaked their thirst for writing! Men who though they lacked acquaintance with, the speech of Rome, were yet seized with such a passion for bequeathing some record of their history, that they encompassed huge boulders instead of scrolls, borrowing rocks for the usage of books.

84. Saxo Grammaticus Biography Pictures Portrait Books Online Forum
Forum pictures biography and Saxo Grammaticus books online The Danish History, Books IIX.
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85. The Danish History, Books I-IX By Saxo Grammaticus
The Danish History, Books IIX by Saxo Grammaticus with annotations advancing emotional literacy education from the Encyclopedia of the Self.
The Danish History, Books I-IX by Saxo Grammaticus
with annotations advancing emotional literacy education from the Encyclopedia of the Self.

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by Saxo Grammaticus
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from the Encyclopedia of the Self.
The Danish History, Books I-IX (history)
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86. Fiction Books
Author, Grammaticus, Saxo. Illustrated by, Vasegaard, Sigurd. Title, The History Of Amleth Ask a question View other books by Grammaticus, Saxo

Displaying results 191-200 of 1902 matches.
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Author: Belleroche, William De Title: Brangwyn Talks Description: Published by:
Fiction Item No: Price: View other Fiction books Ask a question View other books by Belleroche, William De Author: Grammaticus, Saxo Illustrated by: Vasegaard, Sigurd Title: The History Of Amleth Description: Published by: New York: The Limited Editions Club 1954
Notes: First in series of Limited Editions Club books. Leatherbound spine with attractive blue painted paper boards. Includes newsletter. Translated into English from Latin by Oliver Elton; Many woodcut illustrations by Sigurd Vasegaard. Light damp stains on leather spine, otherwise VG. G slipcase has some staining and a small dent.
Keywords: Fiction Item No: Price: View other Fiction books Ask a question View other books by Grammaticus, Saxo Author: Allen, James Lane Title: THE REIGN OF LAW: A TALE OF THE KENTUCKY HEMP FIELDS Description: Published by:
FIRST EDITION. Good, spine slightly cracked in one place. One picture (included) has detatched from binding. No DJ. Illustrated with plates narrated with quotes from the book.
Keywords: Fiction Item No: Price: View other Fiction books Ask a question View other books by Allen, James Lane

87. Museum Tusculanums Forlag
Saxo Grammaticus. A Medieval Author between Norse and Latin Culture 1981, 173 s., hft Få eksemplarer ISBN 8788073-32-7

88. SAXoTECH Integrated Mediaware
Home » Corporate. Last modified January 24. 2003 1013AM. The story of Saxo Grammaticus The name `SaxoTECH is meant to be a challenge

89. Saxo Grammaticus Biography
Saxo Grammaticus biography and related resources. under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article Saxo Grammaticus.
Biography Base Home Link To Us Search Biographies: Browse Biographies A B C D ... Z Saxo Grammaticus Biography Saxo Grammaticus (ca. 1150 - ca. 1220) was a Danish medieval historian of whose life little is known. It is thought that his life was spent during the latter half of the 12th century. The sixteen books of Danish history of this time, known as the Gesta Danorum, are attributed to him. Saxo Grammaticus Resources Contact Us Sitemap
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article Saxo Grammaticus

90. The Danish History, Books I-IX: Preface: The Danish History Of Saxo Grammaticus
The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus Preface. Online Medieval and Classical Library Release 28a. Forasmuch as all other nations are wont to vaunt the
The Danish History, Books I-IX
The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus
Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #28a
And I would not have it forgotten that the more ancient of the Danes, when any notable deeds of mettle had been done, were filled with emulation of glory, and imitated the Roman style; not only by relating in a choice kind of composition, which might be called a poetical work, the roll of their lordly deeds; but also by having graven upon rocks and cliffs, in the characters of their own language, the works of their forefathers, which were commonly known in poems in the mother tongue. In the footsteps of these poems, being as it were classic books of antiquity, I have trod; and keeping true step with them as I translated, in the endeavour to preserve their drift, I have taken care to render verses by verses; so that the chronicle of what I shall have to write, being founded upon these, may thus be known, not for a modern fabrication, but for the utterance of antiquity; since this present work promises not a trumpery dazzle of language, but faithful information concerning times past. Moreover, how many histories must we suppose that men of such genius would have written, could they have had skill in Latin and so slaked their thirst for writing! Men who though they lacked acquaintance with, the speech of Rome, were yet seized with such a passion for bequeathing some record of their history, that they encompassed huge boulders instead of scrolls, borrowing rocks for the usage of books.

