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         Editors:     more books (100)
  1. Garden Pools. Fountains & Waterfalls: Design Ideas and Installation Techniques for Natural Looking Water Features (Sunset Books) by Editors of Sunset Books, 2007-01-01
  2. Philosophy (SparkNotes 101) by SparkNotes Editors, 2005-07-18
  3. Directory of Small Press/ Magazine Editors & Publishers 2010-2011 (Directory of Small Press/ Magazine Editors and Publishers)
  4. Food Editor's Favorites Treasured Recipes by Barbara Gibbs And Baker, Jane Ostmann, 1994
  5. Letters from the Editor: The New Yorker's Harold Ross (Modern Library Paperbacks)
  6. Equal To The Occasion: Women Editors On The Nineteenth-Century West (Nevada Studies in History and Political Science) by Sherilyn Cox Bennion, 1990-11-01
  7. City Editor by Stanley Walker, 1999-08-03
  8. Sports Illustrated: Fifty Years of Great Writing: 50th Anniversary 1954-2004 by Editors of Sports Illustrated, 2004-10-19
  9. 501 Critical Reading Questions (Skill Builders in Focus for SAT Practice) by LearningExpress Editors, 2007-03-23
  10. Stein On Writing: A Master Editor of Some of the Most Successful Writers of Our Century Shares His Craft Techniques and Strategies by Sol Stein, 2000-01-25
  11. A Life in the Day of an Editor by Charles Walters, 1986
  12. Galen Rowell: A Retrospective
  13. Writer's Guide to Book Editors, Publishers, and Literary Agents, 2001-2002: Who They Are! What They Want! And How to Win Them Over by Jeff Herman, 2000-07-20
  14. Time Out London (Time Out Guides)

61. Free HTML Editors, Web Page Builders, Web Editors And Web Site Builders (thefree
Free HTML Editors, WYSIWYG web Editors, site builders, for designing your own website.
@import url(../include/modern.css);
Free HTML Editors / Free Web Editors
Beginning and Advanced HTML editors, WYSIWYG web editors, website builders
You are here: (main page) Free Webmaster Resources Free HTML Editors and WYSIWYG Web Editors
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If you find this site useful, please link to us
Free HTML Editors, Web Editors, and WYSIWYG Web Editors and Site Builders
Looking for a better editor (or perhaps even your first editor) to design your website? This page lists free HTML editors, Web editors, WYSIWYG editors, web site builders, as well as specialized editors optimized for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or even the numerous web scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, Java, JavaScript, ASP, etc. The editors are separated into two sections: the WYSIWYG Web Editors / Site Builders allow you to design your website using a What You See Is What You Get interface - somewhat like a wordprocessor where you can see what your page will look like (mostly) as you type; and Site Builders that allow you to design your site from pre-packaged templates (and sometimes also allowing you a WYSIWYG interface to change elements from that tempate).

62. Merry Bruns: Web Editors Toolkit
Resources for web writers and Editors. Links to sources on writing, accessiblility, credibility, information architecture, accessibility, usability, style guides and reference sites.
Web Editors Toolkit A motley selection of resources for web writers and editors Poynter Institute for Media Studies Writing and Editing section.
Roy Peter Clark writes a weekly series of short essays primarily aimed at journalists, but excellent for web writers, too. Are you a content management professional? Join CMPros , and gain from a community of experts in your field. We have meetings, seminars, and a LOT of resources for you.
The National Cancer Institute's
"Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines" View and Print Entire Guidelines Book NOTE : This guide is 128 pages, 39.2 MB) The NCI guide is a first: all guidelines are based on empiric research, and illustrated with defining sites. A fabulous resource for developing your own usability guidelines. Ragan Web Content Report This is an excellent monthly report published by Ragan Communications in Chicago. It's fee-based, so please contact them about rates. I find this an intelligent and insightful periodical.

