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61. Anecdote - Anatole [born Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault] France - Cross Beare France, Anatole born Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault (18441924) French criticand novelist, Nobel Prize recipient (Literature, 1921) noted for such http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=6787 |
62. Anatole France Translate this page Anatole France. (1844-1924) Los dioses tienen sed (1912). Anatole Francefalleció en Tours el 12 de octubre de 1924. *buscabiografias.com http://buscabiografias.com/cgi-bin/verbio.cgi?id=5089 |
63. Anatole France - Plumas Célebres 1844-1924) Nació el 16de abril de 1844, en París. Se crió en la librería de su padre, http://www.islapoetica.com.mx/plumas-celebres/anatole-france.htm | |
64. Frases De Anatole France Translate this page 1844-1924. Escritor francés. Sugerir sitio sobre Anatole France. Si exagerásemosnuestras alegrías, como hacemos con nuestras penas, nuestros problemas http://www.proverbia.net/citasautor.asp?autor=376 |
65. Zitate - Sprüche - Aphorismen - Weisheiten: Anatole France Translate this page Anatole France (1844-1924). Alle Veränderungen, sogar die meistersehnten, habenihre Melancholie. Denn was wir hinter uns lassen, ist ein Teil unserer http://msd.twoday.net/stories/855944/ | |
66. Anatole France. Biografia, Libros, Citas Y Guia De Cine - Viaje Literario Translate this page Anatole France (1844-1924). Anatole France (seudónimo de Jacques Antoine AnatoleThibault) nació en París, el 16 de abril de 1844. Sus padres, Francois-Noël http://www.alohacriticon.com/viajeliterario/article77.html | |
67. Anatole France - Wikiquote Translate this page Anatole France (1844-1924). französischer Schriftsteller eigentlich JacquesAnatole François Thibault France. bearbeiten http://de.wikiquote.org/wiki/Anatole_France | |
68. Biographie Et Informations Auteur : France, Anatole : - Dicocitations ⢠Translate this page Dicocitations - biographie et citations de France, Anatole. Ecrivainfrançais (1844-1924) longtemps considéré comme le plus grand auteur français du http://www.dicocitations.com/resultatauteurs.php?id=1139 |
69. Anatole France Anatole France élete és munkássága. Anatole France. (18441924) Ebbol afiúból lett idovel Anatole France, aki mindig is úgy emlékezett Renanra, http://www.literatura.hu/irok/xxszazad/euproza/france.htm | |
70. Anatole France Anatole France élete és muészete. Anatole France. (18441924) Ebbol afiúból lett idovel Anatole France, aki mindig is úgy emlékezett Renanra, http://www.literatura.hu/irok/real/france.htm | |
71. Anatole France 1844-1924 - Acheter Anatole France 1844-1924 Au Meilleur Prix Translate this page ZDNet Shopping, le spécialiste de la comparaison de prix informatique, photonumerique et high tech. http://www.zdnet.fr/shopping/livres-informatiques/0,39026512,43211880p,00.htm | |
72. Gallica - France, Anatole (1844-1924 ). Le Crime De Sylvestre Bonnard, Membre De Translate this page http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-88391 |
73. Stories, Listed By Author France, Anatole; pseudonym of AnatoleFrançois Thibault, (1844-1924). * The Comingof Riquet, (ss). Best-Loved Dog Stories, ed. Vanessa Mitchell, Readers http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/s65.htm | |
74. WORDTHEQUE - Word By Word Multilingual Library Anatole France (18441924). Anatole France, pseudonym for Jacques Anatole Thibault,was the son of a Paris book dealer. He received a thorough classical http://www.wordtheque.com/owa-wt/new_wordtheque.w6_home_author.home?code_author= |
75. Referaty.atlas.sk - Anatole France: Životopis France, Anatole (18441924), écrivain français, lauréat du prix Nobel de littérature,qui fut longtemps considéré comme le plus grand auteur français du http://referaty.atlas.sk/cudzie_jazyky/francuzstina/17116/ | |
76. Literature 1921 Anatole France. Anatole France (penname of Jacques Anatole Thibault). France Anatole France Biography Banquet Speech Swedish Nobel Stamps http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1921/ | |
77. Anatole France Quotes - The Quotations Page Anatole France (1844 1924) French novelist more author details Anatole France;An education isn t how much you have committed to memory, http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Anatole_France/ | |
78. Quotation Search - Quote Search - The Quotations Page Anatole France (1844 1924); The whole art of teaching is only the art of Anatole France (1844 - 1924); Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when he http://www.quotationspage.com/search.php3?Author=Anatole France&file=other |
79. Anatole France Life Stories, Books, Links Anatole France (1844 1924). Category French Literature. Born April 16, 1844Paris, France. Died October 13, 1924 Tours, France. Related authors http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/anatole.france.asp |
80. Anatole France - France And The Surrealists, And Other Stories Today in Literature presents Anatole France France and the Surrealists, Anatole France (1844 - 1924). France and the Surrealists. by Steve King http://www.todayinliterature.com/stories.asp?Event_Date=10/12/1924 |
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