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21. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia Saxo Grammaticus á mynd eftir Louis Moe úr útgáfu á Gesta Danorum frá 1898 Enlarge. Saxo Grammaticus á mynd eftir Louis Moe úr útgáfu á Gesta Danorum frá http://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
22. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia Saxo Grammaticus. ALTERNATIVNAMEN http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
23. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia Saxo Grammaticus (ukendt fødselsår død 1220) må på dansk have heddet Sakse Skriver. Han skrev omkring år 1200 en stor Danmarkshistorie på latin, http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
24. Saxo Grammaticus - Susning.nu Saxo Grammaticus, historiker, författare, sekreterare (sök Internet Book List, Krönikorna ändrar karaktär ju längre fram i tiden som Saxo beskriver och http://susning.nu/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
25. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin Saxo, med tillnamnet Grammaticus, död i början av 1200talet, dansk, historiker, författare, sekreterare hos ärkebiskop Absalon av Danmark i Roskilde (och http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
26. Ortelius Bibliography Grammaticus Saxo see Saxo Grammaticus. Gratarolus Guilielm (15101562) was a physician of Bergamo who moved to Germany as a Lutheran. http://www.orteliusmaps.com/ortbib/Ortbibsourcesg.htm | |
27. Saxo Grammaticus Vademecum in opus Saxonis et alia opera Danica compendium ex indice verborum. A medieval Latin dictionary. http://www.rostra.dk/latin/saxo.html |
28. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Saxo Grammaticus Thirteenthcentury Danish historian http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13497a.htm | |
29. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Elektroniske Værker - Saxo Grammaticus (ca. 1200) Trekantfronton med relief af Saxo Grammaticus. http://www.kb.dk/elib/lit/dan/saxo/ | |
30. Dansk Litteraturhistorisk Bibliografi Dansk litteraturhistorisk bibliografi. http://www.dlb.dansklf.dk/index.cgi?/forfattere/81.html |
31. The Danish History, Books I-IX Dansk Nationallitteraert Arkiv Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum (DNA, and Hilda Ellis Davidson (Ed.) Saxo Grammaticus History of the Danes (Brewer http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/DanishHistory/ | |
32. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia TalkSaxo Grammaticus Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaexplain it directly in the article on Saxo Grammaticus (this being, on first appearances at least, the most relevant place for a discussion of why he s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saxo_Grammaticus | |
33. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Grammaticus, Saxo - Grammaticus, Saxo G Index Main Index The Danish History, Books IIX Opera - The World s FASTER Browser! WordCruncher Promo.Net. Top http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_grammaticus_saxo.html | |
34. Ed. Charles Dickens - The Origin Of HAMLET ('All The Year Round') From the 8th February 1879 edition of Charles Dickens's journal All The Year Round. Mainly a discussion of The Hystorie of Hamblet, an anonymous English novel based on Belleforest and Saxo Grammaticus, which may have been used as a source for Shakespeare's Hamlet http://shakespearean.org.uk/ham1-dic.htm | |
35. The Danish History, Volumes I-IX By Saxo Grammaticus, "Saxo The Learned" The Danish History, Volumes IIX by Saxo Grammaticus, http://www.bookzap.com/product_p/danish_hist.htm | |
36. Saxo Grammaticus The Danish Royal Library maintains a Saxo Grammaticus homepage. Om Saxo Grammaticus, Danmarks fornemste historieskriver i middelalderen, findes kun få http://runeberg.org/authors/saxo.html | |
37. Danmarks Riges Krønike Saxo Grammaticus Danmarks Riges Krønike er illustreret af Gudmund Hentze. Det var ikke muligt at indsætte samtlige illustrationer fra papirudgaven i denne http://runeberg.org/saxo/ | |
38. Browse By Author: G - Project Gutenberg Grammaticus, Saxo. The Danish History, Books IIX (English). Grand, Madame Sarah. The Heavenly Twins (English). Grand, Sarah. Ideala (English) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/g | |
39. The Danish History, Books I-IX By Saxo Grammaticus - Project Gutenberg Start here to download the Project Gutenberg eBook of The Danish History, Books IIX by Saxo Grammaticus. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/1150 | |
40. Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum. Colophon Saxo Gesta Danorum på dansk Carmina / Digte / Poems . Praefatio (Fortale til Ærkebiskop Anders Sunesen) http://www.kb.dk/elib/lit/dan/saxo/lat/or.dsr/ | |
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