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Dufferin And Ava Frederick Temple Blackwood: more detail | |||||
21. Online Archival Search Information System 1s.(1p.). (11) Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, 1st Marquis,18261902. ALs to Mrs. Story; Rome? 7 Mar 1889. 1s http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou00835.html | |
22. The National Archives National Register Of Archives Browse The Blackwood, Frederick Temple HamiltonTemple- (1826-1902) 1st Marquess of Dufferin (1843-1936) nee Hamilton, wife of 1st Marquis of Dufferin and Ava (1) http://www.nra.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/person_BL.htm | |
23. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 18261902 Dufresny,Charles Riviere, 1657-1724 AKA Dufresny, Charles Rivière, 1657-1724 http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
24. NYPL Digital Gallery | Browse Subjects Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 18261902 Dufferin andAva, Harriot Georgina Blackwood, Marchioness of, 1843?-1936 http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgsubjectbrowseresult.cfm?alphaPos=D |
25. Tomfolio.com: History: Europe, England on Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of Dufferin Ava, 18261902. Lord Dufferincompleted the Tower on his estate in Ulster in 1867 and dedicated it http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?subid=2949 |
26. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 18261902. Dumas,Alexandre, 1802-1870. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870 AKA Dumas, Alexandre, Pere, http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
27. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 18261902 Dufresny,Charles Riviere, 1657-1724 AKA Dufresny, Charles RiviËre, 1657-1724 http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
28. 1876AD DeWOLF, James M. *H1766. Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Hamilton Temple Blackwood,1st. Marquis of (18261902). C369. July to October 1876. http://diarysearch.com/bibliography/1876ad.htm |
30. Prints Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis OF Dufferin and Ava. 18261902 Diplomatand Governor-General of Canada. Portrait Photograph of Dufferin, http://homepage.eurobell.co.uk/rgw/print.htm | |
31. SVALBARD BIBLIOGRAPHY Lincoln ELLSWORTH. Albert I of Monaco (1848r1889-d1922). Frederick Temple Blackwood,Marquis of Dufferin and Ava (1826-1902). Clive PHILLIPPS-WOLLEY (1854-). http://www.svalbardrepublic.org/sv02bibl.htm | |
32. This Is Project Gutenberg. This List Has Been Downloaded From Elizabeth Davis, 18031886 Letters From High Latitudes, by Dufferin and Ava,Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 1826-1902 Letters From The Cape, http://www.lafourche.lib.la.us/TITLES.TXT |
33. LISTA DE TITULOS Letters From High Latitudes, by Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood,Marquis of, 18261902 Letters From The Cape, by Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, http://redcultural.iespana.es/redcultural/gutenberg/titulos.htm | |
34. Letters From High Latitudes By Buymore Latitudes Letters From High Latitudes hilat10 Dufferin and Ava, Frederick TempleBlackwood, Marquis of, 18261902 Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 1826 http://www.buymore.co.uk/asin/085036387X | |
35. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg Authors D Du Bois, WEB (William Edward Burghardt), 18681963 Authors DDufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis of, 1826-1902 http://www.archive.org/mediatypes-browse.php?mediatype=texts&collection=gutenber |
36. 1876AD CUSHMAN, Mary Ames *H1765. DeWOLF, James M. *H1766. Dufferin and Ava, FrederickTemple Hamilton Temple Blackwood, 1st. Marquis of (18261902) http://diarysearch.co.uk/Subweb/1876ad.htm |
37. Research And Special Collections Available Locally (NI) - RASCAL Northern Irelan Blackwood, Frederick Temple (18261902), Lord Dufferin Blackwood, Frederick TempleHamilton-Temple, 5th Baron Dufferin and 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava http://www.rascal.ac.uk/site_search/search_terms.asp?q=name |
38. Ville De Québec Translate this page Né à Florence, en Italie, le diplomate Frederick Temple Blackwood, Marquis deDufferin et Ava (1826-1902), est mieux connu sous le nom de lord Dufferin. http://www.ville.quebec.qc.ca/fr/ma_ville/toponymie/rues/dufferin.shtml | |
39. Online Archival Search Information System (unidentified hand); np, 1794? 4f.(5p.). (19) Dufferin and Ava, FrederickTemple HamiltonTemple Blackwood, 1st Marquis of, 1826-1902. http://oasis.harvard.edu/html/hou01322.html | |
40. Our Roots Nos Racines: Browse Title Journal du Marquis de Montcalm durant ses campagnes en Canada de 1756 à Author Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple HamiltonTemple-Blackwood, http://www.ourroots.ca/e/browse.asp?key=j&field=title&type=1&page=5 |
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