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         Grammaticus Saxo:     more books (100)
  1. Two dissertations on the Hamlet of Saxo Grammaticus and of Shakespear by R G. 1812-1888 Latham, 2010-08-31
  2. The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus, Books 1-9 by Saxo, 2010-03-08
  3. The Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus ... by Frederick York Powell, Saxo, 2010-04-08
  4. The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus (bks. 1-9) by Saxo, 2010-03-16
  5. The first nine books of the Danish history of Saxo Grammaticus by Grammaticus Saxo, Oliver Elton, et all 2010-09-07
  6. The History of the Danes :Volume 1 English Text by Saxo Grammaticus, 1979
  7. History of the Danes (Bk.1-9) by Saxo Grammaticus, 1979-11
  8. Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica V1 (1839) by Grammaticus Saxo, Peter Erasmus Muller, et all 2008-10-27
  9. History of Amleth Prince of Denmark by Saxo Grammaticus, 1954
  10. Amleth Prince Of Denmark by Saxo Grammaticus, 2010-09-10
  11. Saxo Grammaticus and the Life of Hamlet: A Translation, History, and Commentary by William F. Hansen, 1983-01-01
  12. The legend of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, as found in the works of Saxo Grammaticus and other writers of the twelfth century by George P Hansen, 1972
  13. Shakespeare's Hamlet-Quellen: Saxo Grammaticus (Lateinisch Und Deutsch), Belleforest Und the Hystorie of Hamblet. Zusammengestellt Und Mit Vorwort, Einleitung Und Nachtragen [ 1881 ] by Max Leopold Moltke, 2009-08-10
  14. The Danish History, Books I-IX, Complete by Saxo Grammaticus, 2009-04-28

21. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia
Saxo Grammaticus á mynd eftir Louis Moe úr útgáfu á Gesta Danorum frá 1898 Enlarge. Saxo Grammaticus á mynd eftir Louis Moe úr útgáfu á Gesta Danorum frá
Saxo Grammaticus
Af Wikipedia, frj¡lsa alfr¦°iritinu
Saxo Grammaticus ¡ mynd eftir Louis Moe ºr ºtg¡fu ¡ Gesta Danorum fr¡ Saxo Grammaticus (d. ) var danskur sagnaritari sem skrifa°i s¶gu Danmerkur, Gesta Danorum , ­ sext¡n bindum. Hann hefur l­klega starfa° hj¡ Absalon , sem var biskup Hr³arskeldu og s­°ar erkibiskup Lundi . A° ¶°ru leyti er afar l­ti° vita° um Saxo, utan ¾a° sem hann segir sj¡lfur ­ b³k sinni. „Grammaticus“ er vi°urnefni sem honum var gefi° s­°ar, vegna ¾ess hve vel hann skrifar ¡ lat­nu Af „ Flokkar Danir Saga Danmerkur Views Tenglar Flakk Leit Verkf¦ri  ¶°rum tungum¡lum

22. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia
Saxo Grammaticus
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Saxo Grammaticus (* um ; † um ) war ein d¤nischer Geschichtsschreiber und Geistlicher. Saxo verfasste eine Geschichte D¤nemarks in lateinischer Sprache, die Gesta Danorum (Die Taten der D¤nen). Wegen seines im Hochmittelalter nicht mehr ¼blichen geschliffenen, korrekten Lateins erhielt er den Beinamen „Grammaticus“. Die ¤ltere Forschung ging lange Zeit davon aus, dass Saxo zumindest in den ersten neun der insgesamt sechzehn B¼cher seines Werkes haupts¤chlich auf Mythologisches aus den altnordischen Heldensagen und Heldenges¤ngen (wiederholt kommen Gottheiten, vor allem Odin , vor) zur¼ckgegriffen habe, die Gesta Danorum daher in erster Linie als eine Erg¤nzung der Edda anzusehen seien. In j¼ngerer Zeit neigt man jedoch zunehmend der Auffassung zu, dass Saxo sp¤testens ab dem dritten Buch tats¤chliche Historie wiedergibt, wenngleich nicht immer untendenzi¶s und nicht ohne ihm unverst¤ndliche Entwicklungen h¤ufig durch das vermeintliche Eingreifen der G¶tter zu „erkl¤ren“. William Shakespeare benutzte die Gesta Danorum als Quelle f¼r seine Trag¶die Hamlet Friedrich Schiller benutzte die Gesta Danorum als Quelle f¼r sein Schauspiel Wilhelm Tell Bearbeiten


23. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia
Saxo Grammaticus (ukendt fødselsår død 1220) må på dansk have heddet Sakse Skriver. Han skrev omkring år 1200 en stor Danmarkshistorie på latin,
Saxo Grammaticus
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklop¦di
Saxo Grammaticus (ukendt f¸dsels¥r - d¸d ) m¥ p¥ dansk have heddet Sakse Skriver . Han skrev omkring ¥r 1200 en stor Danmarkshistorie p¥ latin Gesta Danorum Danernes bedrifter . Han var sekret¦r for Absalon , som b¥de var biskop i Roskilde fra og senere (fra ¦rkebiskop i Lund i det dengang danske Sk¥ne redig©r
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24. Saxo Grammaticus -
Saxo Grammaticus, historiker, författare, sekreterare (sök Internet Book List, Krönikorna ändrar karaktär ju längre fram i tiden som Saxo beskriver och
Saxo Grammaticus
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Saxo Grammaticus historiker författare sekreterare (sök Internet Book List Libris Adlibris Bokus ... Projekt Runeberg ) hos ärkebiskop Absalon av Danmark i Roskilde , samtida med kung Valdemar I Knutsson den store av Danmark. (Saxo dog 1214) Har bl.a. skrivit [Gesta Danorum] (Danernas bedrifter), som skildrar Danmarks historia till år 1186 . Men den innehåller också den danska versionen av många myter och sagor , bl.a. den tidigaste versionen av Hamlet De äldsta historierna hämtades ur den fornnordiska mytologien . Han återgav dem på latin och satte in den i ett "historiskt" sammanhang, men de handlar uppenbart om mytologiska gestalter. Krönikorna ändrar karaktär ju längre fram i tiden som Saxo beskriver och slutet av [Gesta Danorum] skildrar händelser vilka vid tidpunkten för nedtecknandet endast var något årtionde gamla. Värt att notera är dock den tydliga tendensiositet som Saxo skriver med. Hitta mer information om samma ämne på webben På svenska ( Saxo Grammaticus ) sök i A D G W ... SAOB På danska ( Saxo Grammaticus ) sök i A D G W ... Projekt Runeberg På engelska ( Saxo Grammaticus ) sök i A D G W ...

25. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin
Saxo, med tillnamnet Grammaticus, död i början av 1200talet, dansk, historiker, författare, sekreterare hos ärkebiskop Absalon av Danmark i Roskilde (och
Tack till alla som sk¤nkte pengar f¶r att Wikipedia ska kunna drivas vidare. Fram till den 9 september samlade vi ihop 244 000 dollar
Saxo Grammaticus
Fr¥n Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin.
Saxo , med tillnamnet Grammaticus , d¶d i b¶rjan av 1200-talet, dansk, historiker f¶rfattare sekreterare hos ¤rkebiskop Absalon av Danmark i Roskilde (och kan vara identisk med en i dennes testamente omn¤mnd klerk ), samtida med kung Valdemar I Knutsson den store av Danmark. Han skrev bl.a. en dansk rikshistoria i 16 b¶cker, Gesta Danorum (Danernas historia, eller D. bedrifter), som p¥ latin skildrar Danmarks historia till ¥r 1186 och ocks¥ inneh¥ller den danska versionen av m¥nga myter och sagor, bl.a. den tidigaste versionen av Hamlet Amlet Ber¤ttelsen om Amlet verkar ha uppkommit p¥ 400-talet. Saxos version blev tryckt f¶rst 1514. Stoffet omarbetades t¤mligen fritt till franska 1564 av Fran§ois de Belleforest , och ingick i dennes samlingsverk Histoires tragique . Det franska verket ¶versattes till engelska 1596. Troligen var det Thomas Kyd (1558-1594) som f¶rde ber¤ttelsen till England. Han skrev om ber¤ttelsen till ett drama ca 1589, men detta verk har g¥tt f¶rlorat. Han tillf¶rde ber¤ttelsen mycket stoff, som till exempel att fadern gick igen som en v¥lnad. Kyds drama var f¶rmodligen ett melodram.

