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Douglas R K: more books (117) | ||
161. Archives: Story Our salon has been one of the most successful in Douglas, says Keeme, Keeme s other ventures have also included the forming of RK Investments Ltd., http://www.douglasdispatch.com/articles/2005/07/30/special/people_around_us/spec | |
162. Douglas County Map Shows major highways, county line, some cities. Interactive. http://tiger.census.gov/cgi-bin/mapsurfer?infact=2&outfact=2&act=move&am |
163. Moore, Douglas (18931969), United States. Includes biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, bibliography, and links to biographical essays. http://stevenestrella.com/composers/composerfiles/moore1969.html | |
164. Illeana Douglas Current Month TV Schedule TV schedule for the month, with dates, times, channels, and descriptions. http://www.tv-now.com/stars/illdoug.html | |
165. OMAHA -- DOUGLAS COUNTY History of the Omaha Douglas County region. http://www.casde.unl.edu/history/counties/douglas/omaha/omaha.htm | |
166. Perspective Of Mind: Douglas Hofstadter Essay discussing Hofstadter's views on intelligence and the mind. http://www.bizcharts.com/stoa_del_sol/conscious/conscious2.html | |
167. James' Lincoln-Douglas Debate Page Topic analysis of UIL and NFL topics. http://members.tripod.com/~jgscott/ | |
168. Douglas County Fair Website Includes schedule of events, vendors and vendor registration form, rules and regulations for the demolition derby and contact information. http://www.dgcountyfair.com/ | |
169. Douglas Sirk Boston Phoenix profile by Chris Fujiwara of the essential '50s director. http://www.bostonphoenix.com/archive/movies/99/08/19/douglas_sirk.html | |
170. Tahoe Douglas Chamber Of Commerce And Visitors Center Membership information for the Chamber of Commerce, and tourist and relocation information. http://www.tahoechamber.org/ | |
171. 25 år Med Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy DR Harddisken om Douglas Adams. http://www.dr.dk/Videnskab/Harddisken/Artikler/2004/1022143433.htm | |
172. Home Page Of Doug Wokoun Personal information, projects, photos, and resume. http://www.wokoun.com/ | |
173. Town Of Douglas, MA Official web site for the community. Includes telephone listings, bylaws, and municipal center resources. http://www.douglasma.org/ | |
174. John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, 1845-1914 Portrait, brief biography, his words for the hymn Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up. http://www.cyberhymnal.org/bio/c/a/campbell_jds.htm | |
175. Lloyd C. Douglas Biography and list of works. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/lcdougla.htm | |
176. Douglas Youth Club - Online Details on the projects and facilities provided by this Department of Education centre. http://www.douglasyouthclub.com/ | |
177. Douglas, Arizona Weather Forecast Current conditions, seven day forecasts, area weather maps and satellite pictures. http://www.weathercentral.com/weather/us/cities/az_douglas.html | |
178. "General Douglas MacArthur" Dedicated to the Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific theater during World War Two. http://members.tripod.com/~DARTO/macarthur/macarthur.html | |
179. Soroptimist International Douglas A worldwide organisation for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Provides a club and information about the Isle of Man. http://www.3legs.net/soroptimist/ |
180. Family Child Care Of Douglas County Provides articles, links and educational information for family child care providers and parents in the Lawrence/Douglas County area of Kansas. http://www.geocities.com/familychildcareofdc | |
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