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Engels Friedrich: more books (43) | ||
61. Engels, Friedrich Friedrich Engels. Friedrich Engels. Engels (18201895), tysk socialist og teoretiker.Engels samarbejdede gennem 40 år med Karl Marx om det praktiske og http://www.leksikon.org/art.php?n=684 |
62. Friedrich Engels Translate this page Friedrich Engels. (1820-1895). Friedrich Engels Pensador, economista político yrevolucionario alemán Nació el 28 de noviembre de 1820 en Barmen (Alemania), http://buscabiografias.com/cgi-bin/verbio.cgi?id=7842 |
63. Marx, Engels, Lassalle & The First International Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) Revolution und http://www.mdejongh.com/016.html | |
64. INFOAMÉRICA - Friedrich Engels Translate this page Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). EN CONSTRUCCIÓN. Pensador y economista alemán, cuyavida ideológica y proyección histórica aparece vinculada a la de Karl Marx http://www.infoamerica.org/teoria/engels1.htm | |
65. Friedrich Engels - Wikipedia, Den Fria Encyklopedin Friedrich Engels (18201895). Friedrich Engels, född 28 november 1820 iBarmen-Elberfeld (nuvarande Wuppertal), Nordrhein-Westfalen, Tyskland, död 5 augusti http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Engels | |
66. MSN Encarta - Engels, Friedrich Engels, Friedrich (18201895), German revolutionary political economist andco-founder, with Karl Marx, of scientific socialism, now known as http://uk.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556263/Engels_Friedrich.html | |
67. Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) Engels, Friedrich (18201895). Német filozófus. A modern kommunizmus megalapozásábanMarx legközelebbi munkatársa, szerzoi a Kommunista Kiáltványnak (1848), http://enciklopedia.fazekas.hu/eletrajz/Friedrich_Engels.htm | |
68. OPAC Friedrich Engels Law of value / Friedrich Engels Held by BIZZELL Added authorEngels, Friedrich, 18201895. Works. English. Added author http://books.valdosta.edu/mlis/govdoc/GOVDOCS/OPAC.htm | |
69. Biografías - Sufragismo Y Feminismo, 1789-1945 Translate this page Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) Pensador y economista político alemán, fundador,junto con Karl Marx, del socialismo científico o comunismo. http://www.historiasiglo20.org/sufragismo/biogra.htm | |
70. Friedrich Engels Friedrich Engels. Engels (18201895) werd in Duitsland geboren, maar bracht eengroot deel van zijn leven door in zijn vader zijn textielzaak in Manchester, http://www.kunstbus.nl/verklaringen/friedrich engels.html |
71. Friedrich Engels - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx Critique of Hegel s Philosophyof Right (1843), On the Jewish Question (1843), Notes on James Mill (1844) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Engels | |
72. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - Kultur - SPIEGEL ONLINE Translate this page Das Angebot der Projekts Gutenberg umfasst die Texte einiger seiner wissenschaftlicheArbeiten zur Theorie des Sozialismus. http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/autoren/engels.htm | |
73. The Collection Of Marx, Karl, 1818 - 1883, And Engels, Friedrich, 1820 - 1895. H Photostats of articles in the New York Daily Tribune. http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/archives/handlists/CollMisc0412/CollMisc0412.html | |
74. Marx & Engles Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 19th Century Philosophy at Erratic Impact sPhilosophy Research Base. Friedrich Engels 1820 1895 http://www.erraticimpact.com/~19thcentury/html/marxism.htm | |
75. Friedrich Engels Quotes - The Quotations Page Friedrich Engels (1820 1895) German socialist economist more author details Friedrich Engels, preface to Kark Marx, The Civil War in France, 1891 http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Friedrich_Engels/ | |
76. Quote Details: Friedrich Engels: An Ounce Of Action... - The Quotations Page Friedrich Engels German socialist economist (1820 1895). View a DetailedBiography of Friedrich Engels View all 2 Friedrich Engels quotations http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/33399.html | |
77. Friedrich Engels Translate this page Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895). Der deutsche Politiker, Philosoph und MilitärhistorikerFriedrich Engels war während seiner Militärzeit 1841 Hörer an der http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/engels.htm | |
78. Literature And Place: Engels, Friedrich Engels, Friedrich. ( 1820 1895 ). Place. Extract. Ramsgate. Less prone toill-health than Marx, he was nevertheless a frequent visitor to English seaside http://www.literatureandplace.org.uk/database/en/author/Engels Friedrich | |
79. Literature And Place: Engels Friedrich - Ramsgate Engels, Friedrich. (1820 1895) which apparently had the approval of thelocal barber. This was a theme to which Engels returned over the years. http://www.literatureandplace.org.uk/database/en/entries/Engels Friedrich /Ramsg | |
80. Internet Arkiv För Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) Och Friedrich Engels (1820 - 1895) 1818 1883 1820 - 1895 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 Det KommunistiskaPartiets Manifest - Karl Marx Friedrich Engels 1848 http://www31.brinkster.com/mbonline2/marxengels.htm | |
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