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         Galt John:     more books (17)
  1. The LITERARY LIFE And MISCELLANIES, Of JOHN GALT. In Three Volumes. by John [1779 - 1839]. Galt, 1834-01-01
  2. The Life, Studies, and Works of Benjamin West, Esq.Composed from Materials Furnished by Himself by John, 1779-1839 Galt, 2009-10-04
  3. The Galts - A Canadian Odyssey - John Galt 1779-1839 by Hamilton B. Timothy, 1977
  4. Annals of the Parish or the Chronicles of Dalmailing by John, 1779-1839 Galt, 1911
  5. The LAST Of The LAIRDS: or, The Life and Opinions of Malachi Mailings, Esq. of Auldbiggings. by John. 1779 - 1839]. By the Author of 'Annals of the Parish', 'The Entail', Etc. [Galt, 1826
  6. Annals of the Parish & the Ayrshire Legatees. Edited By Ernest Rhys. Introduction By G. Baillie Macdonald by John, 1779-1839 Galt, 1926
  7. The Entail; Or, The Lairds Of Grippy by Galt John 1779-1839, 2010-09-27
  8. Annals Of The Parish ; Or, The Chronicle Of Dalmailing During The Ministry Of The Rev. Micah Balwhidder by Galt John 1779-1839, 2010-09-30
  9. The Demon Of Destiny by Galt John 1779-1839, 2010-09-28
  10. Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk Volume 2 by Galt John 1779-1839, 2010-10-15
  11. Ringan Gilhaize or The Covenanters by John, 1779-1839 Galt, 2010-02-16
  12. BOGLE CORBET; or, The Emigrants. by John [1779 - 1839]. Galt, 1831
  13. The lives of the players. by Galt. John. 1779-1839., 1886-01-01
  14. EBEN ERSKINE; or, The Traveller.In Three Volumes. by John [1779 - 1839]. Galt, 1833

101. The Historical Plaques Of Wellington County
Dick and Evie have written a condensed story of the life of John McLean and John Galt 1779 1839. History maker, novelist, poet and superintendant of
Historical Plaques of
Wellington County
Use this menu to check for a specific Category All Creatures Great and Small Architects, Engineers, Inventors and Entrepreneurs Canals, Bridges, Locks, Tunnels and Waterways Churches, Old Cemeteries and related plaques Early Explorers, Fur Traders and Discoveries Epidemics and Disasters Film Stars and Sports Legends Firsts in Ontario and Canada Labour related plaques Loyalists and related plaques Men and Women of the Cloth Men and Women of Color and related plaques Native People(s) and related plaques Old Gaols Old Mills and Buildings Old Railroads, Stations, Ships and related plaques Pioneer Roads and Portages Places, Settlements, Villages, and Hamlets Rebellion of 1837 and related plaques Sirs, The Honourables, and one Lord War of 1812 World War l and ll plus smaller Wars and Battles Writers, Painters, Poets and Publishers In Memory of and Commemorative Plaques Miscellaneous Plaques of People and Assorted Canada's most famous Murder and Murder Trial Back to the Master Index Back to

One of the best possibilities was John Galt (1779 1839), the Upper Canada land developer after whom the Ontario town of Galt was named (now part of
Question 7: THE CANADIAN BOAT SONG Can you inform me about the origins of "The Canadian Boat Song"?
Assuming that you are referring to a song with Scottish and Canadian connections, the only one which speaks to exiled or immigrant Highlanders is "Canadian Boat Song". The mention of a "degenerate lord" and "his sheep" is an unveiled reference to the Highland Clearances. The "sheiling" is a Highland cottage, and the "claymore" is a Highland broadsword. The line, "Yet the blood is strong, the heart is Highland", truly identifies the strong feelings of many Scottish Canadians.
The poem first appeared in the September 1829 issue of Blackwood's Magazine . Thus far, it continues to be attributed to an anonymous author of the 18th century. Several poets have been proposed as authors, but none has taken credit. One of the best possibilities was John Galt (1779 - 1839), the Upper Canada land developer after whom the Ontario town of Galt was named (now part of Cambridge ON). Correspondence with his friend, the physician and poet David Macbeth Moir (1798 - 1851), has been confirmed. In a conversation, Moir is quoted as saying, "By the bye, I have a letter this morning from a friend of mine now in Upper Canada. He was rowed down the St. Lawrence lately, for several days on end, by a set of strapping fellows, all born in that country, and yet hardly one of them could speak a word of any tongue but the Gaelic." As they rowed, the "voyageurs" sang many Gaelic ditties. Thus, there might have been some collaboration in the composition of the poem.