63. Free Programmers' Editors, Free ASCII Text Editors, Free IDEs (Integrated Develo
Free programmers Editors, ASCII text Editors, Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
@import url(../include/modern.css);
Free Programmers' Editors
ASCII Text Editors, IDEs, Syntax Highlighting Editors
You are here: (main page) Free Programming Tools and Utilities Free Programming Editors
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If you find this site useful, please link to us
Free Programmer's Editors, Integrated Development Environment (IDE), ASCII Text Editors
This page lists free programmers' editors, Integrated Development Environment or IDEs, ASCII text editors or plain text editors, syntax highlighting code editors, and the like that are useful to programmers and web designers for writing the source code of a program or writing the HTML/PHP/Perl code for a website. Note that certain specific types of Programming Editors have their own separate pages:

64. RFC 1695 (rfc1695) - Definitions Of Managed Objects For ATM Management Ver
Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Management Version 8.0 using SMIv2. M. Ahmed, K. Tesink, Editors. August 1994.
RFC 1695 (RFC1695)
Internet RFC/STD/FYI/BCP Archives RFC Index RFC Search Usenet FAQs Web FAQs ... Cities Alternate Formats: rfc1695.txt rfc1695.txt.pdf
RFC 1695 - Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Management Version 8.0 using SMIv2
RFC 1442 [1] which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for describing and naming objects for the purpose of management. STD 17, RFC 1213 [2] defines MIB-II, the core set of managed objects for the Internet suite of protocols. RFC 1445 [3] which defines the administrative and other architectural aspects of the framework. RFC 1448 RFC 1213 and RFC 1573 RFC 1213 -MIB; atmMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "9406072245Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF AToM MIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " Masuma Ahmed Postal: Bellcore 331 Newman Springs Road Red Bank, NJ 07701 US Tel: +1 908 758 2515 Fax: +1 908 758 4131 E-mail:

65. Writers And Editors
US Department of Labor s Occupational Outlook Handbook entry for writers, includingsignificant points, nature of work, working conditions,
Skip Navigation Links Latest Numbers U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook OOH Search/A-Z Index BLS Home Get Detailed Statistics ... Find It! In DOL Printer-friendly version ( HTML PDF
Writers and Editors
Nature of the Work Working Conditions Employment Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement ... Sources of Additional Information
Significant Points
  • Most jobs in this occupation require a college degree in communications, journalism, or English, although a degree in a technical subject may be useful for technical-writing positions.
  • The outlook for most writing and editing jobs is expected to be competitive, because many people with writing or journalism training are attracted to the occupation.
  • Online publications and services are growing in number and sophistication, spurring the demand for writers and editors, especially those with Web experience.
Nature of the Work About this section Back to Top Communicating through the written word, writers and editors generally fall into one of three categories. Writers and authors develop original fiction and nonfiction for books, magazines, trade journals, online publications, company newsletters, radio and television broadcasts, motion pictures, and advertisements. (

66. The Ramanujan Journal Page
Editors' page. Contents from vol.1 (1997). Author and subscriber information.
The Ramanujan Journal Page
The url of this page is
Created by F.G. Garvan ( ) on Saturday, April 03, 1999.
Last update made Wed Aug 31 23:21:35 EDT 2005.

67. Testy Copy Editors
Where newspaper copy Editors and their fans talk shop.
Testy Copy Editors
Newspaper copy editors and their fans talk shop.
03:31:17 am, Categories: Articles , 521 words
By Mary Ellen Slayter The bloggers are coming!
The bloggers are coming!
And it looks like they all dropped their dictionaries. Should copy editors pick them up? From what I've seen purporting to be "citizen journalism" online, I sure hope so. Copy editing is at the heart of the discipline of verification that separates journalism from mere gossip, and yet I keep hearing that we're just a bunch of control freaks out to ruin the party. Far from bringing about the death of the blogosphere, thorough editing is what can save it from collapsing into inflammatory gibberish and what will make it possible for mainstream media companies to incorporate the best features of blogging into their brands. But first we have to stop acting like blogs are different from any other "content delivery method," which the bloggers love reminding us that our boring old newspapers are after all. Blogs are not any different. Entertainment is one thing, but online journalism still relies on the same principles of accuracy, fairness and clarity that we strive for every day in the newspaper. Copy editors are a crucial part of that in print, and they will become more so online as the medium matures. Second, we have to stop hiding behind language about liability. It doesn't matter if the courts rule that a blogger is responsible for his words, not the media company that publishes them. That is not a question of liability. It's one of credibility, our most valuable commodity. Regardless of what the fine print says, if your newspaper is hosting an amateur blog filled with libelous comments,horrid writing, unverified rumors and mundane nonsense, that content will be associated with your masthead, and it will damage it.

