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Evans Augusta J: more books (18) | |||||||||
81. Abbott 1871 Paper On Sugar Beet C7/117 Abbott,Edward 1801-1869 MLC 1835 prescn.error L1/H79 Evans sugl.inst.mkr 1835 surgical instruments sold VDL 19451946 photo,quaker dress,93rd birthday DX10/3 Walker,Mary Augusta http://www.utas.edu.au/library/info/collec/arch/name.ascii |
82. Index Walter James Evans (18911967). . . Narrative Wanda Lavelle (1914- ). . . Narrative Levannah Elizabeth (1835-1909). . . Narrative Lisey Geneva (1906- ). http://www.nancyward.com/names2.htm | |
84. Red Oak Junction Cemetery, Red Oak, Iowa Surnames DG Denny, Bell G. 18351909. Deveraux, JF, no dates, 11th Mass. Inf. Capt, GAR marker Edmonds, Robert J. 21 Mar 1844-25 Nov 1925, Co. I., 150th PA http://iagenweb.org/montgomery/cemeteries/cem-redoakjuncd_g.htm |
85. LINNWOOD CEMETERY 1888 1916 GW Evans 1845 1913 WV Evans 1870 1915 1857 1897 Jennie S. Heinze 1859 1930Augusta Helbig 1825 1859 Franz Herrmann 1835 1909 Henry J. Herrmann 1867 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ia/county/linn/cem/linnwoodcem.htm | |
86. Name-key For Spiritualists Baxter, J. Frank, Winchester and Maplewood and Chelsea MA Currier, Augusta A.Conner married to James Warren Currierr, 18351877 http://www.spirithistory.com/namekey.html | |
87. Oak Hill Jennette L. Merchant, wife of Samuel J. Gardner. 18311901 Genevieve, twin dau.of Henry Augusta Dunn, died Mar. 14, 1872. Age 1 yr, 2 mo, 7 days. http://www.pownal.org/PHS/Cemeteries/Oakhill/Oakhill.html | |
88. Inventory Of American Portrait Prints At The American Antiquarian Society A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. ABBOTT, BENJAMIN VAUGHAN HITCHCOCK, COLONEL ETHAN ALLEN (18351909) HITCHCOCK, JOSEPH F. HITCHCOCK http://www.americanantiquarian.org/Inventories/apprints.htm | |
89. Family Trees MUFFORD, T, MUFFORD, J, MURCHISON, MURRAY, NELSON, NEWTON, OAKES 18351909,Thomas STODDARD - , , Margaret FRENCH 1830-1916 http://www.fortlangley.ca/langley/trees.html | |
90. McELroy Daughters Of American Revolution Wife of CA Evans. Descendant of Adam McElroy, as follows Sumner J. Rockwell (b.1835) m. 2nd 1866 Mary A. McElroy (184091). http://www.geocities.com/thomas_mcelroy/DAR2_McELroy.htm | |
91. Quarterly Report Of Archival Accessions, January 1 - March 31, 2005 1792) of Harrison County, (West) Virginia, of the first part; Edward J. Armstrong (b . Papers of the Harris and Jameson family of Albemarle and Augusta http://www.lva.lib.va.us/whatwehave/archacc/newaccessionsJan-Mar2005.htm | |
92. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons 647); Euler, Leonhard (17071783); Evans, John V. (20th c. J. Jabir ibnAflah Gabir ben Aflah; Geber Hispalensis, al-Ishbili Abu Muhammad http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html | |
93. CEMETERY Cassadaga Cemetery; Cassadaga, Chautauqua Co., NY 1838 1913 Helen M. 1845 1929 Abram, William B. 1863 1926 Mary J. 18611897 Inez M . _ 1866 1911 Emley, Richard Keith, Aug.24,1910;Dec.5,1910 Evans, http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/chautauqua/cemeteries/cassadaga/cassadag |
94. CEMETERY REMOVALS - CANNONSVILLE RESERVOIR OZ; Delaware Co., NY Thanks also to Edward J. Stanton, ACE Manager, Office of Claims, CORDELIA MOTHERROCK RIFT WALTON OGDEN, DELIA T. 18351909 HATHAWAY, MARGARET M. (MRS. http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ny/delaware/cemeteries/cannonsvilleremovals |
95. John Stewart And Ruth Tutt Of Buncombe Co, NC And Union Co, GA And Polk Co, TN He married on 6 Dec 1895 in Union Co, GA Martha Evans . + 43 ii Rutha A3 Heddon ,born Sep 1875 85 i Mary J4 Stewart , born Apr 1894 in Graham Co, NC. http://www.martygrant.com/gen/stewart/stewart-john-union-ga.htm | |
96. Arizona And Southwestern Dobie, Bertha MCKee, 18901974 (see Dobie, J. Frank) Thomson, George, 1835-1909.Thomson, WH. Thrapp, Dan L. Thumm, Belle, 1870-. Thurber, Carrie, -1980 http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/branches/spc/azbiogr/azbiog.htm | |
97. Stafford Rural Cem. A-B 1872@ 1d; Admire; Mary, w/o Squire J., 18221906, @ 87y, Old Section; Squire J., w/o Robert J. d/o Charles F. Alice Louise (Evans) Rudolph, b. http://www.dawnsgenealogy.com/Cemeteries/Stafford/stafford_rural_cemeterya-b.htm | |
98. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Newcomb, Simon (1835 -1909) Newman, Maxwell (1897 - 1984) Newton, Sir Isaac (4.1.1643 - 31.3.1727) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
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