103. Recherche - Répertoire Des Collections Spécialisées Utiles à La Recherche Da
John Galt et la Canada Company
University of Guelph, McLaughlin Library
Galt, John, 1779-1839; Canada Company (London); Tract huron (Ontario) Historique
La collection a été constituée en 1975 en vue d'honorer à juste titre le fondateur de Guelph. Des documents ont été ajoutés selon les occasions. Les collections de la bibliothèque contenaient déjà des documents sur la Canada Company et leur nombre n'a cessé de s'accroître au fur et à mesure qu'il a été possible de s'en procurer. Description

L'anglais prédomine. Les ouvrages originaux de Galt sont rassemblés en toute langue (seuls des ouvrages en français et en allemand sont connus), et on recherche les critiques portant sur Galt et la Canada Company, quelle que soit leur langue. Fonds documentaire
La collection se compose de 260 monographies, brochures et thèses, ce qui représente environ 350 volumes de John Galt ou s'y rapportant. Le fonds de la Canada Company comporte 63 documents imprimés. Les archives possèdent 2 mètres linéaires de documents sur les Galt dans la collection H.B. Timothy et 5 cm linéaires supplémentaires constitués de lettres et de manuscrits originaux. Les documents sur la Canada Company représentent 13 cm linéaires d'archives, y compris une copie de la charte, des procès-verbaux d'ententes, de la correspondance et des documents légaux.
Tous les titres sont catalogués ou codés. Ils sont repérables via le catalogue en ligne d'accès public ou le catalogue sur CD-ROM . Les tables de classification de la LC sont utilisées. Les documents gouvernementaux sont codés selon le système CODOC tandis que les collections d'archives le sont d'après une version modifiée du système de catalogage et de codage.

104. List Of Authors Quoted As Authority For, Or In Illustration Of
List of Authors Quoted
as Authority for, or in Illustration of, the Forms and Uses of Words Given in this Dictionary.
Abp. Abbot Abbot, Abp. George (English divine) (1562-1633) Abbott Abbott, Benj. Vaughan. (1830-1890) Law Dict. E. A. Abbott Abbott, Edwin Abbott (Eng. author) (1838-) L. Abbott Abbott, Lyman (Am. clergyman) (1835-) Ld. Abinger Abinger, Sir James Scarlett, Ld. (English advocate) (1769-1844) Abney Abney, Capt. Wm. de Wiveleslie (English writer on photog.) (1843-) James Adair Adair, James (Indian trader) Hist. of Am. Indians J. Adams Adams, John (Pres. U. S.) (1735-1826) J. Q. Adams Adams, John Quincy (Pres. U. S.) (1767-1848) S. F. Adams Adams, Sarah Flower (Eng. hymn writer) (1805-1848) T. Adams Adams, Thomas (Eng. divine) (1588?-1655?) Adanson (Trans.) Adanson, Michel (Fr. naturalist) (1727-1806) Addis, Wm. E., and Arnold, Thomas. Cath. Dict. Addison Addison, Joseph (Eng. essayist) (1672-1719) L. Addison Addison, Lancelot (Eng. author) (1632-1703) Adventurer Adventurer (English journal, 1752-1754.) Agassiz Agassiz, Louis John Rudolph (Swiss geol. and nat. in Am.) (1807-1873)

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