68. Welcome To Irony Games
Onweb support for Roleplaying Gamers. A nearly exhaustive set of on-web software roleplaying tools, including the first on-web dice roller, PBeM server, and map Editors, with links to tools they don't host. That's all free - they also have a bookstore.
On-web support for Roleplaying Gamers
We've moved ... and not everything works :-(
(But "a million and one" maps will be back when it does!)
Now supporting RFC2396!
Twelve Million Dice Rolled! The Web's original dice server rolls specialty dice too ... You can get dice rolls right on the web or have your dice rolls e-Mailed to you and other e-Game players. E-Mail is signed by Irony Games PGP key! There's a new Java dice roller here The Gamers' Page iG's on-Web RPG Tools are the best in the world. Instant map makers and other on-Web fantasy tools for gamemasters and players of fantasy roleplaying games. Interactive Gaming Tables 3D Map Maker Irony Games' PBeM List The definitive collection of PBeM home pages Hundreds of links to PBeM home pages from all over the world. You can add your's! ( Don't know what a PBeM is? Click here The PBeM News Irony Games PBeM Web Server Online game announcements, game openings and campaign source material for "e-Game" players on the web. Science Fiction, Fantasy Novels
and RPG Rule Books Irony Games Discount Bookstore
offers a discount on many RPG/Fantasy books and helps support Irony Games.

69. Lletra - Web De Literatura Catalana
Espai virtual de literatura catalana, de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Acc©s als recursos sobre literatura catalana que hi ha a Internet. Monografies, not­cies i enlla§os sobre autors i obres, per­odes i moviments, Editors, cr­tics, g¨neres i premis literaris.

Què és Lletra?
Subscriu-te al butlletí NewsLletra ...
Baltasar Porcel
Emili Teixidor
Joan Coromines
Jesús Moncada
Incerta glòria , de Joan Sales
Joan Sales
DARRERES INCORPORACIONS Solitud , de Víctor Català Balanç poètic de l'any 2004 Josep Romeu i Figueras ... Maria Dolors Orriols PÀGINES ACTUALITZADES Margarita Ballester Miquel Bauçà Francesc Parcerisas Jordi Sarsanedas ... Màrius Torres EXPOSICIONS VIRTUALS Josep Palau i Fabre, l'Alquimista Coorganitzada per Lletra i el centre KRTU del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Joan Brossa o la revolta poètica Coorganitzada per Lletra i el centre KRTU, a partir de l'exposició a la Fundació Miró. En català, castellà i anglès. MÓN LITERARI El valor dels espais literaris El 15 i 16 de setembre, a Vilanova i la Geltrú, Espais Escrits organitza el I Seminari sobre patrimoni literari i territori . Ja us hi podeu inscriure gratuïtament. [05/09/05] Josep Pla i Itàlia El 9 de juliol, a la seu de la Fundació Pla de Palafrugell , s'inaugura una exposició centrada en el procés de gestació, publicació i presentació de les Cartes d’Itàlia , de Josep Pla Balanç literari del 2004 Ja podeu consultar l'índex del número 32 de Caràcters, revista de llibres

70. ONLINE Nursing Editors And Nursing Journals: E-mail Links To Nursing Editors
ONLINE Nursing Editors™. Sponsored by Nurse Author Editor Publication New link ONLINE Nursing Editors™ Web Page New Location
Sponsored by Publication
We are pleased to announce that Cinahl Information Systems is managing the ONLINE Nursing Editors' Web page. The new URL, , is easier and faster to reach. Click on the link below and then save the new site in your bookmarks or favorite places. New link: This ONLINE Nursing Editors' Web page, which is sponsored by publication, provides direct e-mail links to over 200 nursing journal and book editors with direct, "one-click" links to many author guideline pages. is published by Cinahl Information Systems, a division of EBSCO Publishing, Inc. June R. Levy, MLS, Editor, Managing Director of Cinahl Information Systems ( Suzanne Hall Johnson, RN, MN, Editor Emeritus
Number of Viewers of the ONLINE Nursing Editors' Web Page Total Viewers before September 25, 2004: 198,000

