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81. Domestic Annals Of Scotland - Reign Of Queen Anne: 1702 - 1714 Daniel Defoe, who could so cleverly expose the intolerance of the Church of an act of immorality on which a parliamentary act of 1661 imposed a penalty http://www.electricscotland.com/history/domestic/vol3ch3e.htm | |
82. RESEARC H SEMINARS March 1990 - September 1994 HOME The Research Funeral sermons printed before 1661. The economy of Uttar Pradesh 19471990 . A definitive canon of books and pamphlets written by Daniel Defoe. http://www.r-alston.co.uk/semlist.htm | |
83. History Today: The Educational Archive Of Articles, News And Study Aids For Teac The Cavalier Parliament and the Reconstruction of the Old Regime, 16611667 Daniel Defoe and Henry Fielding How War Came - The Immediate Origins of http://www.historytoday.com/dm_getArticle.asp?gid=16624 |
84. Melissa M. Mowry - Thieves, Bawds, And Counterrevolutionary Fantasies: The Life For by 1722, just eight years after Smith s work, Daniel Defoe used Moll In January 1661, Thomas Venner had at tempted End Page 31 to lead the Fifth http://muse.jhu.edu/demo/journal_for_early_modern_cultural_studies/v005/5.1mowry | |
85. Dundee City Council Scotland - List Of Rare Books In Central Library, Wellgate, Defoe, Daniel see De Foe, Daniel 16001661, principal of St. Mary s College,St Andrews) some few dayes beffor his death ; also Two pious prophetical http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/centlib/rare/rare.htm | |
86. Antiquariaat De Stille Kracht At Antiqbook.be 1661 CHRISTIE AGATHA Passagier voor Frankfurt. 8267 Defoe Daniel - Roxana.De gelukkige minnares of de geschiedenis betreffende het leven en het http://www.antiqbook.be/boox/sti/books1000.shtml | |
87. FAMOUS PEOPLE Essays Daniel Boone, 792. Daniel Defoe, 797. Daniel Hale Williams, 1061. Daniel Keyes,144 Duke Ellington, 1661. Duke Ellington, 935 http://www.megaessays.com/categories/people/D.html | |
88. All Good Friends man enslaved by the natives of Madagascar was a fiction written by Daniel Defoe, It is based on the edition of Daniel Heinsius (15801655), http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/exhibitions/all_good_friends/captions.htm | |
89. ***WARNING*** This List Takes 20 Pages To Print Out 02 May 2005 OC The Irish village murder / Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel, 1661? A journal of theplague year being obs Deighton, Len Deighton, Len, 1929 Spy hook Deighton, http://www.oregoncity.lib.or.us/lists/oc-lprint.txt |
90. Hyde Brothers, Booksellers At Antiqbook.com 26502 Defoe, Daniel The Works of Daniel Defoe, in Sixteen Volumes 16023 Defoe,Daniel - Religious Courtship or Marriage on Christian Principles Being A http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/hyd/books2000.shtml | |
91. AuthorID AuthorSurname AuthorForename AuthorFullName 3789 Flagg Debenham Frank Frank Debenham 781 Defoe Daniel Daniel Defoe 782 Deighton Keating HRF HRF Keating 1660 Kee Robert Robert Kee 1661 Keegan John John http://www.calibre.org.uk/CDRom/author-for-CDRom.txt |
92. CROSSOVER CHRONOLOGY PART 2 859-1800 16601661 - The Man in the Iron Mask, by Alexandre Dumas. Adventures, andPyracies of the Famous Captain Singleton as recounted by Daniel Defoe. http://www.pjfarmer.com/secret/chron/chron/chron2-revised.htm | |
93. ±è³²ÁßÀÇ ¸ñȸ ¾ÆÅ°ºê Translate this page 006 ?(Daniel Defoe, 1661-1737)/? ?(The Life and Strange SuprisingAdventures of Robinson Crusoe) 007 (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, http://doingtheology.co.kr/jboard/?p=detail&code=ministry&id=66&page=4 |
94. BSR (Bibliothèque Sonore Romande) - Liste Des Cds (mp3) Translate this page 12564, Defoe, Daniel, Robinson Crusoé, 1. 12798, DEL CASTILLO, Michel DUFREIGNE, Jean-Pierre, Louis XIV 2 Les passions et la gloire 1661-1670, 1 http://www.bsr-lausanne.ch/index.php?menu=28 |
95. Marot, Daniel -- Encyclopædia Britannica Daniel Marot born 1661, Paris died June 4, 1752, The Hague Daniel DefoeBibliomania.com Etext of the novels including Moll Flanders and Robinson http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9051057 |
96. Timeline 1661-1699 1661 Mar 24, William Leddra became the last Quaker to be hanged in Boston. 16701850 Daniel Cohen s 1993 Pillars of Salt, Monuments of Grace is a book http://timelines.ws/1661_1699.HTML | |
97. Road To Riches Defoe, who recorded the state of trade, commerce and industrial activity It is estimated that 10 million Africans were enslaved between 1661 and 1808. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/road_to_riches/prog4/prog4.stm | |
98. Channel 4 - History - An Interview With Justin Champion You know, Defoe s work is based on historical sources. In 1661, they triedto encourage Christ s rule by killing all the wealthy they could find. http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/c-d/champion.html | |
99. Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:80:Stourbridge Fair (Alan Sinder) - Metaweb In 1661 Newton accordingly entered as a student at Cambridge, Daniel Defoealso wrote of the fair as part of his Tour of Great Britain in 1724, http://www.metaweb.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Stephenson:Neal:Quicksilver:80:Stou |
100. Counterpoints 2002 the Whigish Defoe in the role of Gulliver since Defoe was born in 1661 the Defoe, like the architect of the British colonisation of South Australia, http://ehlt.flinders.edu.au/projects/counterpoints/Proc_2002/A9.htm | |
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