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61. World Book || Novelists F-G Elizabeth Gaskell (18101865), an English writer, is best known for her novelCranford Mrs. Gaskell was born Elizabeth Cleghorn Stevenson in London. http://www2.worldbook.com/features/wwriters/html/novelistsf-g.htm | |
62. Elizabeth Gaskell Biography Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (18101865), often referred to simply as Mrs Gaskell,was a British novelist. She was born Elizabeth Stevenson in London in 1810. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Gaskell_Elizabeth.html | |
63. Tatton Park : Education And Party Visits : Party Visits Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 18101865 Elizabeth Gaskell Orphaned as a very youngchild, Elizabeth Stevenson, later Gaskell, grew up with her aunt Hannah Lumb http://www.tattonpark.org.uk/education_gaskell.htm | |
64. Victorian Women Writers - A Guide To E-Texts Eliot, George Mary Ann Evans (18191880) Ellis, Sarah Stickney (1812-1872).Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865) Guiney, Louise Imogen (1851-1920) http://www.mantex.co.uk/ou/aa810/vww-05.htm | |
65. Victorian Women Writers - A Guide To E-Texts Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (18101865). Christmas Storms and Sunshine. Oxford TextArchive SGML Text 2147 http//ota.ahds.ac.uk/. Cousin Phillis http://www.mantex.co.uk/ou/aa810/vww-11.htm | |
66. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (G) Gaskell, Elizabeth (Gaskell, Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn ). 18101865. We hope tocomplete this entry soon. Gasparini, Len (Gasparini, Len ). 1941-Present http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=25&golist=true&init=G |
67. North And South By Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell - Project Gutenberg Europe Creator, Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (18101865). Title, North and South. Language,English. LoC Class, PR Language and Literatures English literature http://pge.rastko.net/etext/4276 | |
68. A Dark Night's Work By Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell - Project Gutenberg Europe Creator, Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (18101865). Title, A Dark Night s Work.Language, English. LoC Class, PR Language and Literatures English literature http://pge.rastko.net/etext/2522 | |
69. AbfiMagazine.com - Literature Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (18101865) was born in London, but she spent herformative years in Cheshire, Stratford-upon-Avon and the north of England. http://www.abfimagazine.com/literature/data/00006.htm | |
70. Reading Rat 1801-1825 Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (18101865); Reference The Gaskell Web The Life ofCharlotte Bronte (1857) Cranford Mary Barton North and South http://terrenceberres.com/read1801.html | |
71. Author Webliography Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 18101865. Elizabeth Gaskell from The VictorianWeb. George P. Landow, Brown University . http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/lit/authors.html | |
72. EnglishLibrary.net | Literature > Non-Fiction (with Author Biographies) between France and England, 13371453). Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (1810-1865).Life of Charlotte Brontë. bullet, More of Elizabeth C. Gaskell in our Novels http://www.davidappleyard.com/library/nonfiction.htm | |
73. EnglishLibrary.net | Literature > Novels (with Author Biographies) Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell in our NonFiction section. Elizabeth CleghornGaskell (1810-1865). A Dark Night s Work Cranford Half a Life-Time Ago http://www.davidappleyard.com/library/novels.htm | |
74. TITLE AUTHOR CALL NO LOCATION ITEM TYPE Port Charleston Sylvia s lovers /, Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 18101865. PR4710 .S98, Main,book. Coming of age as a poet Milton, Keats, Eliot, Plath /, Vendler, http://www.coker.edu/library/newitems0104.htm |
75. Victorian And Edwardian Collection,G Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 18101865. North and south. London Ward, Lock, 1855Gates, Eleanor, 1875-1951. The plow-woman. London Methuen, 1907. http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/vande/gvande.htm | |
76. Handango Mobile Software Pocket PC Software Downloads My Lady Ludlow LearningToGo eBook. by Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865).See product details for synopsis and available formats. http://www.handango.com/SoftwareCatalog.jsp?siteId=1&platformId=2&N=4294965460 9 |
77. London Plaques : Blue Plaques : Research & Conservation : English Heritage Gaskell, Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn (18101865), Novelist, born here. 93 Cheyne Walk,SW10 Kensington and Chelsea 1913. GAUDIER-BRZESKA, Henri (1891-1915), http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/nav.001002006005/chooseLetter/G | |
78. Books & Collectibles Online Bookstore And Search Engine For Rare, Out Of Print, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell 18101865 Cranford (The Literary Heritage Collection)Heron Books NA Hardback (no dustjacket) 255 Very Good Blue leather-look http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/bsearch.php3?bsearch_submit=Search&auth=G |
79. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 18101865. Accursed Race, An; Cousin Phillis;Cranford; Dark Night s Work, A; Doom Of The Griffiths; Half A Life-Time Ago http://www.globusz.com/authors_g.asp | |
80. New Page 0 Elizabeth Gaskell. People may flatter themselves just as much by thinking .edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Gaskell%2C+Elizabeth+Cleghorn%2C+18101865 http://v5o5jotqkgfu3btr91t7w5fhzedjaoaz8igl.unbsj.ca/~f75k7/Elizabeth Gaskell.ht | |
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