26. Ortelius Bibliography
Grammaticus Saxo see Saxo Grammaticus. Gratarolus Guilielm (15101562) was a physician of Bergamo who moved to Germany as a Lutheran.
Ortelius Bibliography
Home Gabriel Barrius Francicanus see Barrio , Gabriel. Gaguin (1425-1502) commented on works by Cæsar in French (published in Paris in 1539), as also on the work of Florus "Lucii Ænnæi Flori: De tota Historia Titi Livii Epitome" published in 1471 at the Sorbonne, Paris, France. His best known work is a French history to which Ortelius probably refers (Ort37), and "Compendium de origine et gestis Francorum", first published in 1495, and regularly revised until the end of his life. By the end of the 16th century it had run through 20 editions, and by 1514 seven translations had been published. Normandy Bk.7: Ort37.3, 37.5. Gaguinus see Gaguin Gaius Julius Solinus see Solinus Gaius Julius. Antonius (1444-1517) was a physician who wrote about geography, e.g. "De situ Japygiæ" (Ort121,140), Basel 1558, "Descriptio urbis Gallipolis", "De situ elementorum, de situ terrarum, de mari et aquis et fluviorum origine" Basel 1558. Treatise on Iapygia: Ort121.10, 121.16, 140.2, 140.8.

27. Saxo Grammaticus
Vademecum in opus Saxonis et alia opera Danica compendium ex indice verborum. A medieval Latin dictionary.

Thirteenthcentury Danish historian
Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... S > Saxo Grammaticus A B C D ... Z
Saxo Grammaticus
Danish historian of the thirteenth century, author of the "Gesta Danorum". The scanty information we have concerning his life is based chiefly on statements in his work, especially in the preface. His father and grandfather took part in the campaigns of Waldemar I of Denmark (1157-1182). He himself was a cleric; a layman of that time would hardly have had his knowledge of theology and classic lore. No doubt, he studied at foreign universities, probably in Paris. In the eleventh book of his history he speaks of the funeral of Bishop Asker (Esger) as having taken place in his own time. As that event happened in 1158 we may conclude that Saxo was born about 1150, but we do not know where; from the favour shown to Zealand, it has been inferred that that was his birthplace. Shakespeare's ARTHUR F.J. REMY
Transcribed by Jess Paehlke The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XIII
Nihil Obstat, February 1, 1912.
Remy Lafort, D.D., Censor

29. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Elektroniske Værker - Saxo Grammaticus (ca. 1200)
Trekantfronton med relief af Saxo Grammaticus.

ELEKTRA - e -ressourcer ... Dansk Nationallitterært Arkiv : Saxo Grammaticus
Saxo Grammaticus
(ca. 1200) Trekantfronton med relief af Saxo Grammaticus, udført af stukkatøren og billedhuggeren Hans Lamberg Petersen (1866-1927), taget ned fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek i 1966, da man startede byggeriet af kontorfløjen. Kommentar til
Opdateret 25.06.1999
Det Kongelige Bibliotek - en del af Danmarks Elektroniske Forskningsbibliotek:
REX - online katalog
... Kulturaktiviteter
Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum, den latinske tekst
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30. Dansk Litteraturhistorisk Bibliografi
Dansk litteraturhistorisk bibliografi.

31. The Danish History, Books I-IX
Dansk Nationallitteraert Arkiv Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum (DNA, and Hilda Ellis Davidson (Ed.) Saxo Grammaticus History of the Danes (Brewer
The Danish History, Books I-IX
Saxo Grammaticus ("Saxo the Learned")
fl. Late 12th - Early 13th Century A.D.
Online Medieval and Classical Library Release #28b
Originally written in Latin in the early years of the 13th Century A.D. by the Danish historian Saxo, of whom little is known except his name. The text of this edition is based on that published as "The Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus", translated by Oliver Elton (Norroena Society, New York, 1905). This edition is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN in the United States. This electronic edition was edited, proofed, and prepared by Douglas B. Killings ( DeTroyes@EnterAct.COM ), April 1997.
Preparer's Note
CONTENTS PREPARER'S NOTE: The preparer would like to thank Mr. James W. Marchand and Mr. Jessie D. Hurlbut for their invaluable assistance in the production of this electronic text. Thank you. I am indebted to you both. Although Saxo wrote 16 books of his "Danish History", only the first nine were ever translated by Mr. Oliver Elton; it is these nine books that are here included. As far as the preparer knows, there is (unfortunately) no public domain English translation of Books X-XVI. Those interested in the latter books should search for the translation mentioned below.

