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81. Newton Links: View All Links The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants by Eros Urides This description of the Martians, their government, philosophy and way of life, was purportedly dictated http://www.aviators.com/newton/view-all-links.html | |
82. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - P AUTHOR Eros Urides LANGUAGE English SUBJECT Fiction _ Spiritualism PG ENTRY 563 POSTING DATE Jun 1996 ZIP. Playboy of the Western World, The http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_p5.html | |
83. Story Books, Fiction Writers & Short Stories Online Site includes links to editor reviewed directories about Eros Urides. If available, a biography and picture about Eros Urides have also been included. http://encyclopediaoftheself.com/short-stories-writer-fiction-writers-story-book | |
84. Tiscali - Search Eros Urides and JL Kennon. 123.Plato and Platonism. Walter Pater. 124.Playboy of the Western World, The. JM Synge. 125.Plays and Puritans. Charles Kingsley. http://directory.tiscali.it/Top/Arts/Literature/Electronic_Text_Archives/Project | |
85. ELibrary Archive Of Over 100 Free Channeled EBooks And ETexts Alien Eyes includes a book called The Mission of the One Star ; The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants - by Eros Urides (A Martian) Project Gutenberg http://www.spiritwritings.com/library.html | |
86. .::: SEATTLE BOOK STORE :::. It was Eros Urides, the real Martian behind the scenes, who dictated the contents of this book through the medium to Mr. Kennon Read More.. Add to Cart http://www.seattlebook.com/search_result.php?category=Humor |
87. .::: SEATTLE BOOK STORE :::. It was Eros Urides, the real Martian behind the scenes, who dictated the contents of this book through the medium to Mr. Kennon. It was further stated that http://www.seattlebook.com/bookdetail.php?ID=23090 |
88. E Eb Browning Eb Lytton E. Charles Vivian Eh Chapin E. Nesbit E emma wolf enrico ferri epictetus ernest a. savage ernest bramah ernest thompson seton ernie howard pyle Eros Urides eugene field. http://www.snerpa.is/net/gutenberg/e.htm | |
89. ONLINE BOOKS IT WAS Eros Urides, the real Martian behind the scenes, who dictated the contents of this book through the medium to Mr. JL Kennon. http://www.squarecircles.com/scbooks/onlinebooks/otherworlds/mars/marsforeword.h | |
90. About - Arts & Literature Search Results alt7 culture media politics ideas cities suburbia sprawlIt was Eros Urides, the real Martian behind the scenes, who dictated the contents of this book through the medium to Mr. Kennon. http://home.about.com/arts/hubsearch.htm?terms=Eros Urides&SUName=arts&TopNode=2 |
91. Català Kennon, JL (Eros Urides), The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants, a Physic Revelation. Kinglake, Alexander William, Eothen. Kingsley, Charles, Glaucus; Or the http://www.ub.es/lexico/great.htm | |
92. The Planet Mars And Its Inhabitants - Microsoft Reader Catalog Of EBooks The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants Eros Urides JL Kennon ISBN 5552065999 Publisher Amazon Press Pub. Date Feb 2001 File Size 354K, Available from http://www.mslit.com/details.asp?bookid=5552065999 |
93. Planet Mars And Its Inhabitants - Microsoft Reader Catalog Of EBooks Eros Urides JL Kennon ISBN 5552050886 Publisher Xlibris Corporation Pub. Date Feb 2001 File Size 264K, Available from http://www.mslit.com/details.asp?bookid=5552050886 |
94. Benzinho, Lembra Do Meu Nome Translate this page Eros Urides Faun Fitozooloplanetologeica Garcia Sai Gary-Sol Gmm God (residente deAlpha Centauri) Grandfanda O Grande Mestre Harold Herod Higlio Hogag http://www.ceticismoaberto.com/ufologia/name.htm | |
95. EReader.com: Author: Eros Urides Eros Urides. Home Authors Eros Urides. Notify me when new books by Eros Urides are released. Eros Urides at eReader.com. The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants | |
96. ATHENA: Literature, Books; Pierre Perroud Translate this page Eros Urides · The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants (in English, at UNC/GUTENBERG) · The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants (in English, at UNC/GUTENBERG) http://un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/html/author_e.html | |
97. Urides, Eros © 2004 Kessinger Publishing PO Box 4587 Whitefish, MT 59937, BOOKS BY AUTHOR Urides, Eros (2 BOOKS). BOOKS BY AUTHOR Urides, Eros (2 BOOKS). http://kessinger-publishing.com/spider/Urides_Eros.htm |
98. Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints BOOKS BY Author Urides, Eros (2 BOOKS) Author, Urides, Eros. Category. ISBN, 1419177664. Pages, 59. Our Price, $15.95 http://www.kessingerpub.com/searchresults_orderthebook.php?Author=Urides, Eros |
99. Kessinger Publishing's Rare Reprints © 2004 Kessinger Publishing PO Box 1404 Whitefish, MT 59937, BOOKS BY Author Urides, Eros (2 BOOKS). AUTHOR Urides, Eros. CATEGORY ISBN 1419277669. PAGES 59 http://www.kessinger.net/searchresults_orderthebook.lasso?Author=Urides, Eros&Su |
100. Old Time Radio Shows, Otr, Movies, Literature Home Great Books on CD Catalog Famous Authors U Urides, Eros (A MARTIAN) - THE PLANET MARS AND ITS INHABITANTS http://www.bookzap.com/product_p/plan_mars.htm | |
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