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Galba Marti Joan De: more detail |
41. Vives/The Instruction Of A Christen Woman. Name Glossary TIRANTE (Tirant lo Blanch, 1490). Chivalric romance in Catalan begun by Joanot Martorell, finished by Marti Joan de Galba, and published in Valencia, http://www.press.uillinois.edu/epub/books/vives/names.html | |
42. Abc.es Martorell, 1413 1468; Marti J. de Galba; Sor Isabel de mod en 1600; Luis de Fenollet; Joan Fernandez de Pere Antoni Beuter, 1490 -1554; Rafael Marti de Viciana http://foros.abc.es/cgi-local/forosabc/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=reply;f=82;t=000096 |
43. 1490s BC Guides, Tutorials Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Years 1490Events Tirant Lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell, Marti Joan de Galba is published. http://www.masterliness.com/a/1490s.htm | |
44. 1490: Information From Answers.com In the year 1490 Energy Leonardo da Vinci develops an oil lamp with a glass Tirant Lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell, Martí Joan de Galba is published. http://www.answers.com/topic/1490 | |
45. Encyclopedia: 1486 and Trends 1490 Tirant lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell Martí Joan de Galba is published. 1556); Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Indian ascetic and monk (d. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/1486 | |
46. Joan Perujo La Coherencia Estructural Del Tirant Lo Blanch That Joan Perujo s did find it s way into print speaks highly of the by Marti de Riquer that he now believes that the moneylender Galba had done http://parnaseo.uv.es/Tirant/Joan_perujo.html | |
47. Catálogo Descriptivo De Libros De Caballerías Hispánicos. X(1) Translate this page Tirante el Blanco que en su prínceps valenciana de 1490 se imprimió con el de loriç-. perlo magnifich caualler mos sen Marti iohan de Galba e de si http://parnaseo.uv.es/Tirant/Art.Lucia.html | |
48. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: The White Knight: Tirant Lo Blanc By Johano The White Knight Tirant Lo Blanc Johanot Martorell And Marti Johan D Galba Another writer, Marti Joan de Galba, adds his name as a second author, http://tanaya.net/Books/whitk10/ | |
49. This Is A COPYRIGHTED Project Gutnberg Etext, Details Below** The lausd.k12.ca.us THE WHITE KNIGHT TIRANT LO BLANC by Johanot Martorell and Marti Johan d Galba Edited and Another writer, Marti Joan de Galba, adds his name http://ftp5.mplayerhq.hu/gutenberg/etext95/whitk10.txt |
50. Tirant Lo Blanc - Joanot Martorell & Marti Joan De Galba Author Name Joanot Martorell Marti Joan de Galba Title Tirant Lo Mostly written by Martorell a Valencian knight complete d after his death by de Galba. http://www.astleybookfarm.com/si/000487.html | |
51. AllRefer.com - Catalan Literature (Miscellaneous European Literature) - Encyclop Tirant lo Blanch (1490), the chivalric novel of epic scope written primarily by Jeanot Martorell (and partially by Johan Marti de Galba), represents a high http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/C/CatalanLit.html | |
52. 149 BC Century Prusias King Bithynia Years Acquitted Galba 140s 149 BC Century Prusias King Bithynia Years Acquitted Galba 140s 1497 1498 1499 Events and Trends 1490 Tirant lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell Marti Joan, 149 BC http://www.economicexpert.com/a/149:BC.htm | |
53. Rare, Out Of Print, Antique And Used Books, Maps And Prints From Adelaide Bookse Threshold of Time Barrett, D.; Bryce, T. and Kanowski, M. $12.00 Tirant Lo Blanc MARTORELL, Joanot de Galba, Marti Joan $15.00 http://www.booksandcollectibles.com.au/dump/Adelaide_Booksellers/books-0031.html |
54. The New York Times Book Review Search Article TIRANT LO BLANC, by Joanot Martorell and Marti Joan de Galba. (Warner, $4.95. THE UNEASY STATE The United States From 1915 to 1945, by Barry D. Karl. http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/02/22/home/35688.html |
55. BookRags EBooks Another writer, Marti Joan de Galba, adds his entire section (which this present translation omits) is taken from Ramon Lull s Libre del Orde d Cauayleria.(8 http://www.bookrags.com/books/whitk/PART1.htm | |
56. The White Knight Tirant Lo Blanc Written And Copyrighted By by Robert S. Rudder THE WHITE KNIGHT TIRANT LO BLANC by Johanot Martorell and Marti Johan d Galba Edited and Another writer, Marti Joan de Galba, adds his http://www.alcdsb.on.ca/literature/BLANC, TIRANT LO AND RUDDER R.S/THE WHITE KNI |
57. IBalita: MSU-IIT's Inter@ctive News Portal Forums-viewtopic-What's Behind Your N i hope she could read this one so she d keep in touch na.. lo Blanc), by Valencian knight Joanot Martorell finished by Marti Joan de Galba (published in http://ibalita.msuiit.edu.ph/html/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=317 |
58. Howes Bookshop Edited by Joan Grundy. With frontispiece, pp.261, with d/w. Liverpool English Texts and MARTORELL (Joanot) and Marti Joan de Galba. Tirant Lo Blanc http://www.howes.co.uk/298-1720.htm | |
59. 1491 - Encyclopedia Article About 1491. Events and Trends. 1490 Tirant lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell Martí Joan de Galba is published. Martin Bucer, German Protestant reformer. deaths. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/1491 | |
60. Washingtonbooksellers.com Martorell, Joanot and Joan de Galba Marti TIRANT LO BLANC $9.95 USD. deSCRIPTION New York Schocken, 1984. deSCRIPTION New York St. Martin s, 1986. http://www.washingtonbooksellers.com/waba/booklist.asp?pg=150&db=bass |
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