32. Saxo Grammaticus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
TalkSaxo Grammaticus Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaexplain it directly in the article on Saxo Grammaticus (this being, on first appearances at least, the most relevant place for a discussion of why he s
Saxo Grammaticus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Saxo, etching by the Danish-Norwegian illustrator Louis Moe (1857 – 1945) Saxo Grammaticus (estimated. ) was a Danish medieval historian of whose life practically nothing is known. The sixteen books of Danish history of this time, known as the Gesta Danorum , are attributed to him, and also contribute our principal evidence of his own existence. We know he was a "follower" of Archbishop Absalon , which probably means he worked in the Archbishop’s administration; his exact status is not determined. He might have been a clerk In Absalon’s will, one clericus named Saxo is forgiven a debt of two and a half silver marks and is enjoined to return two handwritten manuscripts he has borrowed to Sor¸ monastery . From a dozen Saxos or comments on Saxo, found in Danish sources from this timeframe or later, this is the only Saxo comment to be generally accepted to be about the Saxo Grammaticus . However there is no evidence that definitely proves that this comment in Absalon’s will is about our Saxo Grammaticus We read in the preface of Gesta Danorum Saxo’s own words that his father and grandfather both served under King Valdemar I as warriors and that he himself would like to serve King Valdemar II , though in a more spiritual way. These few lines just listed are the only concrete information that exists about Saxo Grammaticus.

33. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Grammaticus, Saxo -
Grammaticus, Saxo G Index Main Index The Danish History, Books IIX Opera - The World s FASTER Browser! WordCruncher Promo.Net. Top
Etexts by Author Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli , webmaster of PROMO.NET
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34. Ed. Charles Dickens - The Origin Of HAMLET ('All The Year Round')
From the 8th February 1879 edition of Charles Dickens's journal All The Year Round. Mainly a discussion of The Hystorie of Hamblet, an anonymous English novel based on Belleforest and Saxo Grammaticus, which may have been used as a source for Shakespeare's Hamlet
"The Origin of Hamlet"
from 'All The Year Round' -
Conducted by Charles Dickens
(Published on 8 th February 1879)
Source Text : Shakespeariana 1 - An unpublished scrapbook of cuttings from Charles Dickens's journal 'All The Year Round'.
This extract from 'All The Year Round' (February 8, 1879), pp. 173-178. Transcribed and edited by Thomas Larque . Page numbers are given in the web text, in square brackets, at the start of each page. for more details. Return to the "Shakespeare and His Critics" Homepage
Shakespeare was wont to build upon foundations laid by other hands. The splendid superstructure was all his own unmistakably - his name was writ large upon it; but it was reared upon borrowed or appropriated materials. In considering his plays, it has been usual to look, not only for their themes pre-existing in certain popular collections of fables or novels, but for a dramatic treatment of such themes by earlier authors. He was a sort of Providence to small, rude, and primitive playwrights, shaping their rough-hewn ends; and assuredly, like that poet's pen he has himself described, giving to "airy nothings, a local habitation and a name." Shakespeare's tragedy of Hamlet was, without doubt, preceded by a drama dealing with the same subject. In an epistle by Thomas Nash, prefixed to Robert Greene's Menaphon published in 1589, allusion is made to a tragedy called Hamlet; and on June 9

35. The Danish History, Volumes I-IX By Saxo Grammaticus, "Saxo The Learned"
The Danish History, Volumes IIX by Saxo Grammaticus,
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36. Saxo Grammaticus
The Danish Royal Library maintains a Saxo Grammaticus homepage. Om Saxo Grammaticus, Danmarks fornemste historieskriver i middelalderen, findes kun få
Nordic Authors
Saxo Grammaticus
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Project Runeberg Catalog Recent Changes ... Comments?
Saxo Grammaticus, (1150-1220)
, historian, Denmark. Read more about Saxo Grammaticus in: The Danish Royal Library maintains a Saxo Grammaticus homepage . There you can find his Gesta Danorum (Danmarks Riges Krønike) in Latin. The Online Medieval and Classic Library (OMACL) at the Berkeley SunSite has published Danish History (Books I-IX) , by Saxo Grammaticus (Translation: Oliver Elton Skaldic poetry in the Danish language no doubt existed already in before the Viking age, but none of it was written down except for some Latinized versions later rendered by Saxo Grammaticus. Saxo's Gesta Danorum (History of the Danes), which recounts the history of Denmark up to 1186 and includes Danish versions (in a somewhat Christianized form) the Scandinavian myths and sagas, including the earliest version of the Hamlet story, is the first major Danish contribution to world literature.
From the Nordic FAQ (Oversat fra "Verldliteraturens Historia" af Arvid Ahnfelt, Stockholm 1886).