91. Skjald: Saxo Grammaticus (ca. 1150-1220)
Saxo Grammaticus. (ca. 11501220). Historieskriver. Saxo opgiver selv, at formålet med hans værk var at hævde Danmarks navn blandt fremmede.
FORSIDE NYT SKRÆP FOLKET AF ÆLDE ... SØG Saxo Grammaticus (ca. 1150-1220) Historieskriver. Tilhørte formentlig den skånske eller sjællandske lavadel og virkede som skriver eller kansler for Absalon. På Absalons tilskyndelse udarbejdede han mellem 1200 og 1220 sin store Danmarkshistorie, Gesta Danorum , d.v.s. Danernes bedrifter Nomos modtager gerne relevante indlæg om ovennævnte Om Saxo: Adam Wagner: Dansk identitet i den tidlige middelalder Tekster på Skræp af Saxo - Saxo: Fortale til danernes bedrifter (omkr. 1208) Saxo: Om Frode Fredegods love (omkr. 1208) Saxo: Om Starkads vrede over frådseriet på kong Ingjalds gård (omkr. 1208) Saxo: Gengivelse af den svenske kong Rings tale til sin hær før Bråvallaslaget (omkr. 1208) ... SØG

92. Til Saxo Grammaticus - Adam Oehlenschläger - Kalliope
Til Saxo Grammaticus. Værker • Digttitler • Førstelinier • Søgning • Populære Til Saxo Grammaticus. Gamle Foliobog! nu lukker jeg dit PergamentBind;

93. The World's Leading Source Of EBooks
By Grammaticus, Saxo Published by Amleth, Prince of Denmark by Saxo Grammaticus is a classic work of literature that can be enjoyed by
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Saxo Grammaticus. Author Code NSGX. Born Mid. 12th Cent Zealand, Denmark (?) Died Early 13th Cent. - Denmark (?)
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Saxo Grammaticus
Author Code: NSGX Born: Mid. 12th Cent - Zealand, Denmark (?) Died: Early 13th Cent. - Denmark (?) Very little is known concerning Saxo's life other than he is purported to have originated in Zealand in Denmark from a family of warriors and was probably a clerk in the service of the Archbishop Absalon. He was called Grammaticus because of his eloquence in written Latin. His major work, Gesta Danorum (or The History of Denmark ), which was written at the suggestion of Absalon, consists of 16 books and presents a 2000-year chronicle of Danish history. The first nine books have been translated into English and chart the lives of 60 legendary Danish kings. The remaining seven books deal with the historical period beginning with Harold Bluetooth and ending with Knud the Sixth in 1202.

95. Ñàêñîí Ãðàììàòèê (Saxo Grammaticus) / Ðóáðèêîí / Âñåì
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Ñàêñîí ðàììàòèê (Saxo Grammaticus)
Ñàêñîí ðàììàòèê (Saxo Grammaticus)

96. Saxo Grammaticus: Komposition Och Världsbild I Gesta Danorum (Lychnos-bibliotek
Saxo Grammaticus Komposition och världsbild i Gesta Danorum (Lychnosbibliotek) Jämför priser på böcker i svenska och utländska Internetbutiker.
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The Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus

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down except for some Latinized versions later rendered by Saxo Grammaticus. Saxo s Gesta Danorum (History of the Danes), which recounts the history of
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