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81. International Women's Periodicals Microfilm Collection P231 Eliza Lee (Cabot) Follen. P232 Louisa Rogers M. Forbes. P233 Louisa Rogers M.Forbes with Marian Reidford. P234 Rose Darby Forbes http://historical.library.cornell.edu/IWP/lock/photo_index.html | |
82. CsbcAuthors01 Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot, 17871860. Foster, GL (Gustavus Lemuel), 1818-1876.Gaines, WJ (Wesley John), 1840-1912. Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award99/ncuhtml/csbcAuthors01.html | |
83. UncallAuthors02 Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot, 17871860. Ford, Arthur Peronneau. Ford, Marion Johnstone.Foster, GL (Gustavus Lemuel), 1818-1876. Gaines, WJ (Wesley John), http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award99/ncuhtml/uncallAuthors02.html | |
84. Name-key For Spiritualists Follen, Charles Theodore Christian, 17961840 Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot marriedto Charles Follen, 1786-1860 Folsom, Abigail H., 1792-1867 http://www.spirithistory.com/namekey.html | |
85. The Legendary (1828) Native Americans are the focus of several works The Indian Wife and The Churchin the Wilderness, by Lydia Child; Sachem s Hill, by Eliza Lee Follen. http://www.merrycoz.org/voices/legend/LEGEND.HTM | |
86. The Legendary (1828) Contents vol 1 Sachem s Hill /p (Eliza Lee Follen), 267 Here, from this little hillockin days long since gone by,/ And all the treasures of their souls shall be http://www.merrycoz.org/voices/legend/legendx.htm | |
87. 19th Century American Women Writers Web Some authors in this section include Lydia Maria Child, Eliza Lee Follen, SarahJoseph Hale, and Mary Eliza Tucker Lambert. http://www.bowdoin.edu/~samato/IRA/reviews/issues/julaug96/womwri.html | |
88. Children's Literature: An Anthology 1801-1902 - Book Information Eliza Lee Cabot Follen (17871860) William Churne of Staffordshire (Revd.Francis Edward Paget (1806-1882)) Richard Henry (Hengist) Horne (1802-1884) http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/book.asp?ref=0631210482 |
89. Buch.de - Bücher - The Pedler Of Dust Sticks - Eliza Lee Follen Translate this page The Pedler of Dust Sticks - Eliza Lee Follen Besorgungstitel versandfertig in1 bis 2 Wochen EUR 15,95. http://www.buch.de/buch/05980/007_the_pedler_of_dust_sticks.html | |
90. Inventory Of American Portrait Prints At The American Antiquarian Society Follen, Eliza Lee FOLSOM, GEORGE FOOTE, ANDREW HULL (18061863) (10) FOOTE, HENRY W.FORBES, JOHN FORBES, EMMA FORBES, HONORABLE GA FORBES, IW FORBES, JOHN http://www.americanantiquarian.org/Inventories/apprints.htm | |
91. Tiscali - Search Eliza Lee Cabot Follen. 25.Tamburlaine the Great, Part 1 Eliza Lee Cabot Follen.128.Travels in England During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth http://directory.tiscali.it/Top/Arts/Literature/Electronic_Text_Archives/Project | |
92. The Actor's Book Of Monologues For Women - Various - Penguin Group (USA) Eliza Lee FollenThe New Moon Dinah Maria Mulock CraikPhilip, My King MirraLokhvitskayaMy Sky Jane Cannary HickokFrom Calamity Jane s Letters to Her http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Book/BookDisplay/0,,0_0140157875,00.html | |
93. A.L913 LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL) PAPERS, 1838-1902. University Of Rochester Marie Weston Chapman, Eliza Lee Follen, Edmund Quincy, Wendell Phillips, ParkerPillsbury, Stephen S. Foster, and Abigail Kelley Foster. http://www.lib.rochester.edu/rbk/Lowell.stm | |
94. Women Of Achievement B. 0815-1787, Eliza Lee Cabot Follen - US author of children s books. She wasa prominent abolitionist. B. 08-15-1810, Louise Colet - French poet and http://www.undelete.org/woa/woa08-15.html | |
95. MELUS: Touching Liberty: Abolition. Feminism. And The Politics Of The Body. - Bo The antislavery fiction of Lydia Maria Child, Frances Green, Eliza Lee Follen,Caroline Heale Dall, and others produces stories in which, through the merger http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2278/is_n3_v20/ai_18298438 | |
96. True Stories About Dogs And Cats EBook True Stories About Dogs and Cats. Author Eliza Lee Follen Category Short Story.Stories told to a group of children about dogs, cats and other animals http://www.memoware.com/?screen=doc_detail&doc_id=9159&p=title^! cat~!descriptio |
97. 10,000 EBooks From BookRags What The Animals Do And Say Eliza Lee Cabot Follen. eBook. What To Do? - LeoTolstoy. eBook Biography. What To Do? Thoughts Evoked By The Census Of http://www.bookrags.com/ebooks/W3.html | |
98. Project MUSE Follen, Eliza Lee Cabot. Sketches of Married Life. 1838. Rev. ed. Boston WilliamCrosby and HP Nichols, 1847. Foster, Edward Halsey. Susan and Anna Warner. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/legacy/v021/21.1templin.html | |
99. Lot 50 - 99 Henrietta Sargent, John Pierpont, Wendell Phillips, Eliza Lee Follen, Mary Clark,Charles Follen. (Est. $40 $80). 94 ANTISLAVERY view image http://www.clements.umich.edu/dup/indx2.html | |
100. Manuscripts Catalogue - Document Details 6, EHH; mentions Mr. Guerney and Eliza Lee Follen. 25 July 1883; postmarkedGlasgow 25 July 1883. Place of Creation, Glasgow, Scotland http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/manuscripts/search/detaild.cfm?DID=55938 |
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