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61. Bibliography Of American Literature, Table Of Contents + Donnelly, Ignatius Loyola 18311901. + Drake, Joseph Rodman 1795-1820.+ Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey 1823-1884 http://collections.chadwyck.com/bal/htxview?template=toc_hdft.htx&content=toc_d. |
62. Victorian And Edwardian Collection, D Donnelly, Ignatius, 18311901. Caesar s column a story of the twentieth century.London Ward, Lock, nd Donnison, A. Winning a wife in Australia a http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/vande/dvande.htm | |
63. Cult Archaeology Introduction Ignatius Donnelly (18311901), wrote Atlantis the Antediluvian World. Ignatius Donnellys map of Atlantis (1882) It is a remarkable book, http://kjmatthews.users.btopenworld.com/cult_archaeology/lost_continents.html | |
64. A Journal Of Alternative News newspaper publisher, and politician Ignatius Donnelly (18311901) publishedAtlantis The Antediluvian World, a book that would eventually go through http://www.newdawnmagazine.com.au/Articles/Crypto-HistoryP1.html | |
65. Search Results Article 2 of 200; 94 words DID YOU KNOW? Ignatius Donnelly (18311901) was a prominentwhite politician and writer in Minnesota, who opposed slavery. http://www.newslibrary.com/nlsearch.asp?forceTheme=RealCities&s_site=twincities& |
66. MS.037 Donnelly, Ignatius (18311901); Doremus, Robert Ogden (1824-1906); Dorr, JuliaCaroline (n?e Ripley) (1825-1913); Douglas, Amanda Minnie (1831-1916); Dow, http://www.library.jhu.edu/collections/specialcollections/manuscripts/msregister | |
67. Talk.origins/Evolution Echo Biographica File 'D' .Donnelly, Ignatius 18311901 Lawyer, populist, Baconian, catastrophist.Author of Atlantis the Antediluvian World (1882), Ragnarok (18? http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/jargon/biofile_d.html | |
68. Ragnarok : The Age Of Fire And Gravel By Ignatius Donnelly - Project Gutenberg E Creator, Donnelly, Ignatius (18311901). Title, Ragnarok the Age of Fire andGravel. Language, English. LoC Class, GN Geography, Anthropology, http://pge.rastko.net/etext/5109 | |
69. Becker Medical Library Books T=Atlantis the antediluvian world / by Ignatius Donnelly ; edited by Egerton Sykes.A=Donnelly, Ignatius, 18311901. N=Vavra CB 425 D685a 1949 (BACS 687772). | |
70. Jmccanneyscience.com : How To Contact Us June 17, 2004 sub page showing 2 pages of Ignatius Donnelly s (18311901) bookentitled Ragnorak, or, The Age of Fire and Gravel published in 1883 http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/JUNE 17 2004 sub page.HTM | |
71. Donnelly.org Examples of modern day Donnellys are Charles Francis Donnelly (18361909), the Catholiclawyer; Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901), politician and reformer; and http://www.donnelly.org/modules/newbb/reply.php?forum=3&post_id=8&topic_id=8&vie |
72. Ultimasurf - Your Ultimate Surf Engine! - Archived Copies Translate. Preview of Biographical Directory of the United StatesCongress Donnelly, Ignatius (18311901) by Thumbshots, http://www.ultimasurf.net/cgi-ultimasurf/ultimasurfdirectory/ultimasurfbot.pl?et |
73. Download Free Ebooks Diesel Ebooks Silver Skates. GN, Non Fiction Atlantis/Deluge/Ethnology, Donnelly, Ignatius(1831-1901), Atlantis the Antediluvian World. GN, Atlantis http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=freebookauthor |
74. Download E-books At Diesel Ebooks GN, Atlantis Drift Comets, Donnelly, Ignatius (18311901), Ragnarok The Age OfFire And Gravel. BM, Judaism Rashi, 1040-1105, Liber, Maurice (), Rashi, http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=freetitle |
75. Literature Traces the career of Ignatius Donnelly (18311901), whose varied career aspolitician, author and reformer brought him failure more often than success. http://history.smsu.edu/wrmiller/Populism/texts/Documents/Bibliography/literatur | |
76. Precursors Ignatius Donnelly (18311901), a member of the American Congress in the days ofLincoln (1863-1869), ran in 1900 as a candidate for the Vice-Presidency on http://www.varchive.org/ce/precursors.htm | |
77. History, Pre-History, Archaeology, And Evolution the Age of the Fire and Gravel by Ignatius Donnelly; This is a classic. Reviewer Pam Hanna The writings of Ignatious Donnelly (18311901) are http://www.ycsi.net/users/reversespins/history.html | |
78. CRI Journal - CRJ0054A Contemporary interest in Atlantis can be traced to a selfeducated Americanpolitician named Ignatius TT Donnelly (1831-1901). http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/web/crj0054a.html | |
79. Copyright 1994 By The Christian Research Institute *ATLANTIS REBORN* Contemporary interest in Atlantis can be traced to a selfeducatedAmerican politician named Ignatius TT Donnelly (1831-1901). http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-jrnl/crj0054a.txt |
80. Biographica: Compiled By Wesley R. Elsberry Donnelly, Ignatius 18311901 Lawyer, populist, Baconian, catastrophist.Author of Atlantis the Antediluvian World (1882), Ragnarok (18? http://www.rtis.com/nat/user/elsberry/evobio/evc/biograph.html | |
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