71. ExoticA : Amiga Music, Games And Information.
Amiga exotic music archive. Big site with an impressive music database. Players and Editors for almost any conceivable format are also offered.
Main Site
( Trapped in horrible frames?
*Free Me!*
Mirror 1
Logo by XtC
Brought to you by :
IRIS Vital XtC and others.
(Fix the [at] in the e-mail addresses) Enter With
(Frames is recommended for layout and navigation) Latest Site Update 24-Jan-05
Site constructed on the Amiga Hosting by

72. Awesome Artists And Editors
A list of freelance artists and Editors specializing eBook production.

73. Ed2010™ - A Group For Young Magazine Editors Seeking Dream Jobs By 2010
A group for young magazine Editors seeking dream jobs by 2010. Includes whisper job listings and mentoring resources.
who we are jobs events message board ... news Trouble signing up for EdNews? Make sure it's not getting blocked by your spam filter!
Ed2010 - A group for young editors who are looking to reach their dream magazine jobs by the year 2010
job job media job magazine job jobs journalism jobs media jobs journalism and jobs media and jobs employment journalism internships journalism magazines job magazine journalists writer jobs reporter jobs editor jobs editing jobs writing jobs reporting jobs newspaper jobs copy editor jobs print jobs production jobs magazine jobs news newspapers web content media news media writing jobs publishing jobs freelance writing jobs related jobs editor openings writing openings career advice whisper job ed2010 mentors magazine mentor salary report

74. American Association Of Sunday And Feature Editors
An international network of Editors dedicated to the quality of features innewspapers. AASFE supports quality feature writing with an annual convention,
Skip navigation
News Ideas ... Contact Us
The Latest News
Convention 2005 REGISTER TODAY! Join AASFE in Denver Sept. 28 through Oct. 1, 2005. Click here to read the schedule of events. (Don't have Adobe Acrobat? Then check out the workshops planned so far and print out a copy of the registration form Here are the winners of AASFE's 2005 Excellence-In-Feature-Writing Contest. Here are the winners of AASFE's First Annual Best Feature Section Contest. AASFE announces its 2005 diversity fellowship recipients ... The August AASFE newsletter is now online. See a complete list of winners of the 2004 Writing Contest . Style magazine, displaying text of first-place winners in all categories and divisions, are also available online in pdf format. Stay tuned! Winners into the 17th annual Excellence-In-Feature-Writing will be announced later this summer! Thank you for entering. There's a wealth of experience in the ranks of AASFE and we want to tap that expertise. Please volunteer to be a mentor. Need a job? Have a job opening?
Our latest list of job openings are posted. AASFE's Jobs offer a great way to search for a great job. Employers can post an opening by emailing Penny Fuchs
Check out these great ideas taken from some of the best feature sections on the country. See why these slideshows are a major draw to our annual convention. (For members only).

75. Unofficial Chef Moz FAQ
Answers to Editors' Frequently Asked Questions.
part of the open directory project about chef moz email staff editor login
Unofficial Chef Moz FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions


The authors of this document wish to note their grateful appreciation to the authors and past maintainers of the original Dmoz FAQ. The information and structure found herein is a direct reflection their hard work and intuitiveness, and we hope that the members of the Chef Moz Restaurant Guide do them justice in the formation and continuation of this version.
1.0 General 1.1 What do I get in return for being part of the Chef Moz Restaurant Guide? 1.2 What features are planned to be added in the near future? 1.4 How can you expect to effectively coordinate thousands of volunteers to edit a web directory? Won't it be a mess? 1.5 These safeguards won't protect against .... ... 1.8 I was an editor, but my name doesn't appear on the category page anymore. Why not?
2.0 Editing 2.1 How do I edit restaurants? 2.2 What if the town/city I want to maintain doesn't exist in Chef Moz? 2.3 What if the town/city I want to edit already exists, or already has an editor? 2.4 Can a town/city have more than one editor? ... 2.7 I saw another site on the web that has a guide just like Chef Moz. Is it okay to use the reviews from there for Chef Moz?
3.0 Descriptions 3.1 Can I change a submitted description? An existing description? A link's title?