37. Danmarks Riges Krønike
Saxo Grammaticus Danmarks Riges Krønike er illustreret af Gudmund Hentze. Det var ikke muligt at indsætte samtlige illustrationer fra papirudgaven i denne
Danmarks Riges Krønike
Author: Saxo Grammaticus N. F. S. Grundtvig Gudmund Hentze - Tema: Danish Literature
Project Runeberg
Catalog Recent Changes ... Comments? Danmarks Riges Krønnike af Saxo oversat af N.L.S. Grundtvig og illustreret af Gudmund Hentze Elektronisk udgave af Michael Husted, 1996. Danmarkskrønikens bøger vil blive lagt ud efterhånden som de bliver færdige.
Saxe Runemester
Forord til anden Udgave
Saxos Fortale til Danmarks Riges Krønike
Første bog: Fra Dans Opkomst til Haddings Død
Dan og Angel
Humble og Lotter
Skjold og Gram
Guttorm og Hadding
Anden bog: Fra Haddings Død til Rolf Krages
Tredie bog: Fra Rolfs Død til Fenges
Fjerde bog: Fra Fenges Død til Frode Fredegods
Femte bog: Om Frode Fredegods Dage
Sjette bog: Fra Fredegods Død til Ingels
Syvende bog: Fra Ingels Død til Braavallaslaget
Ottende bog: Fra Braavallaslaget til Gøtriks Fald
Niende bog: Fra Gøtriks Fald til Gorm den Gamles Død
Tiende bog: Fra Gorm den Gamles Død til Magnus den Godes
Ellevte Bog: Fra Magnus den Godes Død til Knud den Helliges
Tolvte Bog: Fra Knud den Helliges Død til Erik Ejegods
Trettende bog: Fra Erik Ejegods Død til Nielses
Fjortende Bog: Fra Nielses Død til Svend Grates
Femtende Bog: Fra Svend Grates Død til Valdemar den Stores
Sextende Bog: Fra Valdemar den Stores Død
Saxo Grammaticus Danmarks Riges Krønike er illustreret af Gudmund Hentze. Det var ikke muligt at indsætte samtlige illustrationer fra papirudgaven i denne elektroniske udgave på fornuftige steder. Da denne elektroniske udgave omvendt er tiltænkt at være en komplet udgave af bogudgaven, er de tiloversblevne illustrationer lagt her.

38. Browse By Author: G - Project Gutenberg
Grammaticus, Saxo. The Danish History, Books IIX (English). Grand, Madame Sarah. The Heavenly Twins (English). Grand, Sarah. Ideala (English)
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39. The Danish History, Books I-IX By Saxo Grammaticus - Project Gutenberg
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The Danish History, Books I-IX by Saxo Grammaticus
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40. Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum
Saxo Grammaticus Gesta Danorum. Colophon Saxo Gesta Danorum på dansk Carmina / Digte / Poems . Praefatio (Fortale til Ærkebiskop Anders Sunesen)
Saxo Grammaticus: Gesta Danorum
Colophon Saxo Gesta Danorum Carmina / Digte / Poems
2 Nordens geografi
Liber I
1 Dan I og Angel ...
6 Hading
Liber II
1 Frode I
5 Halfdan, Ro og Skate
6 Rolv Krage
Liber III
Liber IV
1 Amlet og Viglet
3 Vermund og Uffe
6 Dan II
7 Huglet ...
10 Fridlev
Liber V
1 Frode III Fredegod
Liber VI
1 Hjarne
2 Fridlev
4 Frode IV
5 Starkad og Ingild
Liber VII
1 Frode
2 Olaf; Halfdan
6 Alf og Alvild
7 Hagbard og Signe ...
10 Harald Hildetand; Ole
Liber VIII
9 Jarmerik
11 Snie
14 Gorm og Thorkel Adelfar
Liber IX
1 Olaf, Heming og Sivard
3 Regner Lodbrog
6 Erik, Knud, Frode, Gorm Engelskmand og Harald
11 Gorm den gamle
Liber X
14 Knud den store
21 Harde-Knud, Svend Estridsen og Magnus den gode
Liber XI
1 Svend Estridsen enekonge
8 Harald Hen og Knud den hellige
Liber XII
1 Olaf Hunger og Erik Ejegod
Liber XIII
1 Nils og Knud Hertug
Liber XIV
1 Erik Emune
2 Erik Lam
3 Svend, Knud og Valdemar
39 Rygen indtages (1169)
Liber XV
Liber XVI
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