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41. Project Gutenberg 1720. Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869. Dufferin and Ava, Frederick TempleBlackwood, Marquis of, 1826-1902. Duhamel, Georges, 1884-1966. http://www.surfsteve.com/gutenberg/authors.htm | |
42. Project Gutenberg: INDEX OF AUTHORS Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869 Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood,Marquis of, 1826-1902 Dufresny, Charles Riviere, 1657-1724 AKA Dufresny, http://worldebooklibrary.com/ProjectGuternberg.htm | |
43. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : DUF of)(18261902) Painting 1; Duff-Gordon (Lucie, daughter of Sarah AUSTIN,Lady)(1821-1869) Painting 1; DuffIE (Alfred Napoleon Alexander http://www.onlipix.com/personages/duf.htm | |
44. CHAUNCEY BREWSTER TINKER MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION expand/contract this heading Bury, Charlotte Campbell, Lady, 17751861 expand/contract this heading Duff-Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 1821-1869 http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.tinker.nav.html | |
45. OSBORN 19TH CENTURY BOUND MANUSCRIPTS Osborn Shelves d 118 Doyle, Richard, 18241883 ALS to Lucie (Austin) Duff-Gordon,Lady Duff-Gordon (1821-1869) 1851 Mar 27, 17 Cambridge Terrace 12 p.; http://webtext.library.yale.edu/beinflat/osborn.dshelf.htm | |
46. Listing By AUTHOR - D - Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869 Letters From The Cape. Dufferin and Ava, FrederickTemple Blackwood, Marquis of, 1826-1902 Letters From High Latitudes. http://www.speakwise.com/Listing_Author/AL[D].htm | |
47. Letters From Egypt, 1863-65. - Gordon, , [Lucie Austin] Duff. Seller ID 12936 Lucie Duff Gordon (18211869) was part of a literary group whosemembers he was the model for the character Lady Jocelyn in George Meredith s http://www.mrtbooksla.com/si/12936.html | |
48. Travel/exploration Lucie Duff Gordon (18211869) was part of a literary group whose members includedDickens, Thackeray he was the model for the character Lady Jocelyn in George http://www.mrtbooksla.com/?page=shop/browse&category_id=39&CLSN_1452=11065392551 |
49. New Titles Listing - Monash University Library Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869. Matheson Library Rare Books, 965.03 D855F.Voyage of Pizarro and conquest of Peru. Matheson Library Rare Books Lindsay http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/collections/newtitles/general/general-050516.html | |
50. NYPL Digital Gallery | Browse Subjects Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869 Duff, Alexander, 1806-1878 Duff, George Duff, William, 1732-1815 Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood, http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgsubjectbrowseresult.cfm?alphaPos=D |
51. NYPL Digital Gallery | Dust Jackets From American And European Books, 1926-1947 Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869 Duncan, Isadora, 1877-1927 Dwellings Dwellings New York (State) New York Dwellings in art http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/explore/dgexplore.cfm?topic=all&colle |
52. A Preliminary Bibliographic Survey Of Women S 19thC Travel Sources Lady Burton s Edition of Her Husband s Arabian Nights. London Waterlow and Sons, Gordon, Lucie Duff (18211869). Letters From the Cape. http://etrc.lib.umn.edu/bibprim.htm | |
53. Peabody Books, 1524-1878 (bulk 1820-1850). DuffGordon, Lucie Austin, Lady (1821-1869). The French in Algiers. I. The Soldierof the Foreign Legion. II. The Prisoners of Abd-el-Kader. http://www.concordnet.org/library/scollect/Fin_Aids/Peabody_E_P.html | |
54. Primary Source Microfilm S Online Guides I. Wilde, Jane Francesca (Elgee) Lady, 18261896, tr. II. Duff-Gordon, Lucie (Austin)Lady, 1821-1869, tr. III. Title.Cf. Clark, WA Wilde and Wildeiana. http://microformguides.gale.com/BrowseGuide.asp?colldocid=1013000&Item=&Page=12 |
55. Le Roux SW Die Kaapse briewe van Lady Lucie Duff Gordon (18211869). South African Journalof Cultural History/Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Kultuurgeskiedenis, http://www.up.ac.za/services/research/report2001/2002/Faculties/EBIT/AGRT/Resear | |
57. Dating - Love Gordon LoveToKnow Article on Lucie Duff-Gordon Lucie Duff-Gordon Duff-Gordon,Lucie (1821-1869),. Lady GEORGIANA CHARLOTTE FULLERTON - LoveToKnow Article on http://www.fasdating.com/love/ |
58. Romance - Love Lucie DuffGordon - LoveToKnow Article on Lucie Duff-Gordon Lucie Duff-GordonDuff-Gordon, Lucie (1821-1869),. 5th earl of Warwick, and son of Lady Charlotte. http://www.romanceo.com/love/ | |
59. Publice Domain E-Books By Title Letters From The Cape, DuffGordon, Lucie, Lady 1821-1869. Project Gutenberg,1999. Letters Of A Woman Homesteader, Stewart, Elinore Pruitt http://library.morgan.edu/electron/ebook/public.htm | |
60. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Duff Gordon, Lucie, Lady, 18211869. Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood,Marquis of, 1826-1902. Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870 http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
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