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41. Theodore Dreiser - Books, Journals, Articles @ The Questia Online Library Dreiser, Theodore, 18711945 Criticism and interpretation Dreiser, Theodoredri sr, zr, 1871 1945, American of naturalism in American literature, http://www.questia.com/search/theodore-dreiser | |
42. Herman Theodore Dreiser Biography / Biography Of Herman Theodore Dreiser Main Bi American novelist Herman Theodore Dreiser (18711945) projected a vitality andan honesty that established several of his novels as classics of world http://www.bookrags.com/biography-herman-theodore-dreiser/ | |
43. Theodore Dreiser Dreiser, Theodore (18711945). Is it necessary to introduce the author of SisterCarrie (1900), Jennie Gerhardt (1911) and An American Tragedy (1925)? http://www.powys-lannion.net/Powys/America/Dreiser.htm | |
44. Misinformation About Theodore Dreiser Our Land, Our Literature Theodore Dreiser (18711945). Virginia B. Ball Centerfor Creative Inquiry, Ball State University. http://www.uncwil.edu/dreiser/misinformation.htm | |
45. Dreiser On The Web - Page 9 The Literary Encyclopedia. http//www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true UID=6703 .. Dreiser, Theodore (18711945). The Literary Encyclopedia http://www.uncwil.edu/dreiser/TDwebsites09.htm | |
46. Volume C: American Literature, 1865-1914 Theodore Dreiser (18711945). Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, Theodore Dreiser grewup in a poor family with an emotionally distant and morally rigid father. http://www.wwnorton.com/naal/vol_C/bio/drieser.htm | |
47. Guide To The Theodore Dreiser Collection,1897-1983 Theodore, Dreiser 18711945. Quantity. 24.7 linear ft. Forms of Material Dreiser, Helen Patges, d. 1955. Dreiser, Theodore, 1871-1945. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/EAD/htmldocs/RMM04604.html | |
48. Busse Library Web Nathaniel Hawthorne (18041864) Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) TheodoreDreiser Bibliography Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Theodore Dreiser http://www.mtmercy.edu/lib/lit8190.htm | |
49. The SAC LitWeb Theodore Dreiser Page The Theodore Dreiser Page. Dreiser Photograph. ( 18711945 ). Major Works SisterCarrie ( 1900 ). Norton ( 2nd) Critical Edition edited by Donald Pizer, http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/dreiser.htm | |
50. Valencia West LRC - Dreiser, Theodore Dreiser, Theodore (18711945). Pathfinder. July 1996. The following referencebooks can be used to get both biographical and critical information about http://valencia.cc.fl.us/lrcwest/Author_Pathfinders/dreiser.html | |
51. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy 18711945. Theodore Dreiser is considered to be the leading American practitioner of -Literary Research Guide Theodore Dreiser (1871 - 1945) http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/880/Amer | |
52. BrothersJudd.com - Review Of Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser 18711945. Theodore Dreiser is considered to be the leading American -Literary Research Guide Theodore Dreiser (1871 - 1945) http://www.brothersjudd.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/reviews.detail/book_id/881/Sist | |
53. Theodore Dreiser Translate this page Theodore Dreiser (EEUU, 1871-1945), Dreiser. Novelista y periodista estadounidenseperteneciente a la escuela naturalista. Dreiser nació el 27 de agosto de http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=2671 |
54. PinkMonkey.com Digital Library-Sister Carrie By Theodore Dreiser Dreiser, Theodore (18711945) - An American editor and novelist known as a leadingexponent of American naturalism. Sister Carrie (1900) - Dreisers first http://www.pinkmonkey.com/dl/library2/SisterCarrie01.asp | |
55. American Study Collection In American Resource Center Theodore Dreiser. Dreiser (18711945) is still considered one of the great Americanrealists, or naturalists. His novels deal with everyday life, http://usinfo.org/literature/r1.htm | |
56. Theodore Dreiser / A Traveler At Forty Theodore Dreiser (18711945) is established as a major American novelist ofpowerful and unstinting realism. His career peaked well before he died but not http://www.press.uillinois.edu/f04/dreiser.html | |
57. Dreiser / Art, Music, And Literature, 1897-1902 Theodore Dreiser (18711945) was an American author whose novels include SisterCarrie, Jennie Gerhardt, The Titan, and An American Tragedy. http://www.press.uillinois.edu/s01/dreiser.html | |
58. Project Gutenberg Titles By Dreiser, Theodore, 1871-1945 Project Gutenberg Titles by. Dreiser, Theodore, 18711945. The Financier Sister Carrie Sister Carrie (alternate edition) The Titan http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/author?name=Dreiser, Theodor |
59. Dreiser, Theodore (Norwegian Writers' Web) Norwegian Writers Center Norwegian Association of Literary Translators.Dreiser, Theodore USA 18711945. E-text Project Gutenberg http://www.litteraturnettet.no/d/dreiser.theodore.asp?lang=gb&type= |
60. Dreiser, Theodore (Litteraturnettet) Norsk Oversetterforening OM VIRUS OG SPAM. Dreiser, Theodore USA 18711945.E-tekst Project Gutenberg Tekst. Lenker Books and Writers Biografi http://www.litteraturnettet.no/d/dreiser.theodore.asp?lang=&type= |
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