76. Written Words ~
This a place for Christian writers, Editors, and webmasters to meet and encourage one another. Contests and links included.
setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Search: Lycos Tripod 40 Yr Old Virgin Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next Written Words ~ Psalms 45:1 Welcoming all Christian Writers, Editors, and Webmasters towards encouraging each other in the Lord! Links E-mail Ads/Contest Me ... Webrings All questions, comments, and submissions may be e-mailed to me at Please tell your friends about this site as I'm sure that they will enjoy a bit of surfing through these pages!

Explains what (and who) gets published and why. How Editors and agents make decisions, and exactly what you have to do to get their attention.
Trying to visit
Your Web Browser is unable to display frames. This site makes extensive use of frames, tables, and other graphical elements. To get the most out of our site, you will need to use a newer browser. There are many good ones available. Among them are: Firefox
Internet Explorer

, and
Site Map

78. Eastern Orthodox Editors (XEDIT/KEDIT/THE, Etc)
A review of z/VM s XEDIT and similar Editors on other platforms.
May the source be with you,
but remember the KISS principle ;-)
Softpanorama: (slightly skeptical) Open Source Software Educational Society
Eastern Orthodox Editors(XEDIT/KEDIT/THE...)
News Recommended Links VM/CMS Xedit Kedit ... Uni-Xedit Etc The introductory paper Orthodox Editors introduced some ideas on which this page was build. Here is the abstract of the paper: This paper tried to introduce a new concept: orthodox editors as a special category of editors that have command line set of command and respective glue macrolanguage. We have found two such families:
  • Eastern Orthodox family represented by such editors as Xedit, Kedit, THE. It uses REXX as a glue macrolanguage. Western Orthodox family represented by vi and its derivatives with VIM 6 as the top representative of the category.
We define the notion of "orthodox editors" as having at least three distinct features:
  • They have a command line editing support and respective glue macro that be some common scripting language (TCL, REXX) or unique for the application (YASL - yet another scripting language) like in vim 6 They support of folding all command in XEDIT and its derivatives; folding capabilities in vim6 )

79. A Slacker's Guide To HTML - Free Tools, Editors, Validators, Link Checkers, RGB
Free WYSIWYG Editors, HTML validators, debuggers, Editors, and site inspection services.
// Top Nav Bar I v2- By Constantin Kuznetsov Jr. ( var keepstatic=1 //specify whether menu should stay static 0=non static // (works only in IE4+) var menucolor="#000000" //specify menu color var submenuwidth=150 //specify sub menus' width setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Search: Lycos Tripod Free Games Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next /* Static Top Menu ScriptBy Constantin Kuznetsov Jr. ( For full source code and installation instructions to this script, visit */
Free Downloads section
Related Links Site Building Bookmarks - Links to providers of HIGH-QUALITY, useful, and FREE resources to site builders. Resources include Hit Counters and Page Statistics/Demographics, GIF Compression, Message Boards, Polls and Surveys, Link Popularity Checkers, Site Submission, Guestbooks, Search Engine for your site, and more! I am happy to bring you our collection of downloadable tools to help you build a better website. All of these downloads and tools are guaranteed to work and are totally

80. Writers-Editors Network
Free howto tips for serious freelance writers and book authors, news items,referral service for freelance jobs, markets for Network members.
You've arrived at CNW's Online Writing Center. We've been linking professional writers and editors with those who need content and editorial services since 1982 … so we know our members well … and can give you old-fashioned personal attention … whether you're an editor, a creative director, a business owner or professional, or an individual needing help with your memoirs. When you need something written or edited click or call Note to editors seeking writers to cover the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Writers-Editors Network has several members with experience writing about hurricanes, disaster planning, disaster recovery, and natural disasters. See our " Find Writers Here " page for all the ways we can help you. And if you're a freelance writer or editor, our Network offers you the latest market information, marketing tips, business-building strategies, and valuable networking help.
Table of Contents
Click on blue square to go to the Section page; or on "fly-outs" for sub-pages. Section 1 - If you need a writer or